
That Villain was Me!

Sara Vein was killed by her husband and friends. She rebirth to get revenge on them. But, wait .... "Do I incarnate into a bird?"

Apples_Cha · Fantasy
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1 Chs


"Why are you doing this to me, Ran …?" Sara Vein stared at that handsome face with disbelief. She touched the hole in her stomach. Blood poured and smeared her cold body. 

"Why? Because I hate you, don't you know, bitch?" Ran stepped on Sara Vein's chest. He took his blood stained sword on the land. "Dead and go to hell!" He stabbed the woman's chest right in the heart.

"B-but …, i am yo–ur … wi–fe …." Sara Vein's fist was loosen. She lost her consciousness slowly, but her breath was still running.

"What a devil. She can still breathe even though her heart has been crushed."

"Don't you know? This evil will only die if her body is torn apart."

"So, just kill her quickly!"

"I'll do it."

Even though Sara Vein was unconscious, still, she could felt the parts of her body being torn off one by one. Her husband, her friend, everyone took part. 

"Why …." Even when she had lost her last berath, she still doesn't know the reason they did this fucking treason. 

"Damn …." She smiled bitterly before completely disappearing from the world.


"I will get revenge. If I get a second life, I swear I won't marry that jerk. I will not help those bitches. I …."

[Shut up and wake up, you fucking bitch!]

"Someone here? Who?" For a moment, Sara Vein thought it was the voice of an angel, but how can an angel cursed like that?

"Am I alive?" She opened her eyes. Among the darkness, she saw a ball of blue light. The blue light shook and the voice was heard again.

[Sara Vein, please choose which body you will incarnate into.]

"Huh? What? How can that damn light blue-ball talk?" Sara Vein was surprised.

"Who are you?"

[I am your god.]

"I am not crazy to worship a weird ball like you. You–"

[So, which one do you choose to rebirth?] 

Sara Vein was stunned for a moment. "If you're serious, just my body please. Send me quickly."

[Sadly you can't return to your body. To repair everything, you should incarnate into another body.]

"That's weird. If I want to get revenge on those jerks, I should get my body back." Sara Vein was thinking for a minute. "So, send me to my beloved husband's bitch. Can I?" She got a good idea.

[Of course. Please close your eyes.]

Sara Vein closed her eyes. 

"Wait, to which time I will send?" She asked, but it's too late. Her soul was shaken strongly. She felt her soul enter an empty space and then disappear into nothingness. 


"Ughhhh! Uekkk!" The girl dressed in green vomited over and over again. Her beautiful face turned pale and her body was limp.

"Charlene, what happened? Are you sick?" A middle-aged woman came in haste.

"No, Mom. I just feel queasy. That … why don't the maids clean up the bird droppings?" Charlene pointed at the hanging birdcage.

The white bird in the cage tilted its head with astonishment.

"So … she is that bitch, and why am I here? Shouldn't I be in her body right now?" Sara looked at her body. She saw two white wings and two yellow feet. Her body was covered by white soft-fur. She found herself in a silver cage.

"This … did I incarnate into a bird?" Sara was shocked. She looked at Charlene who had walked out.

"Fuck you Little Blue-Ball! Why did you send me to this bird, huh? Don't fuck with me! " Sara cursed in annoyance. But The Little Blue-Ball didn't show itself. 

"Do you hear me? Hello? Where is that Little Blue-Ball?"

"Why is Sara so fussy today?" A fat boy came with an astonished face. He opened the cage and then pulled out the white bird. "Sara, are you hungry?" The boy stroked her fur.

"Here is your favorite food. Eat a lot, cute bird. Maybe after this, you can't eat at all." The boy placed Sara in a new silver cage with a bowl of insect's larva in it. "I heard that The Black Flower Warlord of The East Kingdom is very cruel. People say he likes to torture animals cruely. I don't know why Miss Charlene wants to give you as a gift to him. Sara, listen to me, if you want to stay alive, just escape quickly. I will give you an opportunity." The boy opened the cage's door.Then, he took the previous cage to clean it up and went.

"How can this boy know my name?" Sara didn't listen to that boy and was just surprised for a moment, but then she realized something. She remembered that Charlene had a starling named Dee Sara. What a coincidence. 

"Perhaps, I reincarnated into this body because our names are similar." Sara assumed.

Now what? Sara looked at a bowl of insect's larva with disgust. She didn't want to live in this cage and eat such a thing. How can she get revenge with this helpless body? She even couldn't take a sword with it. 

Sara tried to flap her wings. It was easy. She got out from the cage and flew out through the opened window. When she just got out, suddenly her body became stiff as if it was electrocuted. u

"Uh!" The white bird fell instantly.

"Where are you going, little bird?" A man in armor walked closer and took that helpless bird. Sara still couldn't move an inch. The man used his magic to disabled her. Sara felt uncomfortable when saw his face. She knew this man so well. He was the warlord of this Parvheloun Kingdom. His magic type was electricity.

"So, you will be the first." Sara thought.

"Miss Charlene, I will bring this bird to The East Kingdom right now."

"Please, Mister Calf. Take care well. Send my regards to The Black Flower Warlord." Charlene nodded.


Looking at people's current appearance, Sara knew she was sent to the past when she was teenager. At this time, she hadn't met those bastards yet. The previous Sara Vein must be on the battlefield of The North Kingdom right now. It will be weird if she meets another herself.

Sara perched silently in the cage while placed in a palanquin that the slaves were carrying. The fat boy slept next to her while Commander Calf and his soldiers were keeping the palanquin outside.

"I must stop my previous-self to meet those people. I have to avoid it or I have to tell her about their betrayal in the future." Sara muttered. But she had to vent her anger first. 

"This body is weak, but it seems i can still use a bit of my magic." Sara opened her beak then small red flames coming out from it and burned some bars of the cage. After a while, it melted away. Sara flew out from the palanquin carefully.

She stared sharply at Commander Calf who led the group ahead. This man was one of those people who had killed her. Father of her damn husband. He was her father in law. 

Commander Calf's hearing was good. He looked back and saw the white bird had escaped. 

"This bird …." Commander Calf pointed his hand to that bird and a lightening jumped out from the tip of his hand. 
