
The 'God of Wealth' starts paying taxes from bragging

Does bragging work? Of course it doesn’t work, that’s because you don’t have to pay taxes for bragging. Li Tianyu suddenly became the host of the "bragging tax system", and everything became different. Because, only his bragging needs to be paid... Li Tianyu: I have an apartment in the Third Ring Road of the Imperial Capital! System: Please pay a tax of 6,000 yuan and you can get a residence in the third ring road of Imperial City. Li Tianyu: I have a Porsche Cayenne. System: Please pay tax of 850 yuan and you can get a high-end Porsche Cayenne model. Li Tianyu: I am a business elite! System: Please pay a tax of 58,000 yuan to improve the host's quality in all aspects.

DaoistELiy3V · Urban
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111 Chs

A good horse never looks back

I made five million soft girl coins in just one morning cup of tea. It was so happy.

In comparison, Wu Guoqiang's monthly salary of 30,000 yuan is not worth mentioning.

If you get the other half of five million, the system upgrade conditions will be met.

But then again, the job given by Ai Baoquan is not that easy to complete.

Judging from the information Li Tianyu knows, Zhao Yan may be really difficult to deal with. After all, the Shirai Club is behind him.

A large chamber of commerce organization like this is like a giant in front of ordinary people.

In other words, if you provoke such a force, it will be like ants shaking the tree, just seeking death.

But now Li Tianyu is surprisingly calm. He is only helping Ai Baoquan collect evidence and will not touch the interests of big forces.

Ai Baoquan seemed very urgent. The result of the discussion between the two was to ask Li Tianyu to go to the company headquarters the day after tomorrow to go to him to go through the entry procedures.

Although I am actually doing research, on the surface I still have to go to work.

But Ai Baoquan agreed to Li Tianyu not to have to work seriously, which was more in line with his wishes.

As soon as Li Tianyu got home, his cell phone rang.

When I turned on the screen, I saw it was Zhao Jitong calling.

You still have to answer the phone calls from the "old leader".

"Tianyu, do you have time now?"

Li Tianyu responded: "It's nothing."

Zhao Jitong: "Where are you now? I'm going to find you."

Li Tianyu hesitated and mentioned a Starbucks near the community.

Judging from the tone, Zhao Jitong kept his attitude very low, and it was difficult for Li Tianyu to refuse.

Of course Zhao Jitong came by car.

Half an hour later, the two met in Starbucks.

Strangely enough, when Li Tianyu worked under him in the future, he would feel a little guilty when he saw the leader Zhao Jitong.

But now, Li Tianyu feels that Zhao Jitong is nothing more than that.

Unknowingly, with the change of personality, Li Tianyu's realm seemed to have improved a lot.

When Zhao Jitong saw Li Tianyu, he was also startled. He also clearly felt that Li Tianyu's attitude seemed to be a little different.

But Zhao Jitong didn't think much about it. He came with a mission.

The two of them each ordered a cup of coffee and sat across from each other.

Zhao Jitong smiled and gave a thumbs up to Li Tianyu: "Tianyu, I really admire you. Mr. Wu promoted you to such a high position, and you actually resigned with just a few words."

Li Tianyu thought to himself, although the position is high, the salary is still so low, I will not do those thankless things.

Li Tianming did not respond, but asked directly: "Mr. Zhao, do you have anything to do with me?"

"I won't stand a chance with you anymore. It's like this. After you resigned, Mr. Wu just...how should I put it, he felt a little regretful..."

Li Tianyu was slightly startled. Wu Guoqiang regretted it? That's strange.

Li Tianyu is just an insignificant employee in the company, and he should not be that important to Wu Guoqiang.

Zhao Jitong: "So, I came here today to talk to you and see if it is possible for you to return to the company."

"...Go back to the company?" Li Tianyu immediately shook his head, "Since I have already come out, there is no reason to go back."

As the saying goes, a good horse never turns back.

Zhao Jitong waved his hand quickly: "Listen to me first."

"Mr. Wu said that he has seriously considered the request you made before and made certain changes to your treatment. The consultant position you mentioned before is really not available in the company, so it can only be announced to the outside world. "As an assistant, if there is nothing important in the company, you can also go about your own business, as long as it doesn't delay the business."

"In addition, Mr. Wu has promised to increase your salary to 50,000 soft sister coins, and there will be performance at the end of the year."

After Zhao Jitong finished speaking, he looked at Li Tianyu, hoping to see a look of excitement on his face.

However, he was disappointed.

Li Tianyu's face was as calm as water, and he couldn't see any thoughts.

"How is it? This kind of treatment should be very sincere."

Li Tianyu nodded: "It is indeed sincere. I am really touched that Mr. Wu can make such a big concession."

"Then do you want to consider..."

Li Tianyu waved his hand and interrupted Zhao Jitong: "Mr. Zhao, you are my old leader. I won't hide it from you. I already have a new employer."

"Have you found a new home? So soon? Did you...find it in advance?"

Li Tianyu shook his head: "My position has just been decided, and I will start the job the day after tomorrow."

"Where...are you going?"

Li Tianyu hesitated for a moment, then said, "It's Mr. Ai's company."

"Mr. Ai? Ai...Ai Baoquan?"

Li Tianyu nodded.

Zhao Jitong was immediately startled: "No, it can't be right? How do you know each other?"

"We had a casual chat after we last met, and then he heard that I had resigned from the company, so he took the initiative to find me and asked me to work for him."

Zhao Jitong stared hard, finally digesting Li Tianyu's words.

​But this is still an incredible thing.

Who is Ai Baoquan?

If Wu Guoqiang is a prawn, then Ai Baoquan is a lobster.

That was a big shot even higher than Wu Guoqiang. How could he be related to Li Tianyu?

"Then...what will be your position after you pass?"

Li Tianyu first picked up the cup and took a sip of latte before answering: "Consultant."


This made Zhao Jitong confused. Now he could not understand Li Tianyu more and more.

I don't know if it's a psychological effect, but this kid seems to have a sense of mystery in his whole person.

Since Li Tianyu had said so, Zhao Jitong had no choice but to give up lobbying.

However, something suddenly moved in his heart.

Although there are still doubts, Li Tianyu is on the verge of rapid success.

Such people must have good relationships.

"Tianyu, you have resigned from the company. As your former leader, I must treat you to a meal to express your gratitude."

When Li Tianyu heard this, what was he doing?

Zhao Jitong added: "But I can't do it today. I have a meeting when I go back. Let's wait until the weekend. I'll call you and treat you to a nice meal then."

"This...that's not necessary. I appreciate your kindness."

"No, I have to invite you! That's it!" Zhao Jitong stood up and waved to Li Tianyu, "I'm leaving first, keep in touch."

Since Zhao Jitong was so attentive, Li Tianyu accepted it "reluctantly".

Of course Li Tianyu guessed why Zhao Jitong did this.

But thinking about it carefully, this former leader has been treating him well recently, and there is nothing wrong with him becoming friends.

After Zhao Jitong left, Li Tianyu sat in the coffee shop for a while and then went back to rest.