
That Time I Seduced a Vampire

Jake Landrum is a down and out veteran with no prospects. But his life is about to change when his application to be someone's roommate (on Craigslist no less) gets accepted by the most unlikely of potential candidates, a vampire princess.

JDLinderman · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Once Bitten...

Jake ran his hands up Mara's thighs to the hem of her dress. She moaned softly as his hands continued up, raising her dress up over her hips. She couldn't suppress a giggle as he pushed the dress up past her ribs.

"Mmm, my darling, you are so eager," she says as she ran her hands over his body. Her own lust growing inside her, she gripped his shirt and tore it open, sending buttons flying all over the penthouse and revealing his chest.

It was the first time she had seen his muscular frame. She had an idea, but to see it sent a thrill down her spine. She ran a hand through his chest hair, pulling gently.

"I like that." She moved her lips to his neck, nipping and sucking at the delicate skin. Jake shivered, unable to hide the bulge that was forming in his pants. "Let's explore," she murmured as her hands slowly trailed down to unbuckle his pants.

Jake wrapped his arms around her and stood up. Mara wrapped her legs around his waist and giggled as he carried her towards the bedroom. She was a furry of kisses and nips, grinding herself against the bulge in his boxers.

"Oh my, we're moving so fast, my love, " she said grinning at him impishly. "But I like it. I like being able to feel your strength." She kissed him deeply, running her hands through his hair. "Let's keep this up, shall we?" she murmured as they fell onto the bed.

They rolled around on the bed, clawing and pawing at one another, clumsily trying to remove the last pieces of clothing separating their flesh. Jake rolled them so he was on top and sucked her nipple into his mouth, alternately nibbling and licking it. Mara arched her back, pushing her breast into his mouth, clutching him by his hair and moaned.

Jake set his hand to work on her other nipple, eliciting another moan from Mara. She writhed beneath him, trying to press her body closer to his own as he teased her. "Mmm, you're so good at this, she moaned, arching her back in pleasure. "I like your touch, my love. I like the way you make me feel." She ran her hands over his body, feeling his muscles as he moved against her. "Let's keep playing, shall we?" she whispered in his ear, her breath hot against his skin.

Jake growled in response, moving back to her neck and biting her. Mara moved her head to give him unfettered access to her neck and moaned loudly, digging her nails into his back. Jake started kissing his way down her chest, leaving a trail of hot kisses down her stomach, working his way lower.

Mara gasped as he explored her body, feeling a thrill of excitement at the sensation he was provoking. "Oh, darling, you know my body well, she said, her voice husky with desire. She ran her fingers through his hair as he left tender kisses just above the waist of her panties. "You're so good at this, my love. Let's see what other tricks you have up your sleeve."

Emboldened, Jake slowly kissed lower as he gently pulled her panties down. He ripped them away suddenly, causing her to gasp. He trailed his tongue across her flesh. Slowly he made his way lower.

"Oh you are such a naughty boy, aren't you?" she said with a grin, watching him hungrily. "I like that in my partners, you know." Mara spread her legs wider, inviting him to take all of her. "Now come on, bae. Show me what you've got."

Jake shot her a look, but only responded by using the tip of his tongue to lightly tease her clit. Mara moaned softly as he teased her. "Mmm, that's it," she cooed, closing her eyes and surrendering to the sensations. "You know just how to please me, don't you?" She savored the moment, enjoying the tip of his tongue teasing her clit. Her anticipation was becoming unbearable. "Keep going, love. Don't stop." She was almost begging.

Jake stopped and looked up into her eyes. "Surrender to me." he said, his breath teasing her moistening pussy.

Mara gasped, feeling a shiver run through her body as she surrendered to his command. "Yes, bae." she whispered, arching her back, pressing herself closer to his waiting mouth. "I am all yours. Take me as you will." She let out a low moan as his breath brushed against her, feeling her desire grow even stronger. "Oh, god, don't stop!" she pleaded, her body trembling with need.

Jake slid a finger inside her, rubbing her g-spot as he started sucking and licking her clit, forcing another gasp from Mara. Her desire for his touch had made her wetter than she thought possible. She twisted and writhed on the bed as he massaged her g-spot. She moaned and gasped as he sucked, licked and nibbled on her clit.

"Oh, you are good," she moaned, feeling the pleasure building inside her. "So good." She started to rock her hips, trying to get even more friction against his finger and tongue, her body begging to come undone at his touch. "Keep going, bae. Don't stop."

"Don't call me 'bae'." he demanded as he suddenly sucked her clit into his mouth. He held it there, trapped as he swirled his tongue around it. He plunged a second finger into her depths, pumping them in and out.

She screamed out in pleasure as he sucked her clit into his mouth and used his fingers to massage her g-spot, her body shaking with the intensity of her orgasm. "Oh, fuuuuuuuuuuuck!!!" she cried out, feeling wave after wave of pleasure crash over her. "Yes, yes, YES!" she bucked her hips, trying to prolong the sensation, but eventually, she could take no more and collapsed back to the bed, spent.

"That was… amazing." she gasped, looking up at him with a satisfied smile. "You really know how to please a girl."

Jake grinned at her wickedly as he rose to his knees between her legs. She saw his naked body for the first time. She took him all in. He cock wasn't massive, easily longer than the width of his broad palm, but it was thick for its size. He reached up and ran his hand through his hair, pushing it back. She couldn't help but admire his build and the way his muscles rippled as he moved.

"Oh, my sweet little undead queen…" his grin widened. "We are gonna need to build up your stamina if you are going to keep up with me." his voice was husky with desire as he climbed up between her legs, pressing the head of his cock against her pussy.

Mara grinned back at him, the thought of being dominated by Jake sending a thrill down her spine. "Oh, I am always up for new challenges, my dear." she purred at him as she wiggled her hips, teasing the head of his cock. "Let's see what you've got, shall we?"

She wrapped her legs around his waist and locked her ankles, pulling him closer. Mara thrust her hips up to meet his, driving the length of him deep into her. "Show me what a hot-blooded human can do to a cold-blooded vampire like me."

Jake paused, looking into her eyes. "There is nothing cold-blooded about you, my love." He leaned down to kiss her as he began thrusting in and out of her. Mara moaned as he thrust into her, feeling his warmth spread through her body. "Oh, yes, that's it," she gasped, gripping his shoulders as they moved together in perfect harmony. "You're right, Jake. I am on fire for you." She met his every thrust, her hips rising to meet his, wanting to take him deeper and deeper inside her. "Let's burn together, my sweet human."

Jake moved his hips, alternating between thrusting and grinding against her. He sucked on her breasts feverishly. Mara moaned, feeling his lips on her breasts as his hips moved, teasing her. "Oh, yes. That's it." she gasped, digging her nails into his back, arching her body into his. "You have such talented lips… don't stop!" She writhed beneath him, lost in the pleasure of his touch as he continued to drive her wild with desire.

"I can't get enough of you, my sweet human. Keep going… I'm yours."

Spurred on by her words, Jake started thrusting into her hard enough to make the massive, solid wood bed frame move with every impact. He reached up with one hand and grasped her neck, squeezing. Mara's eyes rolled back in her head as a raspy moan escaped her. Her mouth hung open, letting out a soundness scream as another wave of pleasure washed over her. Jake released his hold on her neck and she returned to reality.

"Oh, yes, that's it," she moaned, lost in the pleasure of his touch. "You fill me up so completely, my love." She met every one of his movements with her own, feeling his rhythm driving her closer and closer to pure ecstasy. "I'll never let you go, my sweet human. You're mine forever."

Her words ignited a passion inside Jake. Swooping in, he bit her neck and held her there with his mouth, like a wolf pinning his mate. He growled in a deep, primal fashion. Something about her drove him crazy. In the back of his mind, he knew he had never been this rough with a lover before. Maybe it was because she was a vampire, and he couldn't hurt her. And maybe, that was exactly what he needed in order to let go of his self control.

Mara moaned loudly as he bit her neck, feeling his raw, primal desire taking over. "Yes!" she cried out, bucking her hips up to meet his. "Take me! Claim me as your mate! She could feel his growling vibrating through her body, sending shivers down her spine as she surrendered completely to his passion. "I am yours, my Alpha! Forever!" she cried out. She could feel herself coming undone under his intense embrace, lost in the pleasure of being claimed by her fiery human mate.

Jake thrust himself inside her and rolled them both over, putting her on top. "Now…" he rasped. "Show me what a vampire can do."

Mara smiled wickedly as she took control, riding him with an otherworldly grace that only a vampire could possess. She moved her hips in slow, sinuous circles, teasing him with every movement as she drew out his pleasure. Her eyes glowed brightly with a predatory hunger. Jake could feel the primal energy radiating off her as she moved.

"I'm gonna…" his voice trailed off wordlessly. Mara needed no more invitation. She leaned down without breaking the rhythm of her hips and sank her fangs into his neck. Jake's eyes went wide. The sensation of Mara feeding on him so close to orgasm was too much, and it sent him over the edge. Wave after wave of pleasure wracked his body as he came, unleashing a torrent inside her that spilled out and onto the sheets. It was more than Mara could handle, and she too came harder than she ever had before, moaning into his neck as she fed on him.

For a moment, time seemed to stand still, the only sound was their breathing. Mara licked the wound on his neck closed and sat up, keeping him trapped inside her. She looked down at him and smiled. "You're mine, forever and always."

Jake wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close as they basked in the afterglow of their passion, enjoying the closeness of their entwined bodies.

"Forever and always, my love." he parroted.

*lights a cigarette*

Smoke 'em if you got 'em. I am gonna go take a cold shower.

One thousand, nine hundred, and "69" words... *wink*

JDLindermancreators' thoughts