
That Time I Got Reincarnated As A God!

That Time I Got Reincarnated As A God! MC: Krain Krain was an ordinary person... well pretty ordinary at least. Krain always sought after ways and different methods to entertain himself Krain would always go to school he always thought that school was boring and pointless because it wasn't really fun. Krain is 16 years old he has always been lazy for a decent chunk of his life. The reason Krain is so lazy is because he has always tried and tried to talk to people and make friends but nobody ever gets him no body just understands why Krain never cares about anything other than fun but Krain used to be bullied in school since he was 11 years old everything he did he would always be picked on he used to sit in his room alone for hours at a time and think 'WHY! WHY DOES NO ONE EVER UNDERSTAND ME I JUST WANT TO BE HAPPY AND TO BE NORMAL!' the reason Krain always had these thoughts is because the kids at school would call him names and always treat him like a outcast every friend he ever had betrayed him and joined the group of bullies so eventually Krain just learned to deal with all the hatred that people kept showing him. That is how the Krain that is now 16 years old developed his personality to isolate and have fun because Krain believes 'Why must I contribute to society why must I do anything I people already told me I was a waste so why do I need to help Human Civilization grow. what have they done for me? NOTHING HUMANS ARE NOTHING BUT GREEDY PEOPLE WHO WILL ALWAYS DO OR SAY ANYTHING TO GET WHAT THEY WANT!' and so Krain lived out his years till he was 26 years old and all he ever did was play video games, watch different TV shows, and watch Anime and work at the convenience store across the street of his apartment. When he was 26 on the last day of his life Krain was about to close up the shop to the convenience store when two masked men with guns walked in demanding money he gave them all the money and they ran away from the convenience store. As soon as Krain saw that the coast was clear he called the cops and told them what happened the cops found them and caught them and it was the end of the story. Or so Krain thought but then as he was about to walk through his door truck-kun came then you know the rest. Now Krain is in a white room and as Krain wakes up he sees a man in a black suit and he thinks 'Why does he look like a FBI agent' as Krain thinks of the possibility that the FBI searched his computer history. The man in the black suit speaks "Krain I know that you have lived a rough life and that you just want to have fun so I've decided since I am too lazy and that there is a new world right now I am going to make you the god of that world and let you do or make whatever you wish. do you accept?" Krain says "HELL YES!" (I am a new writer so please take it easy on me. I will try my best to improve my writing ability and to make a wonderful story for viewers. I hope that Viewers will share their ideas and help me expand the story a bit because I am one person and more ideas from different perspectives would help I also hope that Viewers will point out things that I do wrong and help guide me in writing so I can make better products from you all to read) I ill try to add chapters as much as I can as soon as possible Average words per chapter so far are (700-1100)

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11 Chs

The Kayvo and The Yandere

After Krain was done with Fiona he decided to leave it there and took a look at the other things that he could do whenever he thought about it Krain realized that there has not been many events happening in his world so what he has decided to check on the Draygo and what he sees whenever he arrives is that they have made a lot of progress so he decides he will reward them and he gives them a new type of animal and this animal will be a Fox but there will be a difference this fox will be as big as a Direwolf and will have Long teeth comparable to a Sabertooth tiger.

Once he is done with the design he decides he will name his creation Kayvo. Once Krain creates the Kayvo the animal looks around and to its fright it is surround by big ugly Orcs and it starts slowly backing away but before it can escape it backs into even more Orcs. It takes a while but soon the creature is calmed and the Draygo have new mounts.

After all that has been settled Krain soon turns his attention to a new place he finds a mountain close to the Elves and creates a large hole inside of the mountain so he can create a civilization that can build a city inside of it. Soon he has finished and he creates the first creature to claim this massive land inside the cave and they take the shape in the form of a Angel.

Once Krain has made the first Angel he begins making more until there are about 300 of them and then he makes one of them the leader the person he makes the Leader is called Valkro and is a Male.

After Krain has declared who the leader shall be he speaks to them and says "I am your lord I have created you to guard this mountain and make it your home"

After Krain makes this statement he looks toward Valkro and says "Your people all have the power of flight with your wings so you all have a big advantage make sure that you make the most of it."

Valkro nodded his head and said "Of course we will always make sure to keep your words in mind."

After everything was settled with the Angels Krain made his way back to the Elves kingdom and once he arrived he was tackled by Fiona and she kissed him deeply without giving him a chance to react.

Krain who had just been assault had no idea what was happening last thing he knew is he was walking into the gates of the Elf kingdom then he was sent to the ground and felt something soft pressing against his lips. when he looked to find the perpetrator he saw a beautiful Elf woman named Fiona then he relaxed and started caressing her and moved his hands behind her back and started stroking and fluffing her fluffy feathers while kissing her back deeply.

A couple minutes after of kissing Fiona breaks the kiss and says "Krain I've been waiting for you ever since you left. I missed you so much!"

Krain smiles at Fiona and says "Of course I missed you. Your so hard to forget because every time I come back here you pounce on me hahaha."

Fiona looks at him and speaks "Of course I'll never allow you to forgot about me I'm your favo" but before she manages to finish her sentence she gets thrown off of Krain and replaced by Asla who begins kissing Krain all over while murmuring over and over "Im doing it for him yes for him he needs this!"

As Krain who was the one going through this event was only thinking 'I really hope that she doesn't turn into a Yandere' his hope was soon crushed when he started hearing her whispering to herself "He is mine all mine. He needs me yes thats right he needs me and ill be there for him and that other slut will just have to deal with it yes yes yes thats it he is all mine mine mine mine mine mine."

Then as Krain is hearing her whispering mine she suddenly screams it and all you heard throughout Vasero is "MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE HE'S MINE!"