

Half of my summer vacations were already coming to end , I had a great advance in my studies for college entrance which I was doing at night, Mostly due to my busy daytime....

Like usual I went to Hori's house for studying together, But without me realising it, It had became a second home for me....

"I'm done!" I exclaimed 

"uhh!, I don't know anymore" Hori had an Irritated face, "hey Miyamura, Seriously, why! are you so good at maths?"

'huh, Because I actually practice more than you~' I had a smug look

"you little.." she had embarrassed red blush with a rosy smile

just at the worst time when she was at her cutest, I looked at her lifting my gaze from the book to her face, I was frozen while my eyes fixated on her annoyed blush, just the cutest thing in the world

"Hey Miyamura?" she looked at me staring intensly at her as she blushed even brighter

she punched my face as she said "what the hell! Miyamura!"

'whoa what ..' "ouuuch!" It hurt bad even though I was working out everyday , It meant she was the real deal

"huh?" I was oblivious of why she hit me because of my love which wasn't mine at all...

"dumb..." she muttered

I was many things but dumb wasn't one of those, I shrugged it off with a sigh


"Dumb Hori~" I had cynical face as I moved my head...

"Arghh!" she was angry for real now, I didn't know what Miyamura did to make her so angry but having his emotions were not cool, I was afraid that someday I might come to my senses being hunted by Hori.....

She was wild.....even in the anime, she wouldn't let Miyamura be close to even guys, I  had a shiver down my spine

soon It was time for me to go as It was time for my badminton practice...

I was standing near her house gate..

"bye Hori san, Souta.. " I said casually

"wait Miyamura..!" she had a little guilty downcast face

"are you mad at me for what I did..."


15 minutes earlier

"Hey Maki!" 

"uh!"  Maki was spaced out, "OH< sorry what did you say Chika san?"

"I told you you should just forget them , Why do you  care about them when they left you all on your own!" Chika who was usually composed an soft said this it meant she was really angry on them

"yeah..." , "Chika san, Its time for My badminton class" she remembered the face of Izumi as a smile came on her

"What are you smiling for, don't tell me ..."

"anyway I'll be late if I don't hurry!" she ran without looking back

she walked through the sidewalk while checking her watch

Hori's house was along the way to the badminton court.

she usually went directly to badminton court without passing by Hori's house, but because she had went out with Chika, she had to then go to the badminton practice straight from there.

Just when she was about to take a turn she saw Miyamura talking with a girl who was clearly beautiful..

she hid behind the wall as she saw them

"are you mad at me for what I did..." the girl said while holding Miyamura's shirt

She saw Miyamura blushing to it 

"No, why would I be mad ?" Miyamura said 

but the expression on their faces said that they were  something she wasn't to Miyamura...

*drip* tears flowed down her face as she looked at them still maintaining a fake smile 

'I will be on your side Miyamura, as a close friend.' *hick* *sob* 

she went back the  route she came from...

that day she didn't go to badminton practice, 

the next day she had her fake smile as she said,

"How'd your day go Miyamura?" that was her everyday question

"It wasn't any different.." I wasn't able to notice her fake smile

"By the way why didn't you come to practice yesterday?"

"I had a fever."

"In the summer..?"


"you must be pretty weak, "

"Maybe.., Miyamura kun, did the assignment I gave you go well?"

"I never even agreed to It" I was Irritated of the things she used to ask me to do even when she was a stranger, "besides you should be more talkative Instead, and then ask that of me" 

"I try you know, see I'm talking to you?" she said

"then aren't I talking to you?" I replied

"okay Miyamura san you win!"

"Okay?" I was wierded out


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okay, I'm sorry

greynblackcreators' thoughts