
Training and Forgotten Memory

5 minutes after Clarke burst through their bedroom door and I had to calm down an overzealous little doctor who wanted to do check ups on me, we made our way to the living room with dinner, there wasn't much but there was a couch and a little tv that I recognized as the one Jaha, wells and the Clarke family would watch football on in the future.

Of course dinner wouldn't be had here but in the dining hall but we all gathered here normally to chat before we made our way there.

After dinner, I decided I'd wait until Clarke fell asleep to see if training would help increase my status, with limited space my options were only strength training and maybe a bit of dexterity training.

" hey play with me Chrissy, you be the villain and I'll be the hero" Clarke said while puffing out her chest with her hands on her hips.

"Alright CC I'll play with you" I said while Laughing like a villain I jumped towards her "MUAHHAHAHAHA I Peng clans young master shall kidnap you and make you mine"

"Noooooo" Clarke screamed

* Sigh * after an entire night of training my stats didn't increase, but hey what was I expecting. Training takes time.


I can resolutely say that after 5 years I'm sure that goddess messed with my memory. I don't know what she altered but I just can't get over the feeling I've forgotten something extremely important.

After going over everything that'll happen soon I still can't put my finger on it, everything seems to be fine, I can remember all the way up to season 5 so what is it I'm forgetting?

Anyway after an entire 5 years can safely say not only am I the tallest but also the strongest out of anyone on the ark and I'm only 15, well 15 years and 11 months but who's counting. Everyone one?

Me and Clarke have gotten a lot closer and I've fully accepted Abby and Jake as my parents.

I'm not particularly fond of anyone else on this ship really, well Monty's pretty cool but I don't like jasper that much. I mostly keep to myself and Clarke, I hang out with wells only when she is with him, I don't like him either. Of course that's because he likes Clarke and no one is good enough for her so he can go float himself.

Back to how tall, strong and handsome I am


Christopher Griffin [LVL 3]

Age: 15 years 11 months

Height: 6 foot 6 inches

Race: half human/half giant

[Status points] 1.5






SYSTEM NOTE[ humans have an average base stat of 1. Giants have and average base stat of 10]

So yeah my trainings going well, it could be better but it's not like I have weights to train with or a track to run in.


I'm pissed, royally pissed and sad, Nemi really screwed me over.

The memory she took away I finally figured it out or rather it happened a 15 minutes ago when I stumbled in on Clarke asking Dad about his plan

Clarke - " what's the plan?"

Dad- " you don't need to know the plan"

Clarke- "you're making a video, so, what? You're gonna break into the communications mainframe?"

Dad sat there with a guilty expression all over his face while I said "well then I guess that makes three of us" while walking into their view from behind. I couldn't exactly let them do it alone or we'll be left out even though I now know it's going to fail and my dads going to be floated. Nemi apparently decided once I stumbled on to this that I could have my memory back and boy was I pissed.

I could have stopped this, saved my dad even, but now the guards are gonna bust in here any minute and take us all away.

Dad- " you kids are gonna be the death of me"

Clarke-" now you have to let us help"

" well dad family sticks to together" I said while smirking.

" you guys are picking a fine moment to start acting like typical teenagers" my dad replied.

" you guys can't help me, absolutely not" my dad hugged Clarke while saying "no baby you can't" after she exclaimed she'd could still help.

" you guys get that stubborn streak from your mother, one of the many things I love about all of you." He said while looking at us. Just then the door busted down " Jake Griffin you're under arrest for treason" a guard said while turning my dad around and putting cuffs on him.

Clarke- "Dad? Dad? No, no, no, no. CHRISSYY!!"

And thats when I snapped and consequently earned myself a trip in front of the council, with cuffs around my hands and ankles and a two guns pointed at me but hey I got mine.

Let's just say the guards they sent weren't enough.

After brutally beating every guard that put their hands on Clarke the other four not detaining my dad approached me with their electric batons out and well I broke their arms and faces, marching on the two holding my dad I punch the one directly behind him as hard as I could and he dropped like a sack of potatoes, the other one that was calling for back up got to eat the radio he loved so much and had his head slammed up against the wall.

I hurriedly pulled my dad back inside the room with him yelling at me.

" Christopher no! They'll float you for this you have to stop!!" But I wasn't listening anymore, 10 more guards had showed up and I was able to take down 7 more before their electric batons and two pistols shoved in my faces calmed me down.

Kane promptly brought me, my sister, and dad before the council, and later out the charges for all of us.

" Jake and Clarke griffin are both charged with treason and hereby sentenced to death" Kane said before turning to me "Christopher Griffin charged with treason, resisting arrest, assault and battery on 13 different guards of a severe degree is sentenced to death to be taken into effect when he turns 18 with his sister"

Well now I'm in a cell pissed of that I don't even get to be there with my dad gets floated. Clarke needs me damn it.


"Prisoner 320 face the wall" I heard as my cell door opened. I stood up from doing pushups and looked at the guard facing me and smirked " sure you wanna do this Leon?" I said as he stepped forward only to take a step back when he heard me speak.

Him and his two buddies flinched and pulled out their electric batons " don't do this chris, almost every guard is on this floor right now." Leon said as I stepped forward.

"Alright just let me walkout there till you put that thing on" I said while walking towards him

"Alright just don't cause a scene otherwise we'll have to put you out." Leon said as he hurriedly back out of the cell with his buddies.

As I walked out I saw Clarke talking to mom right before she just got shot with a tranq, God I hate those.

As I mom got up from setting Clarke down I walked up and said " hey mom so they're sending us down to the ground huh?"

"Chris, honey I was just about to come see you!" Abby said as she turned around and hugged me and said "Yes they're sending you guys to the ground, make sure to take care of your sister okay?"

"Of course mom by the way did add in the omnidirectional camera into the wristwatches I talked about?" I asked.

This was something I thought about while in solitary, mom would come visit and she'd tell me some things so I suggested a camera that would periodically send photos taken by the watch, up to a server in the ark letting them know what were doing on the ground.

This way even without a radio they'd know if we're alive and come down sooner.

Andddd then everything started getting fuzzy, when I felt three different stings all over my body. A few seconds later my huge 6 foot 9 inch body slammed into deck.