
The 'God of Wealth' starts paying taxes from bragging

Does bragging work? Of course it doesn’t work, that’s because you don’t have to pay taxes for bragging. Li Tianyu suddenly became the host of the "bragging tax system", and everything became different. Because, only his bragging needs to be paid... Li Tianyu: I have an apartment in the Third Ring Road of the Imperial Capital! System: Please pay a tax of 6,000 yuan and you can get a residence in the third ring road of Imperial City. Li Tianyu: I have a Porsche Cayenne. System: Please pay tax of 850 yuan and you can get a high-end Porsche Cayenne model. Li Tianyu: I am a business elite! System: Please pay a tax of 58,000 yuan to improve the host's quality in all aspects.

DaoistELiy3V · Urban
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111 Chs

Let's learn how to bark together

Wang Changshun looked at Li Tianyu and felt that this guy was bluffing.

Seven thousand soft girl coins are not a big sum of money for him, Wang Changshun, but for a migrant worker with a monthly salary of only ten thousand, it is still a big deal.

Wang Changshun figured this out, slapped the table and glared: "Okay, if you can't pay 7,000 yuan, can you run naked here?"

Li Tianyu smiled and said, "Okay."

Wang Changshun was startled, thinking that this guy really wanted to take the move, right?

He originally wanted to scare Li Tianyu away and tell him to be more relaxed with his big talk, but he didn't expect that this kid was stunned by the donkey's kick and actually remained unmoved...

Li Tianyu is indeed not joking.

Now he really doesn't care about the six to seven thousand yuan.

Not to mention that Li Tianyu already has about two million in savings. As long as there is a system, it is too easy to make money.

At this time, everyone has had enough wine and food, and it is time to disperse.

When the students at the other table heard about the bet between Li Tianyu and Wang Changshun, they were surprised at first, and then they all came over to boo.

"Hey, you two are going to put on a big show."

"This show is great. It's either the barking dog or the streaking one. Each one is more exciting than the last."

"That's right, Qi Wei, is this a show for the class reunion? You can do it!"

Qi Wei was speechless when he heard this. Who knew that Li Tianyu and Wang Changshun were really at odds.

At this time, almost everyone was looking at Li Tianyu, mainly to see if he really wanted to pay.

Li Tianyu was not in a hurry and was putting the last piece of eggplant stuffed meat into his mouth. He glanced at Wang Changshun and found that the boy's face was a little uncertain.

For Wang Changshun, barking like a dog in public would be a great shame and humiliation, definitely not inferior to running naked.

If Li Tianyu didn't pay the bill, Wang Changshun would certainly be happy, and he had already prepared some vicious words that would make Li Tianyu even ashamed to get into the cracks in the ground.

But if Li Tianyu really spent 7,000 yuan on such a bet, then he would be in big trouble.

At this time, Li Tianyu moved.

He snapped his fingers at a waitress outside the box.

"Beauty, check out."

Wang Changshun couldn't help but said: "Li Tianyu, let me remind you that you have to pay not only for this table, but also for the other table."

"I know, is there any difference?"


Wang Changshun was speechless, this guy was so good at pretending.

At this time, the waiter came over.

"Sir, do you want cash or card?"

"Swipe your card."

"Two tables getting married together?"


"Okay, please wait a moment."

Soon after, the waitress brought the bill and a portable credit card machine.

"Sir, the total is six thousand eight hundred and fifty soft girl coins."

When everyone heard it, the cost was not low.

In Yanyun City, the average person's salary is four to five thousand yuan, and the money for these two tables is more than a month's salary.

"Tianyu, let's forget it. Everyone agreed to make it AA. You don't need to pay alone." Qi Wei couldn't help but said.

"That's not okay. If I don't pay, I will run naked in public. It would be too embarrassing."

With that said, Li Tianyu handed his bank card to the waitress.

Wang Changshun was speechless. If he had known better, he would not have mentioned the "streaking" thing. Isn't this forcing people to go to Liangshan?

Wang Changshun stared at Li Tianyu closely, not seeing the slightest hint of timidity on his face.

Is this kid crazy?

After a full month, he would only earn a little over 10,000 yuan. Even if you leave out the cost of rent and food and pocket money, how much money would you have left to allow him to spend such a large amount of money?

Maybe there is no money in that bank card at all...

Just as Wang Changshun was thinking this, he heard the sound of a payment receipt being printed - the payment was successful!

Li Tianyu took back the card without changing his expression and glanced at Wang Changshun disdainfully.

Wang Changshun really has nothing to say.

When everyone saw that Li Tianyu had indeed done what he said, they all gave a thumbs up.

"Thank you for the hospitality. Contact me later and I'll treat you alone!"

"Yibo Yuntian!"

"As expected of someone who lives in the imperial capital, it's so atmospheric!"

Li Tianming looked at Wang Changshun, stretched out his hand and said, "Here comes the dog..."

Wang Changshun's expression changed: "You..."

At this time, someone started to boo.

"Changshun, it's your turn, hurry up."

"Yeah, isn't it just like barking like a dog? Let me learn one first, woof woof!"

"I'm coming too, the dogs are barking, woof, woof, woof!"

Wang Changshun was getting more and more embarrassed. When they made such a fuss, he felt even more embarrassed.

But if you lose the bet, you can't live up to your promise.


Li Tianming frowned: "What was the sound just now? It doesn't seem like a dog barking..."

Wang Changshun became angry and barked loudly: "Woof woof woof woof!"

The cry was so amazing that everyone clapped excitedly.

Wang Changshun had never experienced such a shame and humiliation. He wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it. At the same time, his hatred for Li Tianyu became even stronger.

Those students who had something to do with themselves left first. Those with nothing to do and those who were willing to continue playing somewhere else also left one after another.

Qi Wei said: "Li Tianyu, do you want to sing? I'll treat you."

"I'm not going. I'm going to leave early. You can play."

"Okay, let's meet up later. How did you get here?"

"I drove here."

"Oh, that's okay. I've already bought a car."

"It's more convenient this way."

When others heard this, they became curious and wondered what kind of car Li Tianyu bought?

Among this group of students, not many actually own their own cars. Even those who drove here were driving their parents' cars.

However, Wang Changshun is different. He drives an Audi Q3, which is quite bourgeois.

As for Li Tianyu, most people think that it is an economical car that costs about 100,000 yuan at most.

"Let's go first." Li Tianyu first waved to Qi Wei, then nodded to Jiang Qing, and walked out the door.

Wang Changshun also called everyone to go out the door.

In fact, Wang Changshun still wanted to see what kind of car Li Tianyu was driving. Then he could use a little sarcasm to gain some ground.

Li Tianyu was in the limelight twice in a row just now, which made him very unhappy.

When they arrived at the door of the hotel, they saw Li Tianyu walking straight towards a car.

Qi Wei's eyes were sharp and he couldn't help but said loudly: "No way, Li Tianyu bought a Porsche?"

"Porsche? Real or fake?... Damn it! It's really a Porsche, yes, it's a Cayenne. This car is so beautiful!"

Sun Xia curled her lips: "Look carefully, there is a BYD parked next to the Porsche! Think about it, how can he afford a Porsche!?"

As soon as Sun Xia finished speaking, Li Tianyu actually opened the door of the Porsche Cayenne and got into the driver's seat.

"Sun Xia, open your eyes wide and look! She drives a Porsche!"