
The - Perfect - Match

Natalie's breath hitched as the adonis turned to look at her. It was as if time had slowed down and everything around them had disappeared. Directly facing her with that smirk on his face, a sense of nostalgia hit her. His arrogant smirk reminded her so much of someone, someone she couldn't stand. Someone she so disliked that if he were the last man on Earth, she would rather grow old and die in loneliness. She gasped in realization, "Simon?" At the same time his eyes widened slightly in recognition, "Natalie?" ---------- Natalie Freeman has always dreamt of being an actress. She got to audition for the role of the female lead for a movie titled 'The Perfect Match', and surprisingly, she was picked. On the first day of the movie shoot, she found out that Simon Fletcher, an asshole who was mean to her in highschool and a popular voice-over actor, was playing the role of the male lead of the movie. Would Natalie back out from her dream job, or would she face Simon and work with him despite their obvious differences?

Treasure_Love · Urban
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8 Chs

She Had It Coming

Natalie awoke the next morning, naked underneath the bedsheet and cuddled up in Owen's arms. She sleepily reached for her phone and gasped in horror when she saw the time -- it was six on the dot.

"Shit!" She jolted off the bed and began to pick up her clothes which were scattered all over the place, starting from her lace panties which fortunately, she found laying nicely on the bed. She began hurriedly putting on her clothes, almost spending five seconds on her bra.

"Oh for fuck's sake!" She exclaimed when the damn thing refused to clasp together. Finally, it did and she was fully dressed up in two minutes.

She had to get to work in two hours! But first, she needed to go home and get changed.

"Hey, going somwhere?" Owen asked groggily, probably awake because of her ruckus. She turned around to look at him still lazily sprawled out on the bed. The duvet had shifted to the side revealing the 7-inches or thereabout dick, that had plunged into her pussy last night.

"Work? You know, that's where adults go on Monday mornings," She snapped unintentionally.

He chuckled in confusion, "Whoa easy tiger, what's got your panties in a knot this early morning?"

She sighed deeply, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap. I just have to get back home, okay?"

He nodded and smiled, "Sure, I will call you an Uber."

She smiled back, "Thanks."

He crawled across the bed to meet her and wrapped his arms around her waist tightly.

And here comes the part she hated the most...

"So, last night was amazing," He whispered sultrily against her neck.


He kissed her neck, his hand gently grabbing her ass, "Say you wanna do this some other time because I would really love to hear you moan again."

She chuckled awkwardly and gently pushed him away, "Uh...why don't you call that Uber, first huh?"

He paused to look at her hungrily.

"Alright, whatever you need, beautiful." He said and pulled away to go take his phone.

She sighed internally -- thank goodness!

Twenty minutes later, her Uber arrived and she was on her way home.


Natalie got to the advertising firm that she worked in, five minutes late. She dreaded that once again, she was going to stay in an office typing, instead of living her dream as an actress. The thought was depressing, maybe that was why she snapped at Owen this morning.

She entered the building and walked to the reception area to get her name signed in.

"Good morning, Sandra," She greeted the receptionist politely.

Sandra smiled chirpily, "Hello, Natalie. Have a lovely day at work today!"

Natalie hummed in response. She had always wondered how Sandra was always so chirpy, then later came to realize that not everyone hated their jobs. It was supposed to be a motivation for her to learn to love her job also, but it didn't work, so she gave up on trying.

She took the elevator to her office, whom she shared with three other co-workers -- Mark, Lilian and Whitney. Mark was cool and got along with her, Whitney was level headed also but Lilian was a narcissistic bitch who thought herself better than everyone else just because she wore knockoffs. She met them all seated, with faces drawn. Maybe, just maybe she wasn't the only one who hated her job.

"Late, once again." Lillian, the narcissistic bitch, suddenly pointed out.

Of course, she would be the one to point out the obvious, like she had never been late in her entire life.

"What do you mean once again? It was only today, Lillian." Natalie said as she sat down at her desk.

"You were late yesterday and the day before that and the day before that." Lilian argued.

Natalie was really not in the mood for her attitude that morning, so she just ignored her.

"Well if you won't answer to me, you would answer to the manager." Lillian said suddenly.

Natalie looked at her in shock, "What? What do you mean by that?"

She looked questioningly at Mark and Whitney, but they also looked at Lillian in surprise.

"He asked that you see him immediately you arrived at work. I think he wants to teach you a little bit about tardiness, Miss Freeman." Lilian shrugged nonchalantly.

Natalie gasped in disbelief, "You piece of shit."

The next thing she knew; she had gotten up, approached her desk, and slapped her.

"What the hell?!" Lilian screamed while holding her cheek in surprise.

"I have had enough of you, you fucking bitch!" Natalie screamed back angrily.

"Oh, you did not!" Lilian bit back and in the twinkle of an eye, it had escalated into a fight. Hair was pulled, cusses were thrown and occasionally, blows were exchanged.

It lead to both of them ending up at the manager's office.

"I am disappointed in you both...fighting? Cussing at each other at work?!" Manager Murphy exclaimed disappointedly.

"She hit me first!" Lilian began pointing fingers like the fucking child that she was.

Natalie seethed silently.

"Is that true, Miss Freeman?" He asked.

"Yes Sir," She answered honestly -- there was no need denying it.

"And for what reason did you do that?"

She glared at Lillian, "She had it coming."

Lilian glared back at her. The tension between them was so thick, that it could be cut with a pair of scissors.

Manager Murphy sighed, "Since you assualted her first, you know the consequences. You will be suspended from work for two weeks and if this should ever repeat itself again, you will be fired, do you understand? Both of you!"

She nodded curtly and without glancing at the narcissistic bitch, walked out of the manager's office.

Natalie got home, plummeted on the couch still wearing her work clothes and stared at the ceiling. What was she going to do with two weeks of freedom?

She got an idea -- maybe she could call Owen and ask him to come over?

She sighed and threw away the idea. She didn't want him getting any ideas that she was interested in having something more with him. He was hunky and good in bed, but that was just it.

She should call Kylie over for Netflix and chill. Kylie ran a tattoo parlor, so she could leave anytime she wanted -- which was one of the many benefits of being self-employed.

She picked up on the first ring.

"Wanna come over?" Natalie asked.

She heard some shuffling in the background before Kylie spoke, "You home?"

"Yep." She answered.

"Suddenly decided to quit your job?" Kylie teased.

Natalie chuckled, "Nope. Something better,"

"Oooohhh, be there in 10," She said and hung up the call.

Natalie sighed and got up to go take off her work clothes.


Kylie came over in exactly ten minutes and they sat down in front of TV, popcorn in hand and two bottles of chilled uncapped beer in front of them.

"So, you beat her ass," Kylie said after Natalie had finished narrating what had happened at work.

Natalie nodded.

"Good, the bitch had it coming. I hope you've outlined stuff you're gonna do these two weeks?" Kylie gave her a sideways glance.

"No?" Natalie shrugged.

Kylie looked at her and gasped like she had committed a heinous crime, "No, there is no way in hell that you are locking yourself up and binge watching Netflix for two weeks!"

"Then, what should I do?!" Natalie exclaimed.

"I dunno, think of something. I don't care what it is but you are not locking yourself up and that's final." Kylie stated finally.

Natalie chewed on her popcorn silently.

"What about Owen?" Kylie asked suddenly.

"Nope." Natalie answered quickly.

"What? Why? The sex wasn't good?" She asked in surprise.

"It was amazing actually, but still no."

Kylie tutted at her like she was a stubborn child, "You are insufferable."

Natalie chuckled in response just as her phone buzzed. She took a look at it and saw that it was a mail. Her heart began racing in her chest like she had run a marathon.

"What's that?" Kylie asked curiously.

"I got a mail," Natalie said.

Kylie gasped, "Could it be..."

Natalie prayed that it was them as she tapped to open her mailbox.

The message read: Congratulations, Natalie Freeman. You have been selected for the role of the female lead in the movie titled 'The Perfect Match'. You are to come for the shoot tomorrow by 10am.

Note --> Be punctual as tardiness will not be tolerated.


Peak Movies.