
Thawed Heart

The Great Dragon of The Inferno is one of the strongest Creature in Hell next to the Creator of Hell is the fearsome beings you don't want to Offend but why is he become a little girl and has a fishing rod? Fish pond Owner: Hey You! it's Illegal to fish here!!!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- As always don't Expect much! this is my 2nd fanfic so yeah... majority of the characters that will appear isn't made by me [It's a Hololive Fanfic] Started date: Feb 18, 2022

ILikeYuri · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Chapter 25

A shrine maiden can be seen flying in the path and releasing her talismans whenever a monster pops up

?: this fog is annoying I can't see the monster's faces if they block it

?: all I know is that it's a plant or an insect but I don't know exactly what is it

So the shrine maiden keeps flying while mumbling


In the other part of the room, there is a zombie with a sword fighting a giant root monster of some kind

Ollie: what is this monster?

Ollie evade and slash the incoming roots

Ollie: it keeps regenerating and the core is too heavily guarded

Anya: Ollie use my ability to cut the core once and for all

Ollie: okay

Ollie's mana and Anya's mana mixed and the sword glows violet

Ollie: Fusion Strike!!!

Ollie swung the sword to the body of the monster

A violet slashed gash appeared

The gash widened and made the monster split apart


the core exploded into a thousand pieces

Ollie: did we do it?

Anya: Ollie that's a flag

The broken core lights up and become whole again

Ollie: second phase perhaps?

Anya: can you shut up for a second

Roots suddenly envelopes the whole core making the root monster appear again but this time it's bigger

Ollie: okay...


The monster loudly screech

Ollie: we just need to defeat it again? easy

Roots appeared surrounding Ollie

Ollie: maybe not

The roots bind her making her cannot move

Ollie: did we fail the mission, Anya?

Anya: I hope not maybe Heil can save us

They stayed silent when a red amulet flew on the monster


Making the vines coiling at Ollie stop their tracks and lost strength

Ollie: are they here?

Anya: no, it's not them

A shrine maiden can be seen floating inside

?: an ordinary shrine maiden is here to save the day!!!

Ollie: is she joking Anya?

Anya: perhaps

Ollie remove the vines that are on top of her

Ollie: miss shrine maiden what is your name?

Reimu: me? My name is Hakurei Reimu

Reimu: I know you... Ahh! You are Kureiji Ollie

Ollie: ahh? I didn't think you know me after all I'm not that popular

Reimu: ahh? Not at all, you are fairly popular because of your energetic personality

Ollie: is that so?

Reimu: *nods* yeah it is

Ollie: Thanks for saving me from that monster

Reimu: no problem at all after all I'm here to solve incidence

Ollie looked at the now destroyed core and burnt monster

Ollie: Are we done here?

Anya: Ollie!!

The core once glowed making the core rebuilt and the vines appearing once again but now the vines are black and the monster resembles a woman

Ollie: a third phase perhaps?

Reimu: so the monster hijacked the mana lines of the sealing dungeon?

Reimu: makes sense because it can control every part of the dungeon

Reimu: but I just have to destroy the mana lines and it will be defeated

Ollie: how?

The shrine maiden suddenly have an array of blue glowing amulets appearing on her

Reimu: go!!!

The amulets fly towards the monster making the monster shriek in pain at every amulet that hits it

Ollie: you see this shit, Anya?

Anya: yes Ollie I can see it

The monster got hit by thousands of blue amulets while the shrine maiden is floating eating popcorn

Reimu: I deliberately lowered the output of the amulets to see a monster suffering and some blue smoke

The shriek is getting quieter every second pass

When the blue smoke dissipates the monster become dry roots and the core become a deflated orb

Reimu: (I hope that it won't send me back yet)

Reimu: all done

The vines in the surroundings lost their colour and dissipates in thin air

Reimu: now let's go out in this dungeon

The shrine maiden walks towards the entrance and retrace her footsteps

The shrine maiden looks at the duo

Reimu: how about you two?

Anya: how did you know that it's two people?

Reimu: you just literally talk just minutes ago

Anya: now that I think of it, you are right

Ollie: now let's go out in the exit

Meanwhile in another part of the dungeon


Heil-A: finally the gas has disappeared

A red-haired girl is on top of a naked violet haired girl

The violet haired girl's face is in ecstasy while the white liquid is flowing out in the slit

Heil-A: I felt I committed infidelity

The violet haired girl slowly gains reasoning and her facial expression changes

The violet haired girl tears up and covers her face with her hands

Heil-A: you could punch me if you want and despise me all you can

Heil-A: I mean don't punch me because I'm am very resilient

The violet hair girls sobs can echo through the hallways

Heil-A: *sigh* ill help you change your clothes

Heil-A conjures the same style of clothes but it's red

Heil-A: I should be dressed too

Heil-A looks at her left chest but there's a tattoo engraved on it

Heil-A: wait... This is the soul bound tattoo

Heil-A: I'm pretty sure I didn't interact with curses and stuff

Heil-A looks at Moona's left chest

Heil-A: F#@K!


The shrine maiden can be seen in the forest with the zombie girl

Reimu: so... How long do we have to wait?

Ollie: I don't know how long exactly

The space distorted for a second and A little blue-haired girl carrying a violet haired lady on her back

Anya: why do they look so intimate right now?

Ollie: don't tell me... Because the gas earlier they fall for each other?

Reimu: (The scene is kinda comical a child carrying an adult)

Heil looks at them

Heil: sorry I didn't manage to help you

Ollie: it's okay we have someone else helping us

Heil looks at the other person

Heil: (What in the hell is she here?!!!)

Reimu looks at Heil

Reimu: yo! I'm  Hakurei Reimu an ordinary shrine maiden

Heil|Ollie|Anya look at the shrine maiden like she is saying the biggest falsehood of the history
