
The 100 Ascendants

Ascendants » by whiteleopard1124 The 100 are set to be to sent to Earth ,but Jaha believes that they aren't ready for the challenges that they may face on the ground. He decides to use the invention of the First Chancellor that gifts them amazing and powerful abilities The 100 aren't weak anymore and see what new challenges they will face now and how they will face them now that they can fight back. Superpowers AU Note: this novel is not mine it was written by whiteleopard1124. And the chapters in this novel have from 1000~ 4000 words. Tags: The 100 TV show fanfic, English, Sci-Fi & Adventure, Warning: I don't own anything in this novel Note: I don't own The cover Well Enjoy

lord_of_Rage · Sci-fi
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51 Chs

chapter 39

Luckily, Hudson and Tim were both there guarding him and Kane spoke drawing all three of the men's attention, "Open the airlock. "

"Sir?"questioned Hudsonas he looked at Kane in confusion, but he began to press the buttons that would open the doors of the airlock.

A hissing noise echoed out and Tristan looked intrigued almost as Kane stepped through the doors and pulled out the gag in his mouth.

Marcus stood tall and looked down at the man and said,"Take me to the Commander."

"Or what?"said Tristan with a smile plastered on his face.

Marcus withdrew his pistol and turned off the safety before pointing it at Tristan. Hudson and Tim behind him also took out their rifles and were pointing them at Tristan as they surrounded their prisoner.

"Or you die,"answered Kane.


"This is stupid, Finn,"said Bellamy as the two boys made their way around the fence,"Bullets aren't going to help you much against the Grounders and them not being able to touch you can only go so far."

Finn had a pack on his back and it made a slight clinking noise as the magazines for the rifle he had bounced around. He also had enough rations for at least a week(two if he pushed it) and that would hopefully be enough.

"We've been over this,"said Finn, "One of us has to go and Kane definitely won't let the one with useful powers go so it has to be me. I'm the one who is best at tracking between the two of us so I should be able to find stuff where you couldn't. "

"I still don't have to like it,"muttered Bellamy as his thoughts turned to the delinquents. He suspected they were alive and although a large part of him was worrying about how Octavia was doing there was a larger part that told him his sister could take care of herself. She was a far cry from the girl that lived beneath the floor.

Finn just waved him off and they approached a section of the electric fence where they were secluded. Wick had been on board with the plan having known Raven and Finn from the Ark and so he was going to shut down the electric fence for 30 seconds once he gave the signal.

As if on cue, static flares on Bellamy's radio in four successive beats before the radio went silent.

"Okay, Finn. You might be an ass, but I don't want you to die. Your job is reconnaissance, not combat. If things go south, get of there,"said Bellamy before he grabbed onto other the boy's shoulder,"Go get them back."

The radio flared to life again signifying that their 30 seconds was almost up and Finn scrambled through the fence before giving a nod at Bellamy and leaving.

Bellamy watched as the boy ran into the surrounding woods and despite himself he couldn't help, but feel dread well up inside as he watched the boy make into the woods.

The boy had been off ever since Bellamy had found him being held captive by Tristan and Bellamy wasn't sure of what it was that had caused the change, but whatever it was could not have been good.


"President Wallace, I have to conduct more... There wasn't much I was able to do with the amount I was given and yet the results were astounding! Her blood shows an amazing ability to... We should take the chance to..."

"Absolutely not, Lorelei... we've already reached a compromise on what to with the ... and we've... volunteers willing to...We need to integrate her into our people naturally and not alienate her. It is far too risky to do anything else. "

Clarke's mind began to stir as she felt the last vestiges of sleep leave her body. She woke up to find her hand wrapped in thick bandages that prevented movementand she could feel the sutures and stitches that were sown into her skin.

The conversation Dante was having with a was lady with a deep caramel complexion drew her attention once she was fully awake. She was dressed as doctor with her pristine white coat on and she seemed to be rather put off by whatever it was she and Dante were discussing.

Clarke sat up fully and saw she was now dressed in a medical frock, but to her relief she saw a folded up pile of clothes on the bed adjacent to her. It was different from the previous set she was wearing which were probably pretty saturated in her blood.

Her movement seemed to have drawn the attention of Dante and the doctor as they both looked at her bed when they heard the sounds of the sheets shifting.

"Ah, Clarke,"said Dante as he smiled warmly at her,"I heard there was a mishap of sorts and I'm glad to see you're okay. This is Dr Lorelei Tsing and she is the head of Medicine here at Mount Weather and if there's any further more accidents that you may encounter she's the woman you need to go to. "

The woman held out her right hand to Clarke and Clarke shook it with her non dominant right hand.

"Pleased to make your acquaintance, Clarke,"said Dr Tsing as she eyed Clarke. The look in her eye unsettled Clarke and it was one of extreme curiosity as if Clarke was an anomaly. The scrutinising look made Clarke feel as though she were a lab rat being examined.

She didn't like it.

"Likewise,"forced Clarke and she practically wrenched her hand from the woman's grip,"How long was I out?"

"One day,"said Dante as he took control over the conversation, "The glass shards had nicked an artery and you had lost a lot of blood, but we were able to give you some of our O-negative blood supply to compensate for your loss. I'm sure you must be famished. A nurse will bring you food from the dining hall and afterwards you can change and meet me in my office so I can give you an orientation of sorts on what is expected of you and your peers."

Dante graced her with a smile before turning and leaving and Dr Tsing too followed suit with a disarming smile of her own, but again it was the older woman's gaze made her feel like a specimen under a microscope.

It was perhaps five minutes later that Maya walked in with a tray of food and even from where she was Clarke could smell the heavenly odour of the food. There was a bevy of fruits, grains and meats and for the first time Clarke felt just how hungry she was as she hadn't eaten since venturing out with Raven and Finn to find Anya.

Maya smiled at her and was about to leave the room, but Clarke spoke up saying,"Thank you. For this and for getting me here on time. I don't usually get that angry, but it's a just what Octavia and Murphy said pushed me to the edge."

Maya looked surprised at and said, "That's okay. I was just doing my job. You really damaged your hand there. From your frame and muscle size, you shouldn't have been able to break the glass the way you did. Your powers, they...excuse me, but I need to go."

Maya trailed off and jerked back violently at the end of her response as if she were about to say something that wasn't meant for Clarke's ears. It piqued Clarke's curiosity and she called after Maya just as the girl began to leave.

"Maya, please wait. What about my powers?"said Clarke as she looked into the eyes of the other girl,"Why can't you speak about my powers?"

Maya looked troubled, but she eventually decided to stay and said,"Dr Tsing and President Wallace, they know you're different. I've heard rumours from the patrollers and John that you control some blue energy and move at high speeds and apparently you created a massive fireball from nothing."

Clarke wasn't entirely surprised that the residents of Mount Weather had found out about her powers, but she was inside of just how much they knew. The thing that put her off, though, was the curious and amazed glint in Maya's eyes. It wasn't as cold and calculating as Dr Tsing's gaze. No, Maya's gaze was that of almost childlike wonderment and curiosity as if she didn't quite believe what she was being told.

It made Clarke wonder why she was so amazed. Surely, the residents of Mount Weather must know about the Darwin nanobots especially after Project Everyman had essentially been designed to bestow powers on everyone.

Project Everyman was a governmental project and Clarke knew that Mount Weather was obviously also under the ownership of the American government. Did the Mountain Men have some genetic defect that prevented the powers gifted by the Darwin nanobots from manifesting ? If so then it would make sense why they stay sequestered in the Mountain and didn't try to push for more land around the Mountain.

Their guns and weapons were all well and good, but Clarke knew that if say for instance Octavia hadn't been blindsided like the rest of them then it would have been a hassle for even 20 of the Mountain Men to put her down given how sturdy her amour was.

A flash of inspiration ran through Clarke's mind and she quickly looked at Maya who thankfully didn't seem to mind Clarke spacing out on her all that much.

Clarke instead looked at Maya and said,"I guess you can say I'm different. All of those things are true by the way. I did do all of those stuff."

Maya's eyes flashed in amazement, but before she could post more questions Clarke said kindly,"Wait Maya, I'm sorry to cut you off, but I need to eat this and change before meeting with Dante. I'd really appreciate it if you stayed."

"Sure,"said Maya,"I'm on a break now."

Maya's easy acceptance almost made Clarke feel guilty for what she had in mind.


They remained in a mostly comfortable silence and once Clarke was done eating she placed the tray on the side table beside her.

Maya moved to help Clarke out of bed and Clarke accepted it despite feeling as if she could stand on her own without any assistance. The nurse let go once she felt Clarke was capable of standing on her own and thankfully gave Clarke the privacy she needed to change.

A pair of jeans, a grey shirt and a black hoodie were to be her clothing of choice as well as a pair of underwear and a bra. Luckily, everything was in the right size and the clothes felt comfortable on her body and Clarke grabbed the trainers and socks off of the floor before she sat down on the bed to put them on.