
The 100: Rise of the Elemental Warrior

Rebecca had been a normal person. She had a family, friends, a job, and lived her life until she was 37 then suddenly died in a car accident. Although she had never considered the afterlife, she never expected that she would spend it living through television shows and videogames. The person who she knew as her older brother returned to her after she died and revealed that he was a God. Instead of allowing her to reincarnate, he took her soul, and that of another's, and placed them both into the world of The 100 as important characters. Aside from their knowledge of the plotline, he gave them both unique abilities that they will be able to teach to the other... if they can find each other, that is. Rebecca, now Octavia Blake, must learn how to use her new powers while surviving in a world of Grounders, Mountain Men, a looming second Death Wave of radiation, and a crazy cult that is determined to start the Last War. Can she save herself and those she comes to accept as family? Or will her meddling with the timeline make new dangers appear? ********************** Chapters are released at the resets on Wednesdays and Fridays. Also, I'm trying to make the MC as 'human' as possible, so in the beginning, she will make bad decisions, questionable choices, and be scared of coming forward, but she will grow from all of that and become a strong, confidence MC. Please leave me comments or a rating if you like it! None of my friends and family will read this, so I just want some serious feedback! lol

Azazii · TV
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100 Chs

Luna kom Floukru Joins the Team

A woman with frizzy, dark auburn hair stood off by the gates of Polis with a young girl, she had dirty blonde hair and was about eight years old. The pair were Luna and Adria who were watching the members of Skaikru unload supplies from the rover that we would be using to head to the coast. Sinclair and Abby were checking the inventory as things were taken off the truck and sorting everything into groups by where they would go. Raven and I were helping, of course, and I even wrangled Echo into doing some work when I caught her just standing off to the side.

With the dozen or so hands that we had, it did not take long for us to transfer everything into the small carts that Lexa had provided. Kane led those that were staying in Polis towards the bunker while the few going to Becca's Island climbed into the back of the truck. I made my way over to Luna and Adria and gave them a smile.

"You must be Luna. Lincoln told me a lot about you," I said.

"And you are Natfaya, the Mountain Slayer," Luna replied, eyeing me warily.

I sighed, making a slight face of discomfort, "If that is how you wish to address me, you may, but I prefer Octavia. Natfaya is a weapon, and I've had enough of the death that follows along with that title."

"Octavia, then," she said.

"I wanted to thank you for helping Lexa and I with this. I promise that I will heal the damage as soon as the procedure is done, before you even wake up from the anesthesia."

"I am doing this for my people, not your thanks."

I smirked bitterly. While Luna was a kind woman that only wanted peace, she was also a Commander's novitiate from Lexa's group. She fled after being forced to kill her brother in the first round of the Conclave, so not only was she an incredible warrior, she also had a strong distrust of anything tied to the mantle of the Commander. I did not think that she would turn on us necessarily, especially with Adria present, but getting her to trust me and Skaikru would still be difficult.

"That may be, but you still have it. I had hoped to give your daughter a gift, but I'll leave it with you until you trust me a little more," I said, pulling out a small, metal figurine of a sea gull. "I thought she might miss the sea in the future."

Luna looked at the gift with some suspicion, but Adria's eyes were locked on the life-like bird with a smile on her face.

"Hey, you guys ready? The rover is all packed up except for us," Raven asked as she walked up.

"Nearly," I replied, turning around to look at Raven then put my arm around her waist. "Raven, this is Luna, leader of Floukru. Luna, this is Raven, my companion."

Raven blushed lightly with my words and said, "It's nice to meet you."

Luna's expression softened slightly, and she gave Raven a nod. "Well met. This is Adria," Luna said, placing a hand on the girl's head and smiling for the first time. "Go on, take the gift. I know you want it."

"Thank you," Adria said with a big smile as she took the bird out of my hands.

"You should ask her to make it do some tricks," Raven encouraged.

Luna gave us a questioning look, but Adria was too excited and immediately asked, "Can you make it do some tricks?"

I chuckled and squatted down so that I was eye level with her. "Okay, hold out your hands like this and let the bird rest in your palms," I instructed, showing her what I wanted.

She did as I said and I placed a finger on the figurine, transferring mana into it. Under my control, the sea gull spread its wings and flapped its wings as it floated into the air. Adria watched on in wonder while I made the bird fly around her and then land on her shoulder, nuzzling into her cheek. It hopped down her arm and settled back into her palm, folding its wings back in and returning to its still state.

"How did you do that?!?" Adria asked with amazement.

"It's a special power that I awoke when I came down here. My people used to live up in the sky, but our home was dying, so I was sent with a group of people to see if the surface was survivable for us. I'm the only person from my clan to have these powers, but it's how I was able to help save the people that the Mountain Men had taken," I answered.

"Can I do it too?" she asked.

"I don't think so, I'm afraid. There is a special energy in my body that powers them which I can't sense in you. There is only one person who I've sensed this power in and that's the Heda."

"She's scary," the young girl remarked quietly.

I chuckled, "Lexa can be, but she does that to scare the bad people who would want to hurt others. Heda just wants to make a place where all people can get along together, despite the differences between the clans."

Luna gave me a look of surprise and doubt, but her face turned peaceful as soon as Adria looked up at her and gave her a smile.

"Are you two ready to go?" I asked, standing up.

"Yes, thank you," Luna replied.

I gave her a nod and motioned towards the truck. Luna and Adria walked ahead while Raven and I followed behind. I helped everyone climb into the back of the truck and sat next to Raven, sliding an arm around her waist. She stole one of my earbuds, but I just chuckled and played my music.

It was a long ride, and when we reached the Dead Zone, there was nothing but sand to look at, but still, it only took half the day for us to reach the coast thanks to the rover. There was already a boat waiting for us with a few members of Floukru standing by, but we decided to head to the island in the morning. Most of the Skaikru that were with us were members of Sinclair's engineering team, but there were also a few Guardsmen, though all but two would be taking the rover back in the morning.

While most of our group settled down for the night in the buildings that flanked the dock Raven, Echo, and I headed down along the beach. Echo did not feel comfortable around my people, and even less around Floukru despite their peaceful lifestyle, and Raven was not about to leave me alone with her, even if we were going to spar. It made for an awkward evening under the moonlight, but I forgot all about that as I faced off against Echo.

It was my first time sparring since I had transformed, but it quickly became clear that there were still changes that I was discovering. I thought it had just been my sensitivity to mana, and my inability to get drunk, but as Echo and I traded blows, my eyes could easily follow all of her movements and I could react without having to rely on boosting my speed with my mana. She seemed to notice the difference, so she started pulling out new tricks and feints, but it was still not enough for her to best me as she normally could. Her stubbornness to admit my sudden improvement meant that we sparred for much longer than normal, lasting two hours, before she was finally forced to call an end to it, because of her own exhaustion.

We had brought a couple of bedrolls with us, so Echo took hers and set it up off to the side while I sat with Raven until she fell asleep. Sleep was something that was becoming less and less important to me, since I could meditate to remove my fatigue, so I watched over the pair by stretching out both my Earth and Wind Domains to cover them. It was a cloudless night, so I could see thousands of stars unlike anything that I had seen in my past life, since there was no light pollution; it was beautiful, and I could not help but think what it would be like to travel among them.

I sensed someone approaching and turned to find Luna walking up. I pulled the blanket over Raven's shoulders, before I stood up and headed to meet her. Luna looked me over, almost like she was sizing me up, and stopped so that she was not too close to either one of the sleeping women.

"It's a beautiful evening, no?" I asked, trying to make the atmosphere between us less tense.

"Is that why you sit out here instead of being with your people?" Luna asked.

"I am with my people. I care for my clan, but like the way that you look at me, they do as well, and these are some of the few who still treat me like me. I imagine you know what it feels like when the world is constantly trying to turn you into a monster. The only difference between us, is that if I ran from it, things would be a lot worse than they are now."

"Then Lexa told you about me?"

I nodded, "We've gotten close due to our unique powers and have come to rely on each other greatly."

"Then you should also know what she has asked of me after we leave the bunkers."

"That you will become Heda. This is a chance at rebirth for all of our people; no longer different clans, but one clan. That is what Floukru believes in, no? United by the desire for peace. Lexa may have formed the Coalition, but that was to combat an enemy, not for peace. You're different, and our people will be different after surviving this trial. What if all of us could experience the peace that Floukru had?"

"You really believe that's possible to rule over that many people? Floukru's peace is built off our small numbers and isolation."

"For being the last of humanity, our numbers will be small, and the bunkers are our isolation, unless Lexa and I stumble across the Garden of Eden," I chuckled since I knew that we would find Eden. "I believe it's possible with the support of good people, so why not change the world when the chance comes?"

"And you really believe Lexa will just give up her title and the Flame?"

"I do. Why else offer it? She is already Heda, and while we do need your help, so that we can use Becca's Lab, the procedure could be done in Polis if Abby, our doctor, was not so determined to test everything multiple times. I don't care who leads the survivors, so long as the people I care about are safe. You want peace, Lexa wants peace, I want peace... why not have someone who understands the concept lead? I'll support you however you need; my powers lend themselves greatly to making buildings and healing the sick and injured. I just want a place where I can stop seeing my friends die around me."

Luna sighed, looking out towards the ocean, and replied, "I never wanted to be Heda. There were so many things I was forced to do as a novitiate that still haunt me to this day."

"Which is why we should change things now that we have the chance. This is the eve of a new age for all of humanity. We don't have to forget the past, but we do need to learn from it."

Luna gave me a light smile and said, "You surprise me. You're an excellent warrior and keep training, yet you do seem to want to put down your weapon."

"When I first asked Lincoln to start to teach me how to fight, he asked me why and my answer still has not changed. I only want enough strength to protect those that I care about."

"Lincoln was a good man."

"He was," I agreed. "Without him, even with my powers, my friends and I would be dead many times over. I owed him a lot more than I was able to give him."

"His spirit lives on, in you. Do what you can to keep honoring his memory," Luna said, placing a hand on my shoulder, before she turned and walked away.

I smiled as I watched her walk away, then headed back down the beach to sit by Raven. I checked over both her and Echo, making sure that they were covered and still sleeping, then settled down to meditate. With my Wind Domain activated, I kept the temperature comfortable and the salty breeze away so that they would have a peaceful night.

In the morning, the rover left while the rest of us got onto the boat and headed for the island. Things between Floukru and Skaikru had seemed to ease overnight as the two groups melded during the boat ride. Echo, Raven, and I sat on the end of the ship where Luna and Adria joined us. I kept the young girl entertained by making the bird fly around which made everyone but Echo smile, though I knew her well enough to tell she was happy and relaxing.

There was no one left behind on the island, so there was no one to greet us, but that did not mean that the island was defenseless. While a couple of people secured our boat to the dock, Raven pulled out a laptop and put in a couple of codes to shut down the drone network. After that, our group made our way to the mansion to unpack our gear and settle the sleeping arrangements.

The mansion was beautiful, to say the least. There were over a dozen bedrooms, a giant kitchen, a lounge with a pool table, and a library that was crammed with books. Raven showed Echo to Lexa's room which upon seeing it, my mouth would have hit the ground if it was physically possible. Pretty much every game system that I knew from my past life was on the shelves of the entertainment center and there were even bookshelves filled with video game cases.

"That bitch... she's been holding out on me," I mumbled as I looked around.

"What?" Echo asked confused.

"Lexa asked me to make sure that everything in her room got moved to the bunker, so I don't think she was," Raven chuckled.

"I don't understand. What are you two talking about?" Echo asked again.

"These are gaming systems, an Old-World invention, and something that I wasn't sure I would ever see again," I sighed as I walked up to the Playstation systems, one through five. As I ran my fingers over them, I chuckled, "There isn't even dust."

"So, is this going to be your new, number one toy?" Raven teased with a chuckle.

I blushed, realizing that my inner child was showing, and walked back over to her a little sheepishly.

"It's cute to see this side of you," Raven teased.

"Can you two find a different spot? I would rather not vomit in the room where I'll be staying," Echo remarked with annoyance as she walked into the room and dropped her bag on the bed.

I chuckled while Raven smirked and retorted, "It's not our fault that you and Lexa don't have such a close relationship."

"Our relationship is fine; it's Skaikru that simply has peculiar customs."

"If you say so... there is a bathroom through that door and the mansion has running, hot water, so enjoy," Raven said before the two of us walked away.

She led me through the hallways and downstairs to our room which was at the end, next to the garage as she had told me. We dropped off our bags on the bed and I laid back with a sigh of contentment since the bed was even nicer than the bed back in Polis. While I debated on how hard it would be to move this into one of the bunkers, Raven opened up the closet and pulled something out. I was still lost in my thoughts when she placed something on my lap.

"It's not a piano, but Katye thought that you would still be able to play it," Raven said.

I sat up and found a guitar case in my lap. With a chuckle, I flipped open the case and looked down at a cherry sunburst gibson acoustic guitar. The decorative pick guard told me that it was a hummingbird which was the guitar that my brother, Tori, had when I was growing up. He was the main reason why I was constantly listening to music because I grew up with him always playing songs and singing. When I picked up the guitar, it even had the same black strap with red stitching. There was even a pick underneath that had the initials "T.R.C.".

"What's wrong? We thought you would like it," Raven asked with concern as I started to tear up.

"It's... my brother's guitar. I bought him a dozen of these when I was nine for his eighteenth birthday. It took me a month to save up enough allowance money to get his initials engraved on them... Tori Russel Cox," I answered while I picked up the pick and ran my thumb over the gold letters.

Raven sat down next to me and put her hand on my knee as she asked, "You okay?"

"Yeah... it's a good thing," I said with a smile despite my tears. "He's the reason why I like music so much. Growing up, he would play for hours while my mother worked a second job to support us. It didn't matter if he was helping me with homework or annoying me while I tried to play video games, he would always be strumming a song."

She chuckled as she leaned onto my shoulder, "So, does that mean he taught you how to play it?"

I closed the case and set it down on the ground then righted the guitar on my thigh. My fingers found their spot on the neck, and I tested out the different chords, finding them all in tune. I ended up playing the first song that popped into my mind: "Collide" by Ed Sheeran.

"Oh, yeah, we've been in the rain

Been on the rocks, but we found our way

We've ordered pizza to an aeroplane

Slept on the beach like we were castaways

"We've been in the storm

Been to an Irish bar in central Rome

Driven to hospitals with broken bones

We've shared a toothbrush and shared our home

"We've seen the moon reflect on the rollin' tide

Been up at 5:00 a.m., watchin' the sunrise

Because the world looks better when I'm by your side

Oh I, oh I, oh I

"When you and I collide

You bring me to life

Yeah, you bring me to life

You bring me to life..."

Raven gently pulled me by my chin as I sang and sealed my lips with her own. It was moments like this that would become my fondest memories. There was no struggle or impeding danger looming immediately over our heads. This was just a moment of happiness and love.