
Dairy First page

When I was a little girl I loved to play with flowers. My favorite flowers were daisies, but little did I know that I wouldn't be able to be that little girl forever and would have to grow up one day. Well, that day came long when my mother decided to leave my father and I to go run off to some other man and maybe start a new family as well. I had to be the new woman in the house doing normal house chores like cleaning, cooking, sewing , you name it. It has been like this for many years now and I have gotten used to it as well but sometimes I wish I was a normal girl with a normal family, but we all know that isn't true. Not one bit... As I grew older and older and life has never changed for me or my father, he is still a hardworking man, working for a liquor company, I don't agree with this job but this isn't my life, and they do pay good enough to keep me and my father with food and things we need. Yes my story seems very boring but this is only an update on how and what my life has been like. It doesn't even matter anyways. No one is going to read my diary not over my dead body. BUT OH WELL

3/8/15 by Ivy Hazel