
That Time I Got Reincarnated With Some Cheats [COMPLETE]

You should know how it goes, I died, met a ROB, got some wishes, before getting reincarnated in a world of my choosing. Let's get started shall we? ----- In case you didn't realise, this is a Tensura Slime fanfic. I don't consider myself a veteran writer, so if you have any feedback I would be glad to read them. Don't expect a flawless plot line. I don't mind you guys making a bad review but at least let me know what I did wrong. I own nothing except my own characters. The cover pic is something I found off google, if you want me to take it down just drop a comment. https://discord.gg/ephtQTTdxt

DJDAN · Anime & Comics
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256 Chs

Chapter 163 Cliffhanger uahduahasuduashfuash

*Zzzzt- BOOM!*

Dark lightning strikes the ground from a dark cloud that covers the sky from one end of the horizon to the next, completely obscuring the shattered sky of the Mirror Dimension.

Standing in the air high above the ground is Bryce who's cloak is fluttering around him from the winds that he purposefully caused to blow around him to make himself look cool.

Although his control is shit so it looks like a black rag caught in a tornado.

Not that he's aware of how stupid he looks since he's too absorbed in "playing" with those people below him.

Specifically, he's watching them struggle as they defend against his lightning.

They're not struggling though…

Shuna and Treyni have created a magic barrier while Shion, Soei, Shizu and Mikoto are jumping around and dodging the lightning strikes. Pikachu dematerialised to better support Mikoto by enhancing her lightning.

Because the dark lightning clouds are spread over such a large area, the rate of getting attacked by said lightning is pretty low.

To be honest, Bryce really isn't trying to kill them. He's just showing off at this point. He believes doing so would convince them to change their allegiance and maybe surrender everything to him.

You know, like Avalon itself.

The concept that they are all serving Rimuru due to his previous actions inspiring loyalty in them never crossed his rather simple mind.

Bryce- "Hey, why don't you guys give up already?"

Bryce lazily says as he lowers himself down from his high position in the sky.

A bad move on his part.

Shion- "Now!"

Cracking the ground underneath herself, Shion launches herself into the air straight towards Bryce, swinging her sword at him with everything she's got.

Bryce- "Come on, this again? Didn't you learn from last time- GUH!"


Bryce attempted to grab the blade and catch it midair like before, but he instead got hit right in the stomach and thrown right into the ground, imprinting his figure into the dirt.

Before, no one was using their magicules or their hard-hitting skills, the main strength of any respectable monster. This time, however, they decided there was no need to hold back and hide anymore and just go all out. They discussed all this privately with [Thought Communication].

Bryce- "Ahh, fucking hell!"

Bryce groans as he holds his left hip that is rapidly healing itself. However, he didn't bleed. Or more like, he can't bleed.

Perks of having a spiritual body.

But Bryce, as a man from modern Earth, should know how gravity works. What goes up…

Must come down.

Shion- "Haaaaap!"

Bryce- "Oh shi-"


Shion, from her position high in the air, fell down right on top of Bryce's figure. This wasn't planned, by the way, Shion just decided to take the chance to throw in an extra hit on the way down.

Bryce crossed his arms in front of himself, but it couldn't stop Shion's heavy weapon enhanced with her skills and magicules.

Bryce- "Y-You fu-"

Bryce wanted to say something but a magic circle appeared under him. Two magic circles to be exact. One of them is crimson orange filled with runes, while the other is light green filled with natural energy.

Those spells originated from Shuna and Treyni respectively.

Shuna- "Ignition Burst!"

Treyni- "Gale Circle!"

Flames that melted the ground burst from Shuna's magic circle but were quickly contained by Treyni's Spirit Magic that created what could only be called a tornado.

The combo magic spell ended up creating a pillar of highly concentrated flames that's comparable to the surface of the sun.

Bryce- "GAAAAAAH!"

Bryce's screams are music to their ears.

Until a giant thicc bolt of black lightning fell from the sky and split the pillar of fire in two, destroying the spells.

As the lingering plumes of flame disperse into the air, you can see Bryce's figure that looks like a burnt chicken nugget.

I'm sure he still loves himself though.

Unfortunately, he's rapidly regenerating. The good news is that his clothes somehow survived. Or at least, the parts covering his private areas did.

Anime logic.

Without the cloak concealing his identity since it was burnt away, you can finally see what he looks like.

His body is… normal. It's not fat, nor is it scrawny. He's got muscle, but it's not something noticeable.

He looks to be around 20 years old. He's got brown hair and greenish eyes. His face surprisingly isn't that bad, probably a 7/10. He probably has quite a few admirers.

Of course, he's nowhere close to Rimuru, whose body is based on Shizue who's a full 10/10, the most beautiful woman in the world according to Rimuru's standards.

Yes, even above Mikoto. Only barely though.

Bryce- "*Cough* That actually hurt. Okay, you guys are better than I expected. I guess I'll get a little more-"


Bryce attempted to stand back up but was immediately swatted back into the floor by Shion and her big ass sword.

Immediately after, Shion gets hit by a bolt of black lighting and gets pushed away. Lucking, not much damage was done except her weapon now has a black scorch mark where she blocked it.

Bryce flips up onto his feet with an annoyed expression. He pushes off the ground flying into the air to get some space so he can act cool again.


But threads tie themselves around his ankles, pulling him down much to his surprise. Not only that, they cut deeply into his skin.

Bryce- "AAAAHH! Get off!"

He channels electricity into the threads, disintegrating them, but by that time, more threads appear and wrap themselves around his wrists also cutting them.

Before Bryce could turn those threads to dust, more threads appear around his ankles again. Then his upper arms, thighs, shoulders, waist, neck, and so on.

Bryce- "ARGHHH! You little- COME OUT!"

Unfortunately for Bryce, if Soei doesn't want to be found, he won't be found.

Unless Illya or Rimuru is involved, but still.

Soei's job isn't to deal damage, however. It's just to hold him still.

High in the skies above Bryce are two figures.

One is a giant black cat with red patches on her ears and two tails that are on fire. The other is a tea colour haired tsundere woman who is riding that giant black cat.

I'm sure you already know who they are.

Although she doesn't show it often, Shizu has reached a high A Rank in the monster rankings. Her actual size has also grown a lot. Both of these are due to her [Limit Breaker] Unique Skill she inherited from Mikoto.

Dark clouds gather above them but these clouds aren't flicking with black lightning, but with bluish-white lightning instead.

The lightning converges into a single point which drops down from the clouds directly onto Mikoto.

It hits her directly and travels through her body concentrating on her arm which is pointing straight down that already has a familiar black and white meat bun coin loaded into it.

Bryce, who is laying on his back looking into the sky, see this as his eyes widen.

A Goddes of Thunder.

Now, he definitely doesn't have the proper instinct a warrior gains over time as his strength was gained in but a single moment and he has never bothered to train.

But even he can tell.

"That coin, that woman, is dangerous. It will kill me."

And his guess is exactly correct. That coin can indeed kill him.

Too bad for him, Mikoto fired it off.


Like a judgement from heaven, a pure white beam of energy infused with her magicules and Pikachu's lightning bound together with her [Harmony] Unique Skill that she gained upon entering this world descended from the skies and hit Bryce directly.

The beam carried so much raw power, that it destabilised the Mirror Dimension in the areas it passed through.

Bryce, out of pure desperation, flared his aura full power which disintegrated the threads holding him. He can't escape at this point, so he does the next best thing.

Holding out both hands in front of himself with a face of desperation, black lighting that carries everything he's got fires up into the skies and meets the beam of mass-energy head-on.

The lightning is rather weak due to Bryce rushing to create it. The moment it hits Mikoto's railgun, it immediately gets pushed back, barely slowing it down…

And then something that surprised everyone happened.

Mikoto's beam of concentrated pure white lightning… began to turn black.


Name: Rimuru

Race: Origin Slime

Protection: Crest of Space

Title: Highest Tier Spirit, Leader of the Monsters, Onii-chan, King of Avalon, Master of Headpats, Procrastinator King, The Nutcracker, socially awkward cringe slightly chuuni slime, Dragon Slayer, Sensei

Manas: [Manas: Illyasviel]

Ultimate Skills: [Belzebuth, Lord of Gluttony] [Ahura Mazda, Lord of Creation] [Scathach, Lord of Runes]

Unique Skills: [Spatial Ruler]

Intrinsic Skills: [Infinite Regeneration] [Universal Shapeshift] [Universal Sense] [Enhanced Replication] [Universal Thread]

Extra Skills: [Lord's Ambition] [Thought Communication] [Control Natural Elements] [Control Magic] [Control Gravity]

Resistances: [Cancel Pain] [Resist Melee Attack] [Cancel Natural Elements] [Cancel Ailments] [Cancel Spiritual Attack] [Resist Holy/Demonic Attack] [Natural Attack Resistance]

Equipment: Yamato, Limiter Ring


A/N: I swear I didn't mean for this to be a cliffhanger lol

Let me know if I missed anything.

Also consider dropping some power stones!


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