
The 'God of Wealth' starts paying taxes from bragging

Does bragging work? Of course it doesn’t work, that’s because you don’t have to pay taxes for bragging. Li Tianyu suddenly became the host of the "bragging tax system", and everything became different. Because, only his bragging needs to be paid... Li Tianyu: I have an apartment in the Third Ring Road of the Imperial Capital! System: Please pay a tax of 6,000 yuan and you can get a residence in the third ring road of Imperial City. Li Tianyu: I have a Porsche Cayenne. System: Please pay tax of 850 yuan and you can get a high-end Porsche Cayenne model. Li Tianyu: I am a business elite! System: Please pay a tax of 58,000 yuan to improve the host's quality in all aspects.

DaoistELiy3V · Urban
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111 Chs

Sorry, I refuse

As for whether Li Tianyu knows Ai Baoquan's contact information?

Don't make trouble, he is a master of intelligence, and he already knows the contact information of such celebrities.

The next morning, Li Tianyu received a remittance of three million soft sister coins.

Obviously, Ai Baoquan has found out something.

Li Tianyu was very happy. Suddenly he had three million more, and nearly five million in savings.

Not only was this a big step closer to his goal of 10 million yuan, but it also made him feel like a rich man.

I already have five million, why do I still need to work in this company? ?

Li Tianyu was thinking about asking Zhao Jitong to resign.

Who would have thought that before he could go, Zhao Jitong came to the door on his own initiative.

"Mr. Zhao, I have something..."

"Oh, Tianyu, we'll talk about it later. Come to the meeting with me first!"

"Meeting? What kind of meeting?"

"Don't worry about it. You'll know when you get there. I'll wait for you."

Li Tianyu was confused. Seeing Zhao Jitong acting like this, it must be a very important meeting.

But as a low-level planner like him, it is impossible for him to be qualified to participate in such an important meeting.

Zhao Jitong pulled Li Tianyu into the company's large conference room.

Li Tianyu went in and took a look, and was surprised.

The people sitting on both sides were all middle and senior managers of the company.

Sitting on the main seat is Wu Guoqiang, the big boss of Yunguang Technology.

Wu Guoqiang rarely comes to the company. It is said that he only came four times last year.

But Wu Guoqiang is not lazy, the main thing is that he is not only in one company.

The person who usually works at Yunguang Technology is named Zhou Bo, and his position is deputy general manager.

He has good abilities, at least he didn't cause any trouble to the company.

Zhao Jitong took Li Tianyu to find a seat and sit down.

Wu Guoqiang glanced at Li Tianyu and announced the beginning of the meeting.

First, each high-level manager talked about the business progress, and then the middle-level managers talked about the work of their departments and future plans.

Wu Guoqiang half-opened his eyes, as if he was about to fall asleep.

When everyone had said too much, Wu Guoqiang sighed, as if to say, "Finally, it's all over."

Although Yunguang Technology is not a particularly big company, it still has three to four hundred people.

A medium-sized company will have a lot of things going on.

Now these senior and middle managers look at Li Tianyu from time to time, seeming to be very curious about his existence.

Although they are all in the same company, the identity gap is so big that even if they meet Li Tianyu, it is impossible to know who it is.

It is very strange that Li Tianyu can sit in this conference room at this time.

However, a few people noticed that Li Tianyu was the guy who was in the limelight at the Imperial City Business Prospects Forum two days ago!

Moreover, Wu Guoqiang rarely comes to the company. Once he comes, it means there is something to say or deal with.

Sure enough, Wu Guoqiang suddenly said: "Today, I have one more thing to announce."

"Li Tianyu, please stand up."

Li Tianyu was still confused, but if someone asked him to do it, he would just do it.

Just listen to Wu Guoqiang say again: "He is Li Tianyu. He used to work in the planning department and is an elite general under Zhao Jitong."

Li Tianyu blushed a little when he said this.

What kind of elite soldiers and generals are there? In the past, he was at most a weak soldier and a crab general.

But things are indeed different now. With the blessing of the system, his abilities are no longer what they used to be.

"From now on, Li Tianyu will be transferred from the planning department to serve as my assistant. If anything happens to me in the future, I will notify Vice President Zhou and you all through him."

When everyone heard this, they immediately went crazy.

"What!? Li Tianyu? Assistant?"

"This is too sudden!?"

"What is this person's background? Is he a relative of Mr. Wu?"

Although these discussions were very small, Li Tianyu heard them clearly.

Not to mention others, even Li Tianyu had been confused for a long time.

What did Wu Guoqiang do? Crazy! ?

What does Wu Guoqiang's assistant mean? That is equivalent to the general manager of the company,

No, not only this Yunguang Technology, but also Wu Guoqiang's other companies, Li Tianyu can also have a hand in it.

Of course, this requires Wu Guoqiang's consent.

Zhao Jitong glanced at Li Tianyu and felt a mixture of emotions coming to him. He thought that this kid must have climbed too fast, far beyond his imagination.

In fact, Wu Guoqiang invited Li Tianyu to dinner yesterday, which made Zhao Jitong vaguely feel that this kid had the momentum to take off, but he did not expect that he would fly so high all of a sudden.

However, this was not beyond Zhao Jitong's expectation, so even though he felt sour, he immediately accepted the reality.

After the meeting, Wu Guoqiang called Li Tianyu into the general manager's office.

It is worthy of being the office of the "highest executive" in the company. It is so majestic, and it is estimated to be at least two hundred square meters.

It is estimated that Wu Guoqiang may want to explain why he made such a decision today.

Li Tianyu also noticed that besides Wu Guoqiang, there was another person standing in the office - Zhang Changfang.

Zhang Changfang is not only the head of the administration department, but also temporarily takes over the work of the personnel department.

At this time, Zhang Changfang directly handed a contract to Li Tianyu.

 "What's this?"

"New employment contract." Zhang Changfang responded.



At this time, Wu Guoqiang said: "You two sit down first, Xiao Zhang, and you can briefly explain the content to Xiao Li."

Zhang Changfang nodded: "Okay, Mr. Wu."

"First, Li Tianyu's position will be changed to Assistant General Manager."

"Second, the contract period starts from signing, which is five years."

"Third, a monthly salary of 40,000 yuan."

"That's basically it. The rest is the non-compete clause and the confidentiality clause."

Li Tianyu was stunned: "Competition clause? Confidentiality clause? Do I still need to sign this?"

"Of course, as the assistant to the general manager, you will definitely have access to some company secrets. We must ensure that you will not harm the company's interests after you leave."

Wu Guoqiang tapped his fingers on the table and asked with a smile: "Xiao Li, if there is no problem, just sign. I have several things to give you next."

Zhang Changfang put a pen in front of Li Tianyu.

At this time, Li Tianyu was flipping through the contracts one by one, not knowing what he was thinking.

A few minutes later, Li Tianyu was still looking at the contract.

Wu Guoqiang became impatient and frowned.

Zhang Changfang was certainly very discerning after getting to this position. She coughed lightly.

"Li Tianyu, actually you don't have to read it so carefully. Except for the few items I mentioned, other aspects are no different from ordinary contracts..."

After hearing this, Li Tianyu finally raised his head: "Mr. Wu, why did you choose me as your assistant?"

Wu Guoqiang narrowed his eyes: "Nonsense, I think you have potential, so I want to focus on training you. Xiao Li, hurry up. I have to go to a meeting elsewhere soon."

 "I reject."


Not to mention Wu Guoqiang, even Zhang Changfang was stunned when he heard Li Tianming's words, as if he heard wrongly.

Li Tianming smiled slightly: "I mean, I refuse to sign this contract."