
The 'God of Wealth' starts paying taxes from bragging

Does bragging work? Of course it doesn’t work, that’s because you don’t have to pay taxes for bragging. Li Tianyu suddenly became the host of the "bragging tax system", and everything became different. Because, only his bragging needs to be paid... Li Tianyu: I have an apartment in the Third Ring Road of the Imperial Capital! System: Please pay a tax of 6,000 yuan and you can get a residence in the third ring road of Imperial City. Li Tianyu: I have a Porsche Cayenne. System: Please pay tax of 850 yuan and you can get a high-end Porsche Cayenne model. Li Tianyu: I am a business elite! System: Please pay a tax of 58,000 yuan to improve the host's quality in all aspects.

DaoistELiy3V · Urban
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111 Chs

Taxation is really useful

Li Tianyu realized that the interface should be directly reflected in his mind.

[Name]: Li Tianyu

[Level]: Rookie

[Existing wealth]: 13,250 yuan soft girl coins

[Daily tax amount]: 10,000 yuan soft sister coins

[Order Center]: Click to enter

[Task Panel]: Click to enter

Very simple personal information.

​But what the hell does this mean?

"Damn it!"

Only then did Li Tianyu realize that "current wealth" is really all his current savings!

He is a member of the Moonlight family, and he managed to save more than 10,000 yuan.

​But what is the "daily tax cap"?

There are also "mall" and "task", which seem to be buttons.

Li Tianyu instinctively clicked the "Mall" button.

The interface has been switched, and the displayed content has completely changed.

[Community name]: Bustling Lane

[Community location]: East Fourth Ring Road

[Building Type]: Multi-story

[Room number]: Unit 3, Building 5, 502

[Room area]: 105 square meters

[Tax amount]: 7,300 yuan soft sister coins


[Community name]: Wenting Yayuan

[Community location]: North Fifth Ring Road

[Building type]: high-rise tower

[Room number]: Building 23, 2112

[Room area]: 95 square meters

[Tax amount]: 4,700 yuan soft sister coins


[Community name]: Shuimu Qingcheng

[Community location]: North Third Ring Road

[Building type]: high-rise slab building

[Room number]: Unit 3, Building 11, 1301

[Room area]: 85 square meters

[Amount of tax]: 6800 yuan soft girl coins


When Li Tianyu saw this information, he was confused for a moment.

What the hell is this?

Real estate advertisement?

Suddenly, a text prompt appeared in Li Tianyu's mind.

[System prompt] After the host brags, the system will conduct a feasibility analysis. If the bragging can be realized, the plan will be listed in the order center.

The host chooses a plan, pays the tax, and the boast can be realized.

Damn it! real or fake?

Can bragging be taxed? And after taxes are paid, can the boast be realized?

Li Tianyu looked at the houses displayed, and sure enough, there was a "tax amount" item at the bottom.

For a few thousand yuan, you can get a house! ?

Li Tianyu took a closer look at the three houses in the order center, which were located on the East Fourth Ring Road, the North Fifth Ring Road and the North Third Ring Road.

Especially the Shuimu Qingcheng community, Li Tianming has actually been there, not far from the company, and indeed on the North Third Ring Road of the Imperial Capital.

The location is very good. Although the community is not big, the environment inside is good and the surrounding facilities are complete.

Li Tianyu originally wanted to rent a single room there, but it turned out that the rent was extremely expensive, costing more than 3,000 yuan a month!

This is bragging... No, it's bragging that the tax system is better. You only need to pay a tax of more than 6,000 yuan to brag about girls, and you can get a house of more than 80 square meters in Shuimu Qingcheng Community. It should be a two-bedroom apartment. .

What are you still hesitating about? The houses on the North Third Ring Road are very good!

Li Tianyu clicked in directly, and then the following information popped up:

[System prompt] You will pay tax of 6,800 yuan in soft sister coins and obtain Unit 3, Unit 11, Building 11, "Shuimu Qingcheng", are you sure?

"OK." Li Tianyu felt excited and clicked the OK button.

The system interface has disappeared.

A minute passed...

Three minutes have passed...

Ten minutes have passed...

Li Tianyu stood blankly, as if nothing happened.

Damn it! What the hell kind of system is this! Lie to me!

Li Tianyu was extremely disappointed and couldn't help but curse loudly, which attracted nearby colleagues to look at him.

"Tianyu, what are you doing here?"

Li Tianyu looked up and screamed inwardly, it was Zhao Jitong.

Zhao Jitong is the director of the planning department. It seems that the meeting has finished.

"I...I just went to the toilet..."

"A lazy ass will pee a lot!" Zhao Jitong glared at Li Tianyu, "Go to work quickly. Don't even think about leaving until you're done today!"


Li Tianyu agreed and hurried back to his work station, thinking about how to cut corners and finish today's work.

As for the "bragging tax system", he has long forgotten it.

By the time he finished his work, it was already past ten o'clock at night. Li Tianyu dragged his tired body and took a taxi back to his residence, which was a rental house outside the North Fifth Ring Road.

This rental house is amazing. It only costs 1,800 yuan a month. However, the conditions are poor and there is almost no decoration. It is completely a rough house.

But having a place to sleep is enough, and working in the imperial capital shouldn't be too demanding.

Li Tianyu was so tired that he fell asleep on the bed and slept until the next morning.

"The flower in my heart...I want to take you home, in that bar late at night...I don't care if it is true or not..."

Li Tianyu was drowsily disturbed by the ringtone of his cell phone.

I looked at my watch and saw that it was only seven o'clock.

Who the hell called me so early!

Li Tianyu picked up the phone and saw that it was an unfamiliar landline number.

"Hello, are you Mr. Li?"

"Yes, I don't buy insurance, I don't have money to manage finances, and I can't even afford a house!"

"Mr. Li, I am not a salesman. You have stored your room key with us. Please come and pick it up."

"What? The room key?" Li Tianyu sat up suddenly, "Where is it?"

"Mr. Li, you really know how to joke, we are the property department of Shuimu Qingcheng..."