
Chapter 4

♥️ Chapter 4 ♥️

The Murderess Duke in the house of Dragon Lord; Thou he fought in countless battels since 14 no one has really known the aperince of the Future Muderess Duke of Dragon Lord, only his Family and his butler in his west wing manchin that was diclared his taritory in the house of Dragon Lord.

Except thous people no one had seen him; many Gossips had/has rose about him. Men would discribe how his eyes we'er shaper then Steel its self when leaving the burnning oven that Blacksmiths would use to craft weapons and maids from the west wing would discribe the Murderess Duke with romantic discriptions saying: " His eye's are like all the other Dragon Lords but darker like the emeralds were Staned and had their own littel shine to it that, paired with his Dark brown hair, compared to Wyett's Fluffy Matt dark brown hair and Glidering Emerlald eye's that represented spring or his younger twin Noah's Who's Emeralds eye's held somewhat of a goldish tint like his Father and Rich dark brown sholder lenghth Hair, The Murderess Duke Gave off a Mature look that couldn't compare to spring with his ora it gave of more of a Autume flow into the West Wing; Quite and Cold.

You know, I couldn't understand what they found in the young duke that could draw them closer to him then run away from him once they've seen his true spirit;

To be frank it's be best for all of us to stay quite or avoid his glare but I guess you can't convince count women to stop sending love letter's once they've started.

Melody thought while looking at her refection; her reflection was intrupted by the bright sun and Melody skitted down the halls again but this time down to the libaray, there wasn't really a reason she already read all 2,895 of the books and 1,000 extra that would grow from her and her fathers intence love of historical and one of or last of a kind books.

"Melody~~" Ms.Acindina sang hold Melody like she was scooping a baby duck into her arms,