
The 'God of Wealth' starts paying taxes from bragging

Does bragging work? Of course it doesn’t work, that’s because you don’t have to pay taxes for bragging. Li Tianyu suddenly became the host of the "bragging tax system", and everything became different. Because, only his bragging needs to be paid... Li Tianyu: I have an apartment in the Third Ring Road of the Imperial Capital! System: Please pay a tax of 6,000 yuan and you can get a residence in the third ring road of Imperial City. Li Tianyu: I have a Porsche Cayenne. System: Please pay tax of 850 yuan and you can get a high-end Porsche Cayenne model. Li Tianyu: I am a business elite! System: Please pay a tax of 58,000 yuan to improve the host's quality in all aspects.

DaoistELiy3V · Urban
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111 Chs

Demolition, count me three!

Li Tianyu squeezed in and took a look. The "Relocation Announcement" was not long and the content was very simple.

The general idea is that this demolition is quite urgent.

The house will be measured at the end of this month. If you sign and draw according to the time, you will be rewarded.

If everything goes well, this community will be bulldozed next month.

The government did not write down the compensation and resettlement, and will issue specific detailed documents only after the survey.

The onlookers have already begun to talk about it.

Some people's faces were filled with excitement.

Some people looked thoughtful, as if they were pondering the demolition policy.

Most people are only envious, and their words are full of sighs.

Participant A: "This community is really going to be demolished, and another group of nouveau riche will appear."

People B: "No, this is such good luck. This community is less than ten years old, and it is really going to be demolished."

Participant C: "Haha, I live in this community. I heard last time that resettlement housing may be calculated at 1.5 times."

As soon as this person finished speaking, he immediately became the focus of everyone.

1.5 times, which is now a very enviable ratio.

A house of 100 square meters can be exchanged for a resettlement house of 150 square meters, which is quite cost-effective.

Audience A: "Oh, that's terrible. If the house is big enough, there might be an extra set."

Citizen C: "Our house is not big or small, 110 square meters, which is enough to make a small apartment. There is also demolition money. I heard that the subsidy for each square meter is quite large. I don't know the exact amount. Anyway, we don't let the old neighbors suffer. "

Hearing these words made people greedy, and many people began to ask questions and ask for gossip.

Li Tianyu listened for a while and felt that what these people said was of little value, so he squeezed out of the crowd.

In fact, he had already made up his mind.

Yes, he plans to buy a house in this community.

By buying? Of course it's not feasible.

The news of the demolition has been released and everyone knows it. Who will sell a house that is about to be demolished? That's either a madman or a fool.

But Li Tianyu has the blessing of the system, and the impossible has become completely possible.

However, Li Tianyu was not completely sure whether the plan was feasible, and he still wanted to ask what the system meant.

"System, I know that houses obtained through taxation cannot be sold, but the income from demolition is always okay, right?"

[System Assistant]: No problem, demolition funds and resettlement housing can be obtained normally and are not restricted by the system.

[System Assistant]: In addition, the system property that the host has obtained can be reset by destroying it.

[System Assistant]: Please note that after the system property is destroyed, you will no longer receive income from the property.

It turns out that the so-called "destruction" does not mean that the house disappears, it just no longer belongs to the host.

However, the system's words made Li Tianyu happy. His plan was feasible, and could even be said to be seamless.

If you obtain the real estate in Fuhuali Community from the system, you can not only get demolition compensation for normal demolition, but the allocated resettlement houses are not restricted by the system, so you can buy and sell them freely.

Li Tianyu: "I have a house in Fuhuali Community, and there are more than one house."

Li Tianyu couldn't wait to open the system interface, click on the "Order Center" and refresh the list.

Sure enough, the property tax information of Fuhuali Community appeared.


[Community name]: Fuhuali Community

[Community location]: Gucheng East Road, Yanyun City

[Building type]: Multi-story slab building

[Room number]: Building 7, 203

[Room area]: 130 square meters

[Amount of tax]: 13,800 yuan soft sister coins


[Community name]: Fuhuali Community

[Community location]: Gucheng East Road, Yanyun City

[Building type]: Multi-story slab building

[Room number]: Building 2, 402

[Room area]: 98 square meters

[Tax amount]: 11,300 yuan soft sister coins


[Community name]: Fuhuali Community

[Community location]: Gucheng East Road, Yanyun City

[Building type]: Multi-story board building

[Room number]: Building 11, 603

[Room area]: 145 square meters

[Amount of tax]: 23,600 yuan soft sister coins


Li Tianyu took a look at the list and found that they were all houses in Fuhuali Community, and the tax amount was not high.

But why are there only three sets?

Li Tianyu now has a tax quota of 500,000 yuan a day, so it is no problem to buy dozens of units.

Li Tianyu clicked the "refresh" button, but the list did not change at all. It was still the same three houses.

Clicked again, still no change.

"...Is this system broken?"

[System Assistant]: The refresh function is invalid. Only these three sets are available in this community.

It turns out that there is not an unlimited supply of houses. The system should also screen out the houses that meet the conditions.

Objectively speaking, it is not easy to find three houses in a community that is about to be demolished.

Moreover, Li Tianyu can only get ten houses from the system at present, and he "can't afford" a few more houses.

After the three houses are demolished, the quota will be vacant again.

This method is quite reliable.

Without hesitation, Li Tianyu began to click on three houses in order to confirm the tax payment.

[Tax deduction information]

13,800 yuan of soft sister coins deducted successfully

11,300 yuan of soft sister coins deducted successfully

23,600 yuan of soft sister coins deducted successfully

Total deductions: 48,700 yuan soft sister coins

[Asset acquisition information]

203, Building 7, Fuhuali was successful

402, Building 2, Fuhuali, was successful

603, Building 11, Fuhuali, achieved success


All three houses are completed!

Li Tianyu smiled from ear to ear. He spent less than 50,000 yuan and got three houses.

This is no ordinary house, it is a house that will be demolished.

Even if the demolition money is not much, the resettlement housing alone is already worth it.

The current resettlement housing is less miserable than before, and the community and layout are more reasonable.

In this case, even if you don't rent it out, you can still live in it for your family. You can sell the excess if you want, and rent it if you want. It's simply the best of both worlds.

More importantly, if the demolition and demolition progress is normal, this community will be demolished next month.

In other words, the investment will pay off quickly.

I don't know when the resettlement houses will be built. It would be nice if they could be built soon.

Now Li Tianyu just waits for someone to notify him to get the real estate certificate.

But there's no point in waiting here. It's better to go into the community and take a look at the situation.

With this thought in mind, Li Tianyu stepped into the gate of the community.

This Fuhuali community is actually a welfare housing for a certain unit, so although it was built less than ten years ago, the planning and configuration of the community are all old-fashioned designs.

Although the building is well built, the sanitary condition is not bad, and it is clean, there is one thing that Li Tianyu doesn't like very much, and that is the serious lack of parking spaces.

The parking spaces on the ground have long been full, and other parking spaces are also crowded. The aisles where people can walk are narrow and really uncomfortable.