
The 'God of Wealth' starts paying taxes from bragging

Does bragging work? Of course it doesn’t work, that’s because you don’t have to pay taxes for bragging. Li Tianyu suddenly became the host of the "bragging tax system", and everything became different. Because, only his bragging needs to be paid... Li Tianyu: I have an apartment in the Third Ring Road of the Imperial Capital! System: Please pay a tax of 6,000 yuan and you can get a residence in the third ring road of Imperial City. Li Tianyu: I have a Porsche Cayenne. System: Please pay tax of 850 yuan and you can get a high-end Porsche Cayenne model. Li Tianyu: I am a business elite! System: Please pay a tax of 58,000 yuan to improve the host's quality in all aspects.

DaoistELiy3V · Urban
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111 Chs

Brother, it’s really hard for me

Tang Rou: "It's not just that one. I am a very popular person in the university. I am like a crucian carp crossing a river!"

Li Tianyu rubbed his forehead: "Don't use idioms indiscriminately. What kind of subordinates are you? It's terrible to be uneducated."

Tang Rou stared over with big eyes.

Li Tianyu quickly said: "I know, you are a great beauty and a goddess, okay?"

Tang Rou: "That's pretty much it."

"That's okay. I'll leave first. You can celebrate your classmate's birthday properly."

Li Tianyu said this and was about to leave, but Tang Rou grabbed his arm.

"Brother, what should I do if you leave?"

"If men and women don't kiss each other, please let go."

"No! Your mission hasn't been completed yet, how can you leave?"

"That's why I asked you, why do you want me to come here?"

Tang Rou hesitated for a moment before saying, "I want you to play my partner again."

Li Tianyu's eyes widened.

"Are you crazy! Didn't you have enough fun last time? One time is enough for such an old-fashioned role-playing game. Do you want to do it a second time?"

"No, I'm really in trouble. Here's the thing..."

Tang Rou then explained the reason to Li Tianyu in detail.

It turns out that the protagonist of this birthday party, Zhong Wenxu, is also Tang Rou's suitor.

Zhong Wenxu, I guess... is a rather radical person. He is planning to make a big show of confessing his love to Tang Rou at this birthday party.

Knowing that there were so many people, Zhong Wenxu felt that doing this would make him more respectable, and it would definitely make Tang Rou so moved that she would weep and swear on the spot that she would not marry anyone but him.

"Brother, this is really terrifying. Do you think he will kill me if I refuse?" Tang Rou turned pale as she said this.

Li Tianyu glanced at the giant cake: "This young man is quite sincere, and he looks like a man who owns a mine at home. Why did you refuse?"

Tang Rou curled her lips: "What's the matter? You still want me to cry and act coy on the spot?"

Li Tianyu imagined the scene Tang Rou described...

To be honest, it's a bit scary.

Li Tianyu: "If you really don't like it, just don't attend this bullshit birthday party. Why are you joining in the fun?"

Tang Rou: "You think I haven't tried it? This guy bribed all the girls in our dormitory. If I don't come, I will be cut off from my roommate relationship..."

Li Tianyu: "...It's a big deal, otherwise you should agree."

 "you wanna die..."

Tang Rou twisted the flesh on Li Tianyu's waist viciously.

"Oh, okay, please spare your life, why don't you let me help you?"

Tang Rou let go: "That's pretty much it."

The two discussed it, and Li Tianyu just had to act as an obedient, gentle, and virtuous boyfriend beside Tang Rou without saying a few words.

When Zhong Wenxu saw that Tang Rou already had a boyfriend, he naturally calmed down and stopped showing any nonsense.

"...What kind of bad plan is this? Could it be so smooth?" Li Tianyu murmured.

"What?" Tang Rou frowned coldly.


Just then, several people came over.

Two women and one man.

Of the two girls, one is slightly taller and has long hair, named Ma Caijing.

The other one is shorter and also has long hair, named Li Ping.

They are all Tang Rou's roommates and classmates.

As for that boy, he is Ma Caijing's boyfriend-Wu Hua.

"Xiaorou, who is this?" Ma Caijing asked.

Tang Rou pursed her lips and smiled, hugging Li Tianyu's arm: "That's right. Let me introduce to you. This is my partner, Li Tianyu."

Li Ping covered her mouth and said in surprise: "Xiaorou, do you really have a boyfriend? I didn't believe it when you said it before!"

Ma Caijing looked at Li Tianyu: "I don't think it looks like it. You didn't pay someone to recharge your account, did you?"

Tang Rou: "Bah, how can I be so worthless!"

With that said, Tang Rou turned to Li Tianyu and said, "Dear, these three beautiful and handsome people are all my classmates, Ma Caijing, Li Ping and Ma Caijing's boyfriend Wu Hua."

Li Tianyu smiled slightly and nodded to the three of them: "Hello, I am Li Tianyu."

Li Ping suddenly said: "Huh? You look familiar to me. I seem to have seen you somewhere."

Ma Caijing glared at Li Ping: "Are you crazy about men?"

Li Ping was helpless: "No, no, I really..."

Li Tianyu's image is actually not bad. Coupled with the transformation of the system, he now feels quite gentle and elegant.

Li Tianyu chuckled: "I am a popular face, so it is normal for you to think that I look familiar."

In fact, Li Ping had seen the video of Li Tianyu giving a speech at an industry forum before, and then she felt that it looked familiar.

However, the resolution of most of the videos circulating on the Internet is not high, and the popularity has already dropped. It is difficult to be completely sure that Li Tianyu is that person.

Wu Hua also looked at Li Tianyu: "You don't seem to be a student, right?"

Li Tianyu nodded: "I am already working and a member of society."

Ma Caijing said to Tang Rou: "Xiaorou, can't you tell that you like older people?"

Tang Rou: "Of course, he is older, mature and has taste."

Ma Caijing: "No wonder, you have a financial foundation. By the way, what does your boyfriend do?"

Tang Rou was stunned.

To be honest, Tang Rou only knew a rough idea of Li Tianyu's job. She knew that he worked in a technology company, but she didn't know the specific job.

Li Tianyu took over the conversation: "I am now working as a planning consultant in a real estate company."

Ma Caijing and Li Ping looked at each other.

Planning consultant? What is this position?

At this moment, the real master appeared.

I saw warm applause not far away, one after another.

Several people turned around and saw a boy enjoying it.

The boy was wearing a Western-style dress, with shiny hair, and was very handsome.

Li Tianyu asked in a low voice: "Is this Zhong Wenxu?"

Tang Rou nodded.

Li Tianyu: "Isn't this very handsome?"

Tang Rou: "What's the use of being handsome?"

Li Tianyu glanced at Tang Rou.

Can't you tell, Tang Rou has quite an idea.

After a while, Zhong Wenxu came over.

Tang Rou was a little nervous: "He's here, don't talk nonsense."

"Don't worry, I'll act like a mute."

"That won't work either! You have to act well."

Li Tianyu was speechless, thinking that he was not an actor, so how could he act?

In the blink of an eye, Zhong Wenxu came closer.

"Xiao Rou, you are here."

Zhong Wenxu said hello, but his eyes fell on Li Tianyu.

 "Who is this..."

Tang Rou smiled and said, "This is my boyfriend, Li Tianyu."

Zhong Wenxu was surprised and looked at Ma Caijing: "Boyfriend?"

Ma Caijing shrugged, saying she didn't know what was going on.