
That time I got reincarnated as a slime, that's what I thought atleast

Welcome to bullshit. This is that time I got Reincarnated as a Slime. But in the perspective of an 12 year old guy(Boy?Kid?Child?Nah,he is just a guy) who died bcs of a serial killer mommy. Enjoy. (Harem,Hell yeah baby) (Overpowered? Ofcourse) (WeakToStrong.. That's something that we all love, seeing the character get stronger through his pure potential and determination,just like our favourite anime main characters) Also the plot from That Time I Got Reincarnated as A Slime is a joke and a full on thought on how i would have wanted to see the story show off.

IMNOBODY · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Reincarnation or Summoning?


"...."=Talking out loud/Talking






.. Darkness is the only thing I could see.

Which makes me even more agitated.

I feel like my whole body is on the death bed... Waiting for it to rot then go to either heaven or hell.

I don't really know how I got into this situation.

It was maybe my child brain for wanting to play so much with my first ever friend that I made?

Or was it something else in me that made my life go downhill?

Atleast I know one thing right now.

I'm dead.

I'm dead as hell

That's a good thing right?


That's not a good thing.. Not even close.That's a very bad thing!

Is this what it feels like to be dead?

Having your soul feel like it's not in it's body anymore?Going to whoever the heck knows?

Also this is kind of boring,the only thing im seeing is darkness and maybe some tridimensional or fourth dimension sceneries that I would of shit my pants to from either fear of the unknown or just from not comprehending what the heck am I seeing.

Atleast I know I'm going somewhere.

I also wonder why im feeling so calm about everything...

Is it because i was always calm from the begging?Probably.

That one quiet guy who stays in the back of the group and gives the most calm and short answers...

That is me.The calm and quiet guy.

Also the feeling of my soul leaving my body and going wherever it goes feels nice.

It's like an internal massage to my astral brain or something.If that exists anyway.

It's so soothing...Yet so...So .

I can't even make up a word or a sentence to describe what am I feeling.


It already felt like an eternity... Until I finnaly heard the voice of something that sound not like a human nor a male nor a female,it was just a voice.I could think of it as the voice of the artificial ai intelligence that most of us have on our phones.



[Trying to resolve the problem]


[Solved!From now on you will be called Unseen because of your personality of always wanting to be the invisible one in the group you take a part off in your past life.]

'What's going on...?' Are the thoughts of the boy now newly named "Unseen" as he hears the voice talking.

[Getting the body of the user ready for the new world...]

[Calculating.... Checking potential...]







[Initiating the will of the World]


As the boy tries to comprehend everything he hears, his eyes starts to slowly open up,even though his vision is blurry he could make up some things.

"Your finnaly awake huh?" Heard the boy ,the voice was that of a man.

Unseen looks all around the room which is a very open dark room ...In which the only seen glow in the dark room is the yellow ritual circle with symbols the boy has never seen before...Which is right beneath the boy, making him confused.

Unseen looks Infront,from where the voice of the man was coming from.

"You finnaly stopped from looking around.Atleast that's a start." The man with long blonde yellow hair,blue eyes and extreme handsomeness that could make both men and women go crazy said as he had his arms folded,not even a bit amused from the kneeling boy standing in the center of his summoning circle.

"Who are you.." Says the boy in calm tone,which interests the blonde man.

"Who am i?Well it's easy to say that i am a demon lord." Sayd the man as the 12 year old boy sweatdrops

"... Thats.."The boy widens his eyes just a bit.Not believing the man infront of him.

"Surprising.Isnt it?Its not very common to find yourself summoned by one of the great demon lords and talking to him like you do."

As the boy took more glances at the room as his sense of vision finnaly recollected, he looks at the man and then circle one last time before he finnaly knows what is happening.

"So you summoned me?Like in those legends or stories I hear about...?"

The calmness of the boy was surprising..Almost irritating for the great demon lord.

"Yes.But before you say more questions.I will ask one first"

The man stayed still in his place.

"What is it..?" The boy was also curious.

"Do you know about the fact that you just died?"

The boy nods up and down and gets up , standing.

"I do know.Also where the heck is this place?"

The man is now intrigued.

"This is my summoning room of otherworlders,what else?"

When the boy heard the word "Otherworlders" he immediately understood everything.

"This is another world...And I've been reincarnated here..What a troublesome situation."

The boy sighs in exasperation.

First he had to die at the hands of a crazy serial killer woman that tricks kids into thinking she is their mother then he can't see anything and gets a massage of the soul... That's what i call it for now atleast.

Then he gets reincarnated and summoned by a so called "Demon Lord", actually the guy portrays himself as a great one, doesn't that make him even better then a normal Demon Lord...Or whatever that is..., actually it does sound like something i've seen in games,which makes me very excited.

But..it doesn't really make sense,all demon lords are supposed to be ...Just demon lords.

This blonde looking trap is obviously lying about the part of greater demon lord.

"Why did you summon me?'

The boy asks simply.

"Well before i will say my intentions.Both of us should introduce ourselves."

The man said, looking directly at the boy.

"Unseen.. That's the name i was given here." The boy answers,not really caring about this whole introduction thing.

"I'm Demon Lord Leon.One of the greatest ever demon lords to ever take step on this world.It should be a pleasure to meet me.Especially talk to me." Leon says cockily as he grins.

"Oh..." The boy coughs once.Making the atmosphere very weird.

Leon also coughs in his hand,sweatdroping.

"..My intentions are very simple.I want you to go to a forest and check out why the Storm Dragon Veldora is not there anymore.Can you do that for me?"

Leon says in a normal tone.Not a noble like one.

'Im asking nicely because...My methods up to now weren't really a succes..So I should change how I take care of these things.' Leon thinks,not really feeling normal when he changes his acting.

"That's it?You want me to check a forest for you?"...'Also the dragon part thing is kinda weird,but it still gets me excited thinking that things like these exists in this new world.' The boy asks confused, thinking that this demon lord would have orderer him to do some shady things,like killing.Which he obviously doesn't want to.

I mean a 12 year old?Killing people? Really?

That's one hell of a fucked up shit if i've ever heard it somewhere...

"So what do you say are you up for your only single mission?After you do this for me,you will be free.Your time to check the forest is whenever you feel like visiting me back." Says the Demon Lord.How is a demon lord this nice?

"Well,if anyone was in my place they would obviously either deny bcs of how nice you are or accept because they don't know what they could do.So I should acc-"

Suddenly someone breaks the roof and enters,he has a green aura covering him.

The hole that this guy made in the ceiling made everything lighten up instantly.

Unseen could now see more things around him,but his attention was not directed at the crazy guy that just went through the roof and destroyed it.

He looks like something out of a comedy movies.

He has alot of green and blue feathers covering most of his upper body.

He has some kind of short green pants that are also covered in so much green feathers it looks like a skirt made out of feathers.

Don't get me started on how naked the bird man is.

The bird man also has parrot like appearance,the head of a parrot,the legs of an eagle...And well the personality of.

"Demon Lord Leon I'm finnaly ready to fight you and defeat you!" The bird man says as he kicks his birdy legs at Leon.

Leon catches the strike with his hand and throws him Infront, making the Bird Man fall on his bout.

"I do not have time for this Parron.But that kid does.If you can defeat him.I will reward you and give you my seat of demon lord." Leon says ,amused at the bird man's wide eyes and Unseen sweatdroping.

'Me? Fighting this weirdo??' Unseen thoughts to himself in both shock and... Horror,I mean who would want to fight with someone that is almost naked..

Parron looks at Unseen and grins.

"If you say so...Then he is mine!!!Your seat will be mine too after I take care of this kid!" Parron points at Leon with a smug face before going cockily to the boy.Slowly walking up to him,like he knows he will win no matter what.

'...How can I get out of this...'

Before Unseen could think of how he could escape without having to fight this weird guy the same voice he heard while he was in that astral sensation talks in his head.

[Would you like to awaken your Unique Skill?]

'What...?' The boy is confused.

Leon also says something immediately after that.

"If you want me to awaken your Unique Skill to fight this guy just say it." Leon says,simply.

[Would you want to surprise Leon by awakening your skill faster then he could..?]

'...I mean,I have no choice do I.Do it!'

Before Unseen knew it his body started to glow a golden yellow before the yellow light exploded in mini particles of golden matter.

'What just happened..?'

Leon is amazed while looking at this,the bird man is also now sweating... Knowing that the boy became dangerous the moment the light dissipated from his body.

"Awakening your skill by yourself?And that fast?You have to be some kind of prodigy at the art of skills for doing that.Amazing!" Leon is very interested in the boy now.

[Your Unique Skill has been awakened.]

[Unique skill:Natural Destroyer has been obtained and is now bound to the soul of the user]


'After i heard those words i suddenly start to now feel more confident about this fight!'The boy smirks.

Parron is sweating buckets right now.

'How does this kid who looks no more older then 12 ... emanates such magicules and aura?? That's impossible!I need to be careful about this...' The bird man thinks,being more cautious about this whole fight thing.

"What are you standing there for,biggest bird i've ever seen?Come at me.And take your demon lord seat."

Unseen mocks the bird man, making Parron pissed.

"With pleasure!" The bird man dashes at the boy at high speeds, wanting to rip him to pieces.

'He is kinda fast not gonna lie..' The young boy sweatdrops.

[Activating Unique Skill:Natural Destroyer...]

'What a timing!'

Unseen is now ready to do his next move too.

[Unique Skill:Natural Destroyer has been activated!]

Before everyone knew it an earthquake errupts everywhere, making everyone have mixed feelings about what is going to happen in the next second.


Let's go.(That's all i will say for this chapter)

IMNOBODYcreators' thoughts