
That time I was reborn as an Uchiha in Naruto

Ordinary kid gets reincarnated into the Naruto world in a not-do-ordinary way. "I can't believe I died... I feel like I died too young." "Well, looking at this place, I think that I'll get reincarnated soon enough. Great! I'll think of some wishes. Be op from the start!" Just then, a cough broke his thoughts. Standing in front of him was an old bearded guy with a cane. "Boy, you have good karma. I'll reincarnate you into a world of my choice." "Great! I choose to be reincarnated in... wait what?" "You shall be reincarnated in Naruto!" "Well, not my first choice but meh, I can work with it. So, my wishes are..." "Alright! Good luck mortal, off you go!!" "Hey! What about my wishes, my insta-op cheat!!" The old man ignored him. Instead, he raised his cane. "Oi Oi, what are you..." In a single swift motion, he smashed the kid on his head. Poor kid never stood a chance.

Narutotsutsuki7109 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs


Hey guys! I'm really sorry but I won't be posting a chapter today either. I know that I haven't been posting for quite a while now but trust me, I have a good reason.

On Saturday I started coughing and sneezing and the next day I had a temperature of 102 Degree Celsius and it wasn't going down. I couldn't even get up from my bed.

Finally, after three days, I'm feeling up to mark but there are still many problems.

As a high school student, my assignments are never-ending. I have two days to complete seven assignments cuz submission is on 15th.

The next update should be either tomorrow or the day after.

Sorry for the delay.