
The 'God of Wealth' starts paying taxes from bragging

Does bragging work? Of course it doesn’t work, that’s because you don’t have to pay taxes for bragging. Li Tianyu suddenly became the host of the "bragging tax system", and everything became different. Because, only his bragging needs to be paid... Li Tianyu: I have an apartment in the Third Ring Road of the Imperial Capital! System: Please pay a tax of 6,000 yuan and you can get a residence in the third ring road of Imperial City. Li Tianyu: I have a Porsche Cayenne. System: Please pay tax of 850 yuan and you can get a high-end Porsche Cayenne model. Li Tianyu: I am a business elite! System: Please pay a tax of 58,000 yuan to improve the host's quality in all aspects.

DaoistELiy3V · Urban
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111 Chs

Ten million, I hire you

It turned out that after Ai Baoquan listened to Li Tianyu's advice, he did not immediately confront the company's executive Hu Jun or even his partner Zhao Yan when he returned.

Ai Baoquan is not that stupid. He can only find evidence for this kind of thing.

Only by getting both dirty and dirty can the "crime" of these two people be realized.

And at that time, Ai Baoquan did not 100% believe Li Tianyu's words.

You know, this is a matter of great importance to human life.

Especially for a group company as big as Aihua Real Estate, any disturbance will cause turmoil.

Therefore, no matter what Ai Xiubao thought, he still decided to look for anything suspicious around him first.

Hu Jun's attempt to harm Ai Baoquan could not have been done openly. He must have used some tricks.

This is also Hu Jun's advantage.

He is Ai Baoquan's childhood friend, and Ai Baoquan is less defensive about him.

Ai Baoquan was very thoughtful, and after being reminded by Li Tianyu, he naturally thought of the daily utensils in his office.

Such as teapots, teacups, and some toiletries.

Ai Baoquan sometimes stays overnight in the company, and there are quite a few of these things.

"Brother Li, guess where I found the problem?"

Li Tianyu was stunned, thinking how could I know.

Of course, Ai Baoquan had no intention of letting Li Tianyu really guess.

"Found in a cigar."


It turns out that Ai Baoquan likes to smoke cigars and is very addicted to it, but due to health reasons, he only smokes twice a week.

Ai Baoquan's cigars are all Cuban A-grade products. They are of high-end quality and are not easily available in China.

Later, nothing suspicious was found on other utensils, and finally I thought of my cigars.

This test indeed found the problem.


Ai Baoquan slammed the table angrily: "It's high-concentration submersaldehyde!"

Li Tianyu remained calm, waiting for an explanation. He was not a chemist, so of course he didn't know what effect the pinamate could have on Ai Baoquan.

At most, he knew that when cooking vegetables overnight, subsilicate would be produced.

More boiling water can also produce this thing.

It's not good to drink too much.

"Pensubite itself is toxic, and high-concentration pinsubite is more toxic, but as long as the intake is not large, it is not a serious problem, but I have a heart disease..."

Li Tianyu nodded pretendingly: "I see, it's so evil."

"Every time I take 0.1 milligram, it can increase the burden on my heart. If I take it twice a week, within two months, I will very likely...sudden death."

 "I see."

This time Li Tianyu really understood.

Ai Baoquan himself has a heart disease. For such a person, this method is indeed a good way to kill people, and it is so subtle that no one will suspect Hu Jun or even Zhao Yan.

Even if there is suspicion, it is of no use if no evidence can be found.

However, finding these clues can prove that the information Li Tianyu gave Ai Baoquan is true.

No wonder Ai Baoquan immediately transferred the three million soft girl coins to Li Tianyu's account.

"Then what?" Li Tianyu asked.

He wants to know, now that the clues have been found, what is the purpose of Ai Baoquan looking for him, Li Tianyu, this time?

"Then let me get to the point. After I found out these things, I wanted to talk to Hu Jun. I wanted him to tell the truth personally..."

An idea flashed in Li Tianyu's mind: "Run away?"

Ai Baoquan stretched out his thumb: "Yes, he ran away."

It is estimated that Ai Baoquan wanted to find someone to push Hu Jun to a secluded place, lynch him, and force him to confess, and he also vented his anger. But for some reason, Hu Jun knew about it first and did not catch him.

"I did this very secretly, but the news still leaked out, so I suspect that besides Hu Jun and Zhao Yan, there are traitors around me!"

Li Tianyu blurted out: "Where is Zhao Yan?"

"He...can't move for the time being." Ai Baoquan shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Zhao Yan is not only a partner, but also backed by the Shirai Consortium. Unless there is direct evidence, we really can't move him."

The Peng family? I see.

There are five large business organizations in China, and basically all walks of life can have contact with them.

They are Tangwen Chamber of Commerce, Shirai Club, Qingshi Group, Huayang Club, and Tiansheng Jinxiu Consortium.

These five major business organizations all have a long history. Even the youngest Huayang Society has existed for more than two hundred years, and some have even existed for thousands of years. They have encountered many wars, but they have not been able to destroy them, but have become stronger and stronger.

Although the existence of the five major groups is not a secret, ordinary people generally have no access to it.

But when you reach the upper-middle elite level, you will inevitably have to deal with the "upper-class people" related to them.

Since Li Tianyu obtained information related to Ai Baoquan, he also has a certain understanding of these five major groups.

Ai Baoquan's meaning is obvious. Zhao Yan is actually from the Baijing Club, and at least has some connections.

Although Li Tianyu shook hands with Ai Baoquan last time and obtained most of his information, this ability is also limited, that is, it can only obtain information that is most directly related to him, so Li Tianyu may not know everything about many things.

However, Li Tianyu still knew very well about Ai Baoquan. For example, he actually had a close relationship with the Tangwen Chamber of Commerce.

To be precise, Ai Baoquan and a certain big shot in the Tangwen Chamber of Commerce are distant relatives.

The reason why Ai Baoquan started so quickly was probably because of this relationship.

"I've investigated. You just resigned from Wu Guoqiang's company. You don't have a job now, right?"

Li Tianyu nodded: "That's right."

"Then I want to hire... no, I want to invite you... to work in my company."

"Doing things? I don't understand real estate."

Ai Baoquan waved his hand: "Of course I am not asking you to be responsible for these things. I want you to help me collect information about Zhao Yan and other traitors. It is best to catch them and eliminate them completely. "

"That's it, private detective..."

Ai Baoquan snapped his fingers: "Yes, similar, similar!"

"I really have nothing to do, but my charges will not be low."

"This is natural."

With that said, Ai Baoquan took out a note and handed it to Li Tianyu.

 Cash check!

Cash check for five million soft girl coins!

If it were Li Tianyu before, he might have shouted out loud, but now he has calmed down and looks calm.

Just listen to Ai Baoquan say: "This is only half. After the matter is completed, the other half will be given in full."

Li Tianyu smiled slightly: "How will Mr. Ai arrange for me to join the company?"

"How is the president's assistant?"

He is an assistant again. Why don't these bosses give him other positions for Li Tianyu?

Seeing Li Tianyu's helpless expression, Ai Baoquan asked, "Isn't it appropriate?"

"Are there any consultant positions?"

Ai Baoquan thought for a while and said, "Consultant, this is no problem."

"It doesn't matter what consultant I am, as long as I have the right to do whatever I want in the company."

"It's natural. Brother Li, don't worry. As long as I'm here, no one can control you!"

Having said that, the deal is concluded.

When Li Tianyu walked out, he felt comfortable.