

Rosaleigh Blu Clarkson is a normal girl, 25 years old and single. All she ever wanted was a job to help out at home and her family, but fate decided on another thing. Xander Blythe Grey the devil of the business world. Everyone knows not to mess with him, he's as cold as Antarctica, probably even colder. He never expected Leigh to walk through his doors, not in a long shot. The only person that could cause global warming in his antarctic world. Which could cause good or bad. With the history between the two have, unknown to Lee, how will Xander handle her working for her.

Omphile_Magongwa · Urban
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32 Chs

chapter 22

He tantalizingly pulls the lip out from between my teeth and pulls it, he's so focused, like he's hypnotized.

Here we go again.

I cup his cheek and find a way to straddle him, making it hard to ignore the hardness between my thighs.

Closing my eyes, I lean in to kiss him and just as our lips are about to touch, a drop of water falls between them.

I snap out of it and look up at the sky, the stars are now concealed behind a dark cloud. Another drop falls on my forehead and soon a lot more follow, we both hurry up to our stuff and rush to the door.

I fall into a fit of giggles looking at how wet Mr Grey is, he almost looks mad at the rain.

Thankfully we aren't that wet, "What about the blankets?" I ask wringing the water out of my hair.

"Someone will take care of it, it's almost midnight. I should really get you home." He states, placing his surprisingly dry jacket around me.

I'm slightly shivering from the cold but it's not like I predicted that I'd be on a rooftop with my boss just as it's about to rain.

He places his hand on my lower back and leads us downstairs where someone is waiting with an umbrella, we head to the car and thankfully he switches on the heater.

Fifteen minutes later the car pulls up infront of my apartment, for some reason I don't open the door to head out.

Probably because it's raining.

Yep, that's why.

Then why don't you ask for the umbrella?

I don't know.

Thank Lord I'm only your subconscious.

I turn my body to face my boss, "Thank you." I smile, his eyebrows furrow slight.


The wonderful night.

"The...the ride home." I stutter, "And for Jared." Just the mention of his name makes his eyes darken and his demeanor change.

"Goodnight Rosaleigh." He leans in and leaves a lingering kiss on my forehead.

"Goodnight sir." I mumble, my hand on the door handle and the other on the umbrella.

"Xander." He corrects, I look back at him. I thought he was too drunk to remember his command but he truly must despise his father.

"Xander." I nod stepping out and letting the umbrella spring out to shield me from the harsh water.

I take my time walking to the door and entering, only then do I see the headlights of the car disappearing into the darkness.

"A little late to be hanging out with your boss isn't it?" I jump in fear as the kitchen lights switch on and I find Julio sitting on one of the barstools.

"What's it to you?" I snap, taking off my shoes.

"It's a little over midnight Rosaleigh." He states making me roll my eyes.

"Sorry I missed my curfew dad." I emphasize getting ready to go to my room.

"Rosaleigh this is serious!" He nearly shouts, holding onto my wrist to keep me from going up the stairs.

I tug my hand back, "Care to tell me why?!" I nearly shout back.

"It's starting again, can't you see that?!" By now his white hair is contrasting with his red face, I've only seen him like this a few times and I'll be lying if I said it doesn't scare me.

"Cleary not, now leave me be Julio." I mutter going up the stairs, as soon as my door shuts it opens just as quick.

"I can't leave you be, knowing very well you're going to go back to where you were!" He yells shutting the door behind him.

"What do you know about me that I don't know?! I am not going anywhere, I'm not changing but I can't say the same about you." I whisper.

His eyes soften but he doesn't give in, "I know more about you than you know Rosaleigh and that's a fact, and I am right when I say Xander Grey isn't r–"

"Can you just mind your own business Julio?! Let her live for God's sake, that was eleven years ago. And if anthing goes wrong, we'll be there like we were before." I know I wasn't supposed to hear the last statement but I clearly did.

Julia glares at her brother, "You'll be there for her again, I'm not going through that anymore." Julio snaps, hot tears prick at my eyes, and a deep frown etched on my face.

"Maybe I should move out because clearly I'll have no peace for as long as I'm living here." I grit, Julia's eyes look at me in worry.

"What about Lucia? CPS will be here tomorrow, what are you going to do then? Don't be irrational Rosaleigh." She warns.

My frown deepens, it makes me angrier that she's right. "I'll figure out a plan." I mumble, Julio walks out of the room still fuming.

"Don't make it about you Rosie, you've been working on this for too long, don't ruin it now." She advices then leaves me to be alone.

I fall down on my bed with a huge huff, I stare at the ceiling for a few minutes my mind racing with a million this at once.

This day started off fine, then bad, then fine, then bad, then great and just had to end on a negative manner.


I take off the jacket I forgot to give back and change out of my dress, I take a quick hot shower to avoid a cold then try to fall asleep.

Keyword: try.


"Thank you so much." I end the call and fall back in my seat letting out a long yawn.

Today ended up being one of those days that last until eleven p.m, and I can barely keep my eyes open.

I get up on my feet and stretch, the cracking of my joints fill the room. After packing up my stuff, I lock up.

I head to my boss's office, he'd been unusually silent and sue me for being curious as to why that is so.

When he doesn't reply to my knock, I take a peek in and almost groan in frustration.

He's asleep.

In the beginning I wondered why he wouldn't sleep in the work bedroom but if he sleeps on the couch, it's a way of him saying that he wants to go him where he'll be properly taken of.

But today of all days? Nic is gone and that frustrates me even more. Taking out my phone I dial Aaron and explain the situation, while I wait for him to come I pack up every thing that belongs to him.

When Aaron arrives, we start to carry him to the elevator. It's really harder than they both make it look, I swear one half of this man weighs more than me.

The whole way to the car, I struggle on my feet and nearly fall three times. I strap him in and shut the door, "If you don't mind, I'd like for you to accompany me to drop Mr Grey off first. Usually Mr Rimini would help me carry..."

I don't allow him to finish his explanation and just stupidly nod, right now I'm so tired that you could possibly convince me to eat a snake without knowing it.

I enter the backseat and buckle myself in, soon enough we're driving to Mr Grey's house or penthouse, I'm never here so I don't really have any idea where he lives.

I don't know when but Mr Grey's head falls on my shoulder, I look down and admire his face from this angle. I also don't know how long into the drive but I end up falling asleep on his head.
