
That Time I Reincarnated as a Dungeon Master. (dead on webnovel)

“Randomly being pulled into a meeting of goddess was the last thing I expected. I don’t remember much from my previous life, I just remember endless darkness. So of course I asked for information on what ever World I was going to. And then I let the Goddess decide. I have no clue how it happened, but I ended up as a dungeon master in the world of ‘that time I reincarnated as a slime.’”

Commonnerfer · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

Ch 15: The country in a mountain.

"That was fun Nya." Nekra says

"You just watched anime with Veldora for 1 month." Yuki says

"Yes." Nekra says her eyes still sparkling.

'At least she sat in my lap, I got to recharge my Nekra energy.' Yuki thinks.


"So what if I made Rimuru a girl and paired her with Veldora?" Sandstorm asks

"You aren't going to change them both?" Lisa asks

"Huh? Maybe I should." Sandstorm says

"How about we delay Rimuru's gender flip and keep it neutral until Veldora is freed from the seal?" Lisa asks

"Ah? That sounds good. Should we tell Kyra?" Sandstorm asks

"Kyra's watching aswell?" Lisa asks

"Of course, who do you think gave Nekra rollercoaster Tycoon 2?" Sandstorm asks


Outside of dwargon.

"This is a long line to enter." Yuki says

"Nya, it is a long line." Nekra says

"Why are we here again?" Yuki asks

"Just explorinyag." Nekra says with her smile while everyone else in line is looking at the two girls waiting in line.

"Next." The guard says

"Hi nya." Nekra says

"Purpose for visit?" The dwarf asks

"To get a sword made nya." Nekra says

"You wielding a sword, aren't you a bit small?" The dwarf asks

"I got called small by a dwarf..." Nekra says looking down as a black aura leaks out of her.

"It's okay Nekra." Yuki says giving the girl a head pat.

"S-Sorry." The dwarf says a little flustered from making the cute girl cry.

"Can we go in now?" Yuki asks

The guard just nods and let's the two girls through.

"So are you really having a sword made?" Yuki asks

Nekra nods.

"Yes nya, I don't have any smithing skills." Nekra says

"Hey sir do you know a good blacksmith?" Yuki asks a passing adventure.

"Yeah you are going to want to go that way then it's the third building on the right." The adventure says before he continues walking out.

"So we know were to go now." Yuki says

Nekra nods as they head down the dimly lit road.

"Having a city underground is weird." Nekra says

Yuki just looks at the dungeon master dumbfounded.

"Hello nya???" Nekra says as she opens the blacksmiths door.

"Huh? Yes how may I help you ladies." The dwarf says

"Can you make me a sword with this metal?" Nekra asks brining out several different types of metals.

"Oh? Wow I don't even recognize half of these." The smith says

"Can you also make me greaves and some wrist bracers Nya." Nekra says

"What kind of sword do you want?" The smith asks

"Nya! Give me a second." Nekra says before pulling an iron gladius out of her storage space aswell.

"I want a sword like this nya." Nekra says

"The bracers and greaves do I need to worry about you growing?" The smith asks

Nekra shakes her head no before taking off her paperboy cap.

"I'm a werecat nya. Also a vampire so I don't age." Nekra says her blood red eyes glowing alittle.

"So you won't age? Why not have me make you a full set?" The dwarf asks

'Because I can get better armor from the dungeon.' Nekra thinks remembering just how broken her dress is.

"So just bracers greaves and a sword?" The smith asks

"Could I also get some bracers too." Yuki asks

The smith nods as the leave.

"Now what?" Yuki asks

"Explore nya." Nekra says putting her hat back on.