
That Time I Got Reincarnated With Some Cheats [COMPLETE]

You should know how it goes, I died, met a ROB, got some wishes, before getting reincarnated in a world of my choosing. Let's get started shall we? ----- In case you didn't realise, this is a Tensura Slime fanfic. I don't consider myself a veteran writer, so if you have any feedback I would be glad to read them. Don't expect a flawless plot line. I don't mind you guys making a bad review but at least let me know what I did wrong. I own nothing except my own characters. The cover pic is something I found off google, if you want me to take it down just drop a comment. https://discord.gg/ephtQTTdxt

DJDAN · Anime & Comics
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256 Chs

Chapter 221 A trip to the tower

And so, Kenya, Alice, Gale, Chloe and Ryota met Shizu after a long, long time. Over half a year, to be exact.

When everyone else gave up on the students, only Shizu stayed with them and continued looking after them, teaching them, trying her best to give them normal school lives.

She left only because her time was running out and she wanted to look for Leon Cromwell so she could settle her regrets.

In the end, I'm the one that solved her regrets. I reignited her will to live and I saved her students from their imminent deaths.

And now, finally, after everything is over… they meet again.

Alice- "So yummy!"

Shizu- "Hey! Leave that alone! Those are my snacks!"

Chloe- "I didn't know food could be this delicious…!"

Kenya- "Hey, pass that pocky stick over…"

Ryota- "R-Right…"

Shizu- "You guys! I had to work really hard to get all these!"

Gale- "Shizu-sensei, you could eat food like this every day? I'm so jealous!"

Shizu- "Noooooo! My snaaaaacks!"

Her students then proceeded to mercilessly devour all her hard-earned snacks. Chocolates, chips, pocky sticks, gum, candy, cookies, doughnuts, basically every kind of junk food under the sun.

Thankfully, Avalon's food is all nutritious stuff, so you could eat nothing but Cheetos all day and be completely healthy.

Shizu falls to her knees as she watches her stockpile of junk food disappear.

I kneel next to her and drop my hand on her shoulder.

Rimuru- "Cheer up. I'll give you something."

Shizu- "*Sniff*… You will?"

Shizu asks while turning her head to me, her eyes glistening with unshed tears.

Rimuru- "Yeah… Here. Have a fish flavoured meat bun."

A white bun of fishy goodness appears in my hands before it disappears not even a second later, appearing in Shizu's hands as she nibbles it. Her tails swish in content while her ears twitch from happiness.


In any case, that happened.

With Shizu now with us, Illya along with the rest of the students and I continued to walk around Avalon, visiting anything that comes to mind.

We went to the movies, arcades, all kinds of restaurants, food stalls, fashion stores (the girls in the group forced us), and all kinds of stuff.

Many hours have passed and the sun is high in the sky.

Suddenly, I feel a familiar magicule signature approach.

Ramiris- "Yahallo!"

Ramiris flies up to me and says hello.

Rimuru- "Oh, Ramiris! What's up?"

Ramiris- "Nothing much, I was just looking for you to tell you that I'm done with the floors of the dungeon!"

Rimuru- "Already?"

Ramiris- "Yup! Well? I'm amazing, right? Praise me!"

Ramiris puffs out her (lacking) chest in pride while stating her achievements.

Rimuru- "Yeah yeah, you're amazing. Well, you have been dealing with labyrinths for centuries now, so it's to be expected…"

Ramiris- "Huhuhu! I'm the best at labyrinth creation, no one comes even CLOSE!"

Aren't I the one who gave you the dungeon plans though?

Oh well…

Ramiris and I were making small talk when a figure dropped from the sky. Or rather than "dropped", he "descended" using the repulsors in his hands and feet.

Jarvis- "Ramiris-sama, please do not rush ahead by yourself."

Jarvis lightly scolds Ramiris after landing while walking towards us. He looks towards Illya and me and nods.

Jarvis- "It is good to see you, Rimuru-sama, Illya-sama. I apologise for not meeting with you earlier, I had to deal with-"

Rimuru- "Aah, it's fine. You don't need to explain, I understand."

Jarvis nods in gratitude before he also greets Shizu and the students who are looking at him with stars in their eyes.

Kenya- "Jarvis could FLY!?"

Well, Jarvis never showcased his flight capabilities when the kids visited the labyrinth for their spirits, so their response was understandable.

Anyways, it was at this moment Illya had an idea.

Illya- "Hey, Onii-chan, since the dungeon is finished… why don't we try it out?"

And this got the students really excited.

Alice- "Dungeon? As if in the one with monsters crawling all about!?"

Alice's words reflect the inner thoughts of her peers as they all look towards Ramiris with awe and eager smiles on their faces before they started showering her in praises.

Rimuru- "Oh boy, here we go…"

Ramiris- "Wahaha! Yes! I made the dungeon. All by myself, I might add! It's just a normal day's work for someone like me, the Great Demon Lord Ramiris of the Labyrinth! Hahaha!"

And so, Ramiris spend a whole HOUR bragging about how great she is, which caused the kids, mostly Alice, to regret stroking her ego.

In the end, we finally broke Ramiris out of her self satisfaction session before we head off to Babel Tower.

We arrived there pretty quickly since we weren't that far off in the first place.

Kenya- "Why is the whole thing PINK- oh wait, never mind. I must be seeing things…"


Anyways, we quickly arrived at the tower and entered it through one of its four entrances. We were greeted with the sight of a fucking huge room. The ceiling is over 30 meters in height and has many light sources hanging from it, brightly illuminating the area below.

The room itself is incredibly large as if we're standing in a small stadium.

All kinds of races can be found walking about, chatting among each other, giving the atmosphere a cheery, adventurer vibe. Humans, demi-humans and monsters all intermingle with each other.

The dungeon itself has been open for about a week after Ramiris finished the upper floors. She just happened to finish the lower floors not long ago, for a total of 200 floors, her maximum amount.

Technically, 100 floors are her maximum, although she can go above that. It's just that the energy needed to create any floors above that is obscene and highly inefficient.

But with a simple magicule connection rune with myself, Ramiris was easily able to create a full 200 floors by tapping into my reserves.

200 floors are her MAXIMUM maximum, she can't make more regardless of energy.

Well, I can, but I don't need more.

And guess who's the final boss of floor 200? That's right…



No, it's just Velophis.

To spawn monsters, I took a page out of OG Rimuru's book and used Velophis' magicules.

Monsters spawn in magicule rich areas, the more magicules in the atmosphere, the stronger the monster.

I created a channel for Velophis' magicule absorbing necklace into floor 200. As the floors go up, the fewer magicules reach them, making a nice system where the higher floors have weaker monsters while the lower floors have stronger ones.

I made SURE that the monsters don't have an ego when born and simply disappear into black mist upon death while dropping a magic crystal proportionate to their strength levels.

[Odin] runes for the win.

Anyways, it's time for the kids to register as adventurers to begin their dungeon exploration.


Name: Rimuru

Race: Origin Slime

Protection: Crest of Space

Title: Highest Tier Spirit, Leader of the Monsters, Onii-chan, King of Avalon, Master of Headpats, Procrastinator King, The Nutcracker, socially awkward cringe slightly chuuni slime, True Dragon Slayer, Sensei, World's Strongest, Overpowered to a stupid degree, Mikoto's Equal, Non-Virgin

???: [Codex: Illyasviel]

Ultimate Skills: [Yahweh, God of Creation], [Odin, God of Runes], [Azathoth, God of Void (Alternative)]

Equipment: Yamato - Genesis


A/N: Extra mini chap written for fun

Let me know if I missed anything.

Also consider dropping some power stones!


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