

Kaede managed to, in general, fool the entire village per se

well, the higher-ups... but the common people didn't even need to know she was back, after all... they are irrelevant

So, let's get back on track, to the next time skip straight to the Shipudden era...


I should develop this part more?... fine, have some disconnected scenes of what happened then...

-=- Patriarch Sasuck

"It's kinda weird, having to call you patriarch now..." Kaede said as she walked around with Sasuke

She was wearing a fox mask, why fox? because I like foxes and that's it

"Trust me, it feels weirder to be called like that" Sasuke said

he has been trying to act more mature around people since he now represents his clan... I don't need to say he didn't impose any respect, do I? but at least he is trying...

From the day Kaede awoke to this day, less than a week has passed, so they didn't have much to talk about as they walked

Kaede was way less enthusiastic about talking with Sasuke, which he related to her not being manipulated by Rimuru anymore, but in truth, she just never cared much about him

talking about Rimuru, Sasuke has been brainstorming lately, yes, he has been risking his last remaining brain cells to think of what to do if Rimuru turns against him, he didn't have anything to base his thoughts on, but he felt like he couldn't fight against Rimuru, ever since he accepted his deal

which was true, no sentinel can fight against the Devourer, that's the rule

but he didn't know that, he just felt, bit feeling such things, to an arrogant Uchiha? that can only mean he is right, or else he would feel able to beat Rimuru, even knowing he can't... don't question Uchiha logic, ok?

"I think I should get a job..." Kaede said, seemingly out of nowhere

"Eh? why do you say that?" Sasuke asked, confused

"I can't do missions any longer, so I can't really get money without a job..." Kaede said, and true, she needed money, or would need it if she was human, but forget that ok?

"The Uchiha clan has more than enough money for the both of us, you don't need to" Sasuke said, holding his arms behind his back, trying to look dependable

rough choice, he was looking more like a young master, which means spoiled brat, which has zero reliability... though, people started to look at him differently, men with anger they didn't know where it came from, and women with either interest or disgust, they also didn't know from where it came...

did... did Sasuke awaken the fabled [Young Master] skill?



Okay, back to their talk... you all need to learn how to joke...

"I can't rely on the clan for this kind of stuff, and I need to move a bit, it will be better for me... also, what's with the stupid pose?"

Sasuke stumbled when he heard 'Stupid pose', but he quickly recomposed himself

"I was trying to lighten the mood. but whatever

If you really want that, I can't force you not to, but if you ever need something, you can ask me, ok?" Over the months, Sasuke has become quite the good liar, having Kakashi as a teacher has this effect

'B-But author, Kakashi is a horrrrrible liarrr!'

Calm down kids, he isn't, he is just too lazy to make good excuses, but as a former Anbu, being a good liar is a must for him


"Hn" Kaede agreed and continued to walk silently

Kaede and Sasuke walked like this, silently... there was nothing more to talk about after all...

-=- The demon and the fox

Kaede was walking around Konoha when she saw Naruto walking together with Luna, probably going to Ichiraku, which is not a rare sight now, it's like their routine

reason? Luna didn't think it was safe to let Naruto alone for too long, after... that... so she keeps him company, and his gimmicks are always fun to watch, which is a good break from her routine, she still regrets accepting Tsunade's deal... albeit the results showed themselves, she hated every single second of it... anyway

"Yo, Naruto" She called out

one of the fun things she knew was, for some weird reason, Yue didn't like her at all, so talking with her was like, free drama

Naruto and Luna both looked at Kaede, Naruto knew who it was, but Luna did not

oh, right... Luna woke up not even a full day ago, so Tsunade gave her a break, for an obvious reason

Aka, she wasn't an Uchiha

"Who's that?" Luna asked Naruto, as she didn't know anyone who walked masked around Konoha asides from Kakashi... she didn't know Shizue, as she walked masked as well, but oh well

Now that I think about it, I never explained that Shizue walks masked, but takes it off to talk with people she knows, right? my bad... I forgor

"Hey, Kaede, how's it going?" Naruto both answered Luna's question and answered Kaede's greeting

As soon as she heard Kaede's name, as if she was insulted, Luna's face immediately changed to a frown

"What are you doing here?" She asked

it's unreasonable why she dislikes Kaede so much, but Kaede knows why, it has to do with her... secret? well, it's so secret that not even Luna herself knows about it, so... yaay Kurama clan! lol

"What? I can't be here?" Kaede asked, hoping for some entertainment

Naruto was immediately put on the second plane, not knowing what he was supposed to do in this situation, so he kept scratching his head awkwardly...

"I would love it if that was the case" Luna said

"Don't be like that Yue, I'm not a bad (Slime) girl" Kaede said in a happy tone, which somehow made Luna more annoyed than before

"Don't call me like that, I don't want YOU to say my name" Luna said

"Okay, Luna" Kaede said with the same tone

"Don't call me by my nickname either, we are NOT that close" which means, we aren't even acquaintances, since Luna asked for people to call her that

"What am I gonna call you by then?" Kaede asked with a smirk hidden behind her mask

"Nothing, don't call me, don't say my name, and don't talk with me in general" Luna answered grumpily

"are you on your period or what? why so salty?" Kaede asked

"YOU!" Luna blushed, that's not really something you should say, especially when there is a boy close but oh well

"Yes, me" Kaede said, tilting her head

some may think she was confused, but to Luna, she was obviously trying to annoy her

"You are so freaking annoying... Let's go Naruto" Luna said, apparently Kaede's taunts worked? I don't really know

Naruto was being dragged away with a confused expression on his face

'What did I just see?' He asked mentally, to him he only saw Kaede being curious and nothing more, what's the big deal?

classic Naruto...

"Bye!" Kaede waved to them, but then she added

"Have a great date!"

Luna almost fell on her own face, and Naruto was... naruting, aka not knowing what Kaede meant

"You little..." Luna said

But something weird happened, Naruto's vision got a bit... green? like a green glass was put on his face, it was weird to describe

He saw Luna punch Kaede, using a bit of chakra, which was just a reflex, and nothing really powerful, but to the current Kaede who can't use chakra? that's deadly

he saw Kaede take the punch and fly into a wall, bleeding, then his vision went back to normal, without the green and Luna was just about to attack Kaede

'What was that?' He wondered but ignored it completely to actually do something

Placing a hand on Luna's shoulder, he said

"Don't, she can't use chakra"

His words made Luna remember that Kaede was actually unable to use chakra, a look of guilt made its way to her face for a fraction of a second, then she just turned back and went away with Naruto

if this was guilt for almost gravely injuring Kaede, or because Kaede had to save them in those conditions? who knows?

'Kids...' Kaede thought as she saw them walk away

'Ceres, what was that time fluctuation?'

<It seems that Naruto managed to see the future for a second, maybe his hero's egg is close to awakening, which is giving him temporary abilities which can later evolve into full-fledged skills when it hatches... but that's just a theory, everything related to demon lord seeds and heroes eggs is hidden from [All of creation]...>

'Interesting... heh, let's see what the future holds him then, hope he doesn't get absorbed by Rimuru or something, hehe' Kaede thought. with as much sarcasm as she could