
That time i got reincarnated as ditto!

well i guess... i'm a ditto now? this story is probably not so original i saw alot of people did it before but i don't have the time to read all of them so if i accidentally made it look like i copied them, then i am sorry

Broly_Tempest · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Chapter 2 The world of pokemon


Why now, why did it had to be now?! I don't want to die yet, i just survived the fall...!



'Wait, i'm alive?'

'Huh... this wierd- huh?'

I looked over to... where my arm suppose to be... even if its just some kind of bloby arm, its still an arm,

'What in the world...'


Ditto: Level 10

Ability: limber Imposter+

Description: This pokemon is immune to paralysis (This is a special skill) allow the pokemon

to morph into "anything" it see with a time

limit(increase with uses)

Hp: 56.64(+0) Defense: ∞(56.64)[+0](immune to physical attack)

Damage: 56.64(+0) Speed: 56.64(+0)

Trait: gifted Hidden stats:

Desceiption: A fantastic ditto! iv: 31

Ev: 0


'These are... my stats? ...so thats why i lived'

'Ah my imposter ability... heh imposter, ahem, it have a plus next to it?'


'Looks like its better than what a normal ditto would have'

I transform into a pidgeon and starts to fly upward... slowly

'Huff... puff... if my time limit increase with uses... ha... theb i have to use it alot'

And after a long time, i finally started going up like

'Phew finally i am starting to get up-'




Quick break for our mc...

'Wooo! I'm flying! And stable this time!'

'Hmm... its getting dark maybe i should go rest some where with weaker pokemons...'

'Right! I have to stay where no pokemon would think there would go, and its an unfair advantage as a ditto!'

I'm a stone

'Thats right i'm a stone, there is no way anybody would suspect that a rock with eyes will be a pokemon'


'Maybe its time for a well deserved sleep'


I dozes off...


'Ah? What, Uh oh the time ran out'

I look around, a small being that couldn't even fight properly, in the middle of a forest, alone

'I... i'm scared'

I know i'm not gonna be able to get attack by anything but... what if i did?!

'A tree... can i be a tree...?'


I feel as if my body is being stretched apart... and now i'm a tree... but i'm wobly, ofcorse that would happen if i try to turn into something so much bigger than me...?

I started to stabalize, seems like my body can turn into bigger things after all... but by how much?

'I shouldn't try this...'

I tried... i really tried to turn into a mountain... i'm so stupid


Once again i feel like i am being pulled apart, but this time it feel like my body is just gonna go *splat* and then that would be the end of me-!

'I need to cancel it...!'

Please for once please listen and stop this... transformation thing that is going on...


'Just like i thought... it didn't work'

'I feel like i'm gonna... pass out...'


...*chirp chirp chirp*



'I'm alive...?'

'...where am i?'

'Everything is so fuzzy... i remembered trying to something stupid... but i can't remember anything...'

This must be caused by trying to turn into things you couldn't, my "brain" overloaded and i don't remember anything that happened, all i know is i am on some dirt... and thats it?

'There are just dirts! A flat ground full of dirt!'

'Who dug up all the grass and trees?'


'Man, this could fit a whole mountain'


'Well, its time to explore!'

*poof* i turned into a pidgeon once again...? Something is off... i stopped at a nearby lake and looked down it into my own reflection...!

'Its normal... my eyes...'

'How did this happen!?'

I looked over to my arm to see...


Ditto: Level 10

Ability: limber Imposter+

Description: This pokemon is immune to paralysis (This is a special skill) allow the pokemon

to morph into "anything" it see with a time

limit(increase with uses)

You remembered 4/10 things

You have perfected (imposter+) for [pidgeon]

Hp: 56.64(+0) Defense: ∞(56.64)[+0](immune to physical attack)

Damage: 56.64(+0) Speed: 56.64(+0)

Trait: gifted Hidden stats:

Desceiption: A fantastic ditto! iv: 31

Ev: 0



hope you enjoy, made this as a "sorry for the wait"

What there are mistakes?




I'm sleepy

Broly_Tempestcreators' thoughts