
The 100: Rise of the Elemental Warrior

Rebecca had been a normal person. She had a family, friends, a job, and lived her life until she was 37 then suddenly died in a car accident. Although she had never considered the afterlife, she never expected that she would spend it living through television shows and videogames. The person who she knew as her older brother returned to her after she died and revealed that he was a God. Instead of allowing her to reincarnate, he took her soul, and that of another's, and placed them both into the world of The 100 as important characters. Aside from their knowledge of the plotline, he gave them both unique abilities that they will be able to teach to the other... if they can find each other, that is. Rebecca, now Octavia Blake, must learn how to use her new powers while surviving in a world of Grounders, Mountain Men, a looming second Death Wave of radiation, and a crazy cult that is determined to start the Last War. Can she save herself and those she comes to accept as family? Or will her meddling with the timeline make new dangers appear? ********************** Chapters are released at the resets on Wednesdays and Fridays. Also, I'm trying to make the MC as 'human' as possible, so in the beginning, she will make bad decisions, questionable choices, and be scared of coming forward, but she will grow from all of that and become a strong, confidence MC. Please leave me comments or a rating if you like it! None of my friends and family will read this, so I just want some serious feedback! lol

Azazii · TV
Not enough ratings
100 Chs

It's The End Of The World As We Know It

I was lazily gliding through the air, enjoying the warm sun on my scales and the cool wind under my wings. With an outstretched two-talon claw, I created storm clouds trailing behind me and, with my tail, I would disperse them throughout the world. It was a simple task to bring water to a desert world, but one that I enjoyed greatly.

"I should have known that I'd find you playing and relaxing on a minor world," a voice said from the void.

I circled around to where the void opened with a flash of blue and purple light, hiding it from mortal eyes with the clouds that I created. A being of violet light stepped out of the void and fluttered the four, dragonfly-like wings on her back, dispelling the cloak that she used to travel. The action revealed a beautiful woman with violet hair and eyes. For clothing, she only wore a few pieces of violet ivy that covered her nipples and lower region. On her brow, there was a crown of lime green daisies that marked her position as the Fairy Queen.

"Life here could use a helping hand," I chuckled as I shifted into my humanoid form.

"The world can manage on its own. War is brewing in the eastern worlds, and five of our children have gotten pulled into the mix," Alkatyenia replied.

I gave a weary smile while shaking my head and said, "Millions of years old and you would think that they would understand the foolishness of such actions."

"This isn't a minor squabble over resources... A darkness is stirring."

"Darkness is always stirring," I retorted with a wave of my hand. "When Light shines brightly, Darkness can only stir in the shadows."

"The name of Entode had been mentioned on the other side," she replied with a sly smile.

"Entode is dead," I stated firmly. "I killed him with my own hands."

"We both know that the old Devil would have many ways to preserve his life."

My nostrils flared with anger, igniting the area around me in gray flames. "Tell me which of our children came to you... If I find no link to Entode, they will be punished," I promised.

"Azazii, but my own sources support her claim."

"Then we shall go," I replied, extinguishing the flames around me with a thought, then closed the distance between us and wrapped my arms her petite frame. "After we settle yet another one of our children's problems, how about we spend a few hundred years in Karina Falls?"

She gave a bell-like laugh, draping her arms over my shoulders, and ran her fingers over the tips of my horns, causing me to purr with pleasure. "That would be nice. It has been some time since we enjoyed the azure sands and warm waters."

"Fresh iska nectar, bowls of sunoo berries over ice," I tempted with a loving smile.

"Are you trying to convince me to forget Azazii's request?"

"Is it working?" I teased.

"No," she retorted before she kissed me.


Memories of my dreams faded away as my consciousness slowly returned, but the sensation of soaring through the sky stayed with me. It had always been a wish of mine to fly and, although my first had ended painfully, I had not lost hope that I would be able to do it safely.

This was the first time that I had woken up in a different location without pain though my body did feel sluggish. Considering that I had not expected to wake up at all, there was not a complaint in my mind. Eventually, I managed to open my eyes and found myself in a wood panel room. My armor had been removed, so either Lexa had removed it, or they had cut it off of me since I knew there was not any mana left inside of the pieces. The question was answered when I heard the sound of a page turning and looked over to find Lexa sitting in a chair near me.

"Hey," I said softly.

"Hey yourself," she said with a broad smile, setting her book aside. "You were really starting to worry us."

"Sorry, I wanted to get a jumpstart on my vacation," I teased.

She chuckled softly and placed a hand on my arm. "Before I call for Raven and Echo, there is something that I need to tell you. When they found us, our injuries had all been healed except for one, your left hand."

She pulled back the cover and I slowly lifted my left arm. My pinky and ring fingers and a sliver of my palm were gone. I could vaguely remember when Iseto must have landed the attack, but there was nothing that I could do about it now.

"Light Healing can't repair what is lost," I sighed, letting my hand drop. "Still, I'm alive, you're alive, Raven and Echo... I think that's my best record so far."

She smirked, shaking her head, "Since you took the news well, I'll go get them. Raven has rarely left your side, but Echo has managed to convince her to start learning how to fight, so they're sparring on the open lower level."

"Has Praimfaya happened yet?" I asked.

"Two days away. We're in the Lighthouse Bunker on Becca's Island."

I let out a chuckle of relief as I said, "We're really going to have a break."

"I'll go get them," she said, standing up.

Lexa walked out of the room, and I slowly sat up. I was not in pain, but my body was still exhausted which made it harder to move, but not impossible. My hand felt strange, pushing myself up, but it was something that I would get used to with time. While I waited, I closed my eyes and focused my mind inwards as if to meditate.

I had only wanted to check if I could still sense and stir my mana, but I slipped into a true, deep meditation where I would normally see gray storm clouds that looked like a swirling mass. Now, however, the clouds took on the shape of a western dragon in flight. Lightning pulsed through its 'body' from a central mass in the chest like a heartbeat. While I did not understand what the changes meant, I had a feeling that I knew the cause.

At the end my fight with Iseto, I had transformed into something else, likely completing my Dusa form as Asad had called it. There was certainly a difference in the feeling between my Black Fire Demon form and whatever form I had been in. In my Black Fire Demon form, I acted mostly out of instinct and could barely control what I was doing unless there was something important that I needed to do, like protecting the people that I cared about. The other form did not overload my mind with anger and rage that wanted to lash out, but rather, it was like a calm ocean that filled me with a strong power unlike what I had felt before. It strengthened all of the powers that I had while opening the door for more, if I could master the form.

My sense snapped back to the real world as I heard the sound of footsteps rushing towards my room. I opened my eyes a moment before Raven ran into the room and smiled at her. She stopped for a second then threw herself into my arms. I held for a while as a few tears escaped from her eyes and Echo and Lexa stayed in the doorway shortly after her arrival.

"It's okay… I'm okay," I comforted as I rubbed her back gently.

"I was so scared that you would never wake up after Katye did two weeks ago," she whispered, holding on to me tightly.

"I'm sorry… It took a lot out of me to win that fight, but I did and we're together, all of us," I said while giving Lexa and Echo a smile.

Raven sat up and nodded her head. "You're right."

"But we are reported as dead. Luna, Clarke, Kane, Indra, Roan, Sinclair, and Bellamy know the truth that we are alive, but to the rest of those in the bunkers, Heda Lexa kom Trikru and Octavia Blake kom Skaikru died protecting them from Iseto and his army. It will ease the transition for Luna's reign as Heda and give us the chance to truly step down after we handle Diyoza and her crew," Lexa explained.

"I knew we had talked about it, but I wasn't sure if you were going to do it," I replied, putting an arm around Raven's waist as she settled in next to me.

"Echo also knows the truth about our identities, so you don't have to pretend anymore. I know that not being able to be completely honest has been one of the things that have bothered you the most. You might have to figure out your situation with Bellamy, but at least with us, you can just be Rebecca. We owe you that much," Lexa added.

I could feel a few tears of relief building up, but I blinked them away and chuckled, "It might drive Echo insane, but thank you. I know it is a lot harder for you to give up being Lexa than for me to stop being Octavia."

"Without you, I would be dead, so it was the least that I could do to repay the favor. We'll let you two catch up," Katye said before she walked off.

"It's good to see you awake… Rebecca," Echo said then followed behind Katye.

I gave an awkward chuckle since it was strange hearing Echo call me by my real name instead of Octavia. Although she had revealed the truth to Raven, that had been due to a slip, so I was surprised that Katye had decided to tell Echo, who was a Grounder, but then again, Echo had already demonstrated time and time again that she was truly on our side. There had been plenty of chances for her to leave or betray us, yet she continued to put her life on the line to fight beside us. We owed her the truth more than anyone else.

"How have things been with Echo and Katye?" I asked, leaning my head on Raven's shoulder.

"Quiet… Katye spends most of her time reading which has left Echo and I to find our own means to pass the time. After disassembling and reassembling the motorcycle that was still in here, I finally caved in and took Echo up on her offer to teach me how to fight. I may never get to your level, but I should be able to protect myself by the time that we have to handle Diyoza," Raven replied.

"If you're serious about it, I'll give you what tips I can, but honestly, Echo probably has the most experience out of all of us."

"Mmm…" she mused, running her fingers through my hair, "I'd prefer to just handle the tech problems, but I have a feeling that trouble is always going to follow you so I need to learn how to protect myself and be less of a burden."

"Hey, you're not a burden. You're my strength," I said, sitting up and cupping her cheek, but it was awkward since I used my left hand.

I pulled away the damaged limb with a sigh, but she grabbed me by the hand and pulled it into her lap.

"It could have been a lot worse considering what you were facing. You'll be fine," she stated firmly.

"I know… it will just take some time to adjust. Besides, with my level of skill with my powers, I can probably recreate them with metal so that I can have the full use of my hand, even if I can't feel the fingers," I said then chuckled, "At least, it was my left hand and least important fingers."

I leaned in and kissed her neck teasingly. She gave a soft moan of surprise at the sudden attack, but she pushed me off of her a moment later. I chuckled as she pressed me into the bed and climbed on top of me.

"'They' have not been quiet in the evenings. You better tell me now if I need to stop, or I won't," Raven threatened in husky tone.

"I would hate to disappoint you," I replied with a smile, running my hands up her sides.

True, my body was still exhausted, but it was also true that I did not care. After coming so close to death, I wanted to feel alive and there was no one that I would rather be with. We had paid a heavy price to make it all the way here, so we both wanted to enjoy the moment.

Surprisingly, the next morning, I was able to walk around while Raven was still a little weak in the knees, though that might have been due to our time in the shower versus the night before. I was not ready to face down another force on the scale of Iseto's army but moving around was possible which made this my fastest recovery. Just like when I had first transformed into my Black Fire Demon, I noticed that my sensitivity to mana had increased, though much smaller this time. Instead, it felt significantly less overwhelming like I had gained the ability to toggle my enhanced senses at will since before I was always 'feeling' the different types of mana around me, whether I wanted to or not.

"Well, well, I thought you two would have slept through lunch after last night," Katye taunted as Raven and I walked into the 'kitchen' for breakfast.

"Don't act like you didn't also have your fun last night," I shot back since I had heard them as well.

Katye rolled her eyes, focusing on her cooking instead of us, and we sat down at the table with Echo. Echo only gave me a glance before she turned her attention to her drink while shaking her head. There was a pot of coffee on the table which Raven grabbed, but I had a different idea. My senses expanded and I could feel the world with new clarity. With my 'Will' alone, I drew in the Water mana in the air into one point and condensed over my cup, filling it with water.

"Another advancement?" Katye asked from the side.

"A minor one," I agreed.

"It's nice that you don't feel like a hungry predator every time that you stir your mana. It may be intimidating to your opponent, but I've felt it all the same since your return."

"I think it was the incompleteness of my Dusa form that caused the problem. I feel strong, sure, but the sense of control is far more than before... probably the reason why I feel less threatening."

"I wouldn't go that far," Katye remarked. "You've gone from a cobra ready to strike to a slumbering beast waiting to be woken up."

I chuckled and teased, "Well, I'll try to figure out how to make my aura more soft and cuddly."

"Please do," she retorted as she brought over breakfast.

"So... Praimfaya is tomorrow, anything that I should prepare?" I asked.

"Not really, but you should rest. I created some thick stone walls around the exit to hopefully prevent us from being buried, and we have enough food and water stocked to last us three months. Even if the rover gets destroyed in the Death Wave, we should be able to make it to Eden before we run out, including our stop by the bunkers," Katye said.

"Just wait for the end of the world, huh?" I asked.

"Enjoy your vacation, Rebecca. You've earned it."

The day passed quietly with all of us doing our own thing. Katye read, Raven tinkered with the motorcycle until she decided to join Echo down in the lower level to spar, and I spent most of the day meditating, trying to understand the changes that had happened within me.

I could understand what Katye had meant about my aura giving off the feeling of a slumbering beast because, honestly, that is what it felt like to me as well. The change to my Soul Realm was significant and unlike anything described in both of my brother's stories. A person's internal mana was always a mass of swirling energy, dyed to match the color of a person's soul, only changing in size and density due to how much the person could store inside themselves. Drawing in outside mana, the draconic shape only became more defined and denser, but it also never lost resemblance to clouds. There were just so many questions that I had, yet no one that I could ask.

A/N: This season will be more of a 'slice of life' and training arc than facing any canon problems. I will also be dipping into the MC's past-life from time to time which will explain a few quirks that both MCs have.

A/N: If you would like to support me, I have set up a p@t reon. My story will remain free on here, but I will be keeping everything after this chapter behind a small tier wall because will place all new chapters on it as soon as my editor has finished with them and I typically stay about three chapters ahead of here, if you want to get ahead. P@t reon - /Azazii6181?fan_landing=true