
I will train the 102

"Commander Shumway will give Bellamy Blake a gun to shoot Chancellor Jaha the day the dropship leaves but now that Diana is dead, I'm not sure if that's still true. Either way, Shumway is corrupt and a danger to the people. He will be floated." Damon said flatly.

Marcus's eyes went wide before nodding.

"I always knew he was corrupt, but I was never able to find any proof." Marcus frowned.

Corrupt guards weren't something uncommon. The power they carried was something that got to a lot of their heads allowing them to do bad things without getting caught.

Some guards stole while some forced women to sleep with them for food or medicine. This also made Marcus understand why Damon didn't want the guards to go to the ground first. Who knew what they might fuck up.

"Did he shoot me?" Jaha asked with a frown.

"Yeah, but don't worry, Abby here saved you." Damon chuckled while looking at the surprise on Jaha's face.

"Bellamy did it because his sister was going down to earth and he's not exactly very fond of you." Damon held back a chuckle at Jaha's face of understanding.

He could only imagine the amount of people who hated him on the ark.

"Your welcome Thelonious," Abby smirked at Jaha, and he just rolled his eyes.

"I will train the 102 on how to survive on the ground. Every day you will bring them here for 12 hours a day. No one else is allowed except for them."

"What about Clarke? She's in lock up." Abby said

"She will come here too. All of these kids will be told that the Ark is dying so it doesn't matter." Damon said.

"This could cause problems," Jaha said while already understanding that he didn't have much of a choice except to follow Damon's orders.

"Lock down the prison. No more visits to lock up." 

The others all agreed and nodded.

"I understand we only have enough drop ships for 700 people to reach Earth despite the ark's population of almost 2,300," Damon said and watched as everyone's heads snapped to look at Jaha who had a poker face but still nodded.

"You never told me this," Abby said surprised that Jaha had kept something from her.

"It wasn't supposed to be a problem for another hundred years," Jaha said in defense and everyone looked at Damon and their suspicions lessened even more as they began believing that he really could see the future.

"It doesn't matter. I have enough exodus ships for three thousand people." Damon said

"I was never told of any other ships," Jaha said in confusion.

"You weren't told of a boy who could see the future either but guess what." Damon shrugged

"Yeah." Jaha scratched his chin in annoyance.

"What about the others? Do we tell them you're now the leader of the ark?" Jaha asked to confirm the plans.

"There is no more Chancellor or council. It sucks but I don't care for a vote. Well need to take on the customs of the ground. From now on I am the Sky King and I make the final decisions."

"Sky King. Really?" Abby asked with a face of question.

"We got to fit in down there. Besides, I think it sounds quite nice." Damon nodded while thinking of his cool new name.

"Whatever," Marcus said while trying not to cringe but remembered this was only still a boy. A dangerous one.

"Alright. In 6 months, we and the 102 will leave. Bring the others here tomorrow at 6 am. Everyone except for Thelonious and Abby can leave."

Damon watched as everyone walked out except for the two he asked to stay.

Finally, Damon looked over at Jaha and Abby who looked at him with curious faces.

"You two face a lot of hardships in the future causing you to make very questionable decisions. But let me make it very clear that if you endanger the people of the ark in any way, I will kill you." Damon said with a very serious face before he and Thing 2 walked back through the door with it closing behind them automatically.

Jaha looked over at Marcus and Abby who were sitting on the couch in his room.

"Do you really believe he can see the future?" Jaha asked the two while pouring everyone a drink of the wine he had been saving.

Today felt like the day for it.

"He knows things that we didn't even know. Things we aren't sure are even true yet. It could be all lies." Marcus said though he wasn't entirely convinced of his words.

"How does he even know our names or anything for that matter? He was locked within a cryo pod in a room that hadn't been opened for probably centuries, yet he knows our entire situation including secrets that people on the ark don't even know of yet." Abby countered.

She firmly believed that Damon was able to see the future.

"If he can see the future then the power, he wields is unimaginable. He will know us better than we know ourselves, able to guess the decisions we will make even before we do."

All three of them shuddered at the power and wealth of knowledge that Damon held.

"We couldn't go against him even if we wanted to. We've already seen what he's willing to do to those who betray the ark and with those robot things following behind him at all times it would be impossible to take him down without losing hundreds of people first." Jaha said with a frown.

The fact that someone held so much power over him made him uncomfortable, he also remembered Damon's last words to him.

"Are we going to let him train those kids?" Marcus asked Jaha.

"We don't have much of a choice and if what he said is true then this is probably the best route to take." Jaha nodded

"We don't even know how he is going to train them. I don't trust him with Clarke." Abby said defiantly.

Scared about what Damon would do to a bunch of innocent kids.

"He's not going to hurt them. I could see it in his eyes, he cares about them. Besides, we were about to sacrifice them not even 24 hours ago, this is much better." Jaha pointed out the hypocrisy of it all.

"Fine," Abby said while wondering how Damon would train the kids.

"Let's all get some rest. A lot is going to change within the next year. We might even be on the ground within 6 or 7 months, something we could never have imagined." 

Jaha smiled at the thought of finally reaching the ground though his happiness was somewhat dulled by the thought of maybe having to go to war right when they got there.