
That Unique Monster Who Just Got the 'Consciousness' Passive Skill

(NEW LINK TO READ 'THAT MONSTER': https://www.webnovel.com/book/that-monster_26716633605999805 ) After he was betrayed by his girlfriend Webnovel, Clown decided to let all hell loose, and saw his fury precipitate the end of the world. Follow the adventures of Clown, a clown, and his two best friends, a racoon and a dragon-flower, as they try their best to survive through the never-ending apocalypse. The themes are: betraying, negative feelings, renewing, psychopathic struggle, vengeance, and Shakespearean poetry.

Keeptheball · Horror
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191 Chs


Chapter 20: The Future

Though wary, still, he did remain

For love, he was willing to sustain

He learned to forgive, and cherish each day

Determined, that their love, would never stray

From then on, the clown and Webnovel, as one

Their love, a beacon, shining like the sun.


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