
The 'God of Wealth' starts paying taxes from bragging

Does bragging work? Of course it doesn’t work, that’s because you don’t have to pay taxes for bragging. Li Tianyu suddenly became the host of the "bragging tax system", and everything became different. Because, only his bragging needs to be paid... Li Tianyu: I have an apartment in the Third Ring Road of the Imperial Capital! System: Please pay a tax of 6,000 yuan and you can get a residence in the third ring road of Imperial City. Li Tianyu: I have a Porsche Cayenne. System: Please pay tax of 850 yuan and you can get a high-end Porsche Cayenne model. Li Tianyu: I am a business elite! System: Please pay a tax of 58,000 yuan to improve the host's quality in all aspects.

DaoistELiy3V · Urban
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111 Chs

Who is this guy?

Liu Manqi and Feng Yang could hear the discussion over there clearly.

Liu Manqi couldn't sit still anymore and walked over there: "I'll go take a look..."

Feng Yang was startled for a moment, then stood up and followed.

After walking a few steps, I saw a gap in the crowd of people watching in front of me suddenly parted, and the sound of the large-displacement engine suddenly became clear.

I saw a low-lying car slowly driving over. It was obvious that this was a supercar.

The car was black and white, with an exaggerated shape, but it was full of beauty and science fiction. It looked like a small alien spacecraft.

Looking again at the cockpit, a handsome man in a suit and leather shoes was driving a supercar, and Li Tianyu was actually sitting in the passenger seat!

Liu Manqi's eyes widened with an expression of complete disbelief on her face.

As for Feng Yang, he couldn't help but said "fuck" several times!

He couldn't help but understand how Li Tianyu got a supercar.

Moreover, one look at the shape of this supercar and you will know that this is not a "cheap" like the Porsche 911, but a real high-end supercar worth tens of millions of dollars.

The Pagani Zonda drove to the edge of the Yunguang Technology venue. When the door opened, it caused another sensation.

As for top supercars, the falcon-wing doors are almost a status symbol.

Li Tianyu walked out of the car cabin and saw Zhao Xiaolei, the person in charge of the venue layout.

Li Tianyu walked over and said to Zhao Xiaolei: "The supercar is here, where can I put it?"

"Just... just put it in the middle and let him drive to the middle."

Zhao Xiaolei can be considered a well-informed person, but she did not expect that this company was so wealthy that it actually bought such a high-end supercar.

Li Tianyu was seen directing the handsome guys inside to drive the handsome supercar to the center of the booth.

Sure enough, the Yunguang Technology booth immediately became different, and the ranking suddenly increased by at least five or six levels.

Even employees from other nearby companies put down their work and came over to enjoy themselves.

Speaking of supercars, it's not uncommon to see them on the streets of the Imperial Capital, but to see one at such a close range is really rare unless you're at a car show.

Liu Manqi came over and asked in a low voice: "Li Tianyu, is this car expensive? Who did you borrow it from?"

Li Tianyu really wanted to say that it was his own car, but they didn't believe it after confirming it, so he casually said: "I asked a friend to help. He is engaged in supercar rental."

Liu Manqi suddenly realized that she could completely accept Li Tianyu's explanation.

"Then we have to be careful, don't scratch the car body and cause trouble to your friend."

"Well, just be careful." Li Tianyu responded nonchalantly, thinking that it was only 10,000 yuan anyway, so it was like giving it for free.

After hearing the conversation between the two, Feng Yang came over again.

"What? Your friend originally rented a supercar, no wonder..."

Liu Manqi glared at Feng Yang: "Stop saying a few words, Li Tianyu has been a big help!"

Although Feng Yang was not convinced, he could only talk angrily.

Having solved such a big problem, Liu Manqi felt much better, and her attitude towards Li Tianyu became better and better.

"By the way, how much does it cost to rent this car for a day? I'll call Sister Zhang soon and apply for funding."

Li Tianyu was stunned. He was just looking cool and had not thought about collecting rent.

Of course, the company's money is nothing if it doesn't make money.

"That's easy to say. My friend and I are close buddies, so you just have to take it."

"Okay, I'll try to apply for as many as possible."

At this time, it was already time to get off work.

For Li Tianyu, one advantage of working in the field is that he doesn't have to work overtime.

Feng Yang was embarrassed by Li Tianyu, and he even lost his face. He said to Liu Manqi: "Manqi, let's go, I will take you home."

Liu Manqi hesitated for a moment: "No, I can just take the subway back."

"Then I'll take you to the subway station."

Liu Manqi nodded, and then said to Li Tianyu: "Then let's go first. See you tomorrow."

 "great, see you tomorrow."

Li Tianyu took the lead and left earlier.

Feng Yang and Liu Manqi followed closely behind.

The two of them soon discovered that Li Tianyu was also walking towards the open-air parking lot.

"By the way, Li Tianyu said he also drove here." Liu Manqi said softly.

"Let's go, follow and see what kind of car he drives."

"This...isn't good..."

"It's okay, let's take a look and leave."

Liu Manqi didn't insist anymore. In fact, she was also curious about what kind of car Li Tianyu drove.

Not long after I saw Li Tianyu, he walked next to a sky blue SUV.

That car is very beautiful. Look at the shiny paint and shiny wheels. It looks like a new car.

The most important thing is that the car is obviously a luxury car...

Feng Yang's eyes widened and he said in disbelief: "B-Porsche Cayenne...? Is this Li Tianyu's car?"

Liu Manqi was also very shocked.

She knew Li Tianyu's salary level and it was impossible to afford such a luxury car.

Moreover, even the middle and high-level leaders in the company who have relatively high salaries can only afford an ordinary luxury car worth four to five million yuan at most. There are really not many top-end luxury cars like Porsche.

Li Tianyu opened the door of the Porsche Cayenne and drove away quickly.

This makes the two of them disbelieving.