
That Time I Got Reborn As A Noble With Overpowered Skills

Rey, 27 years old, an average guy who was an orphan but lived a pretty decent life. One afternoon, after waking up from a heavy hang over he made some coffee and tried to cook some food. But he didn't knew that his gas hose had some damage. He picked some cigarettes from the table, but before he could light his cigarette... His whole apartment exploded, Causing him to die... But he gets to have a second chance, and gets reborn to a world where magic exists. DISCLAIMER NOTICE: PHOTO NOT MINE! BUT MY IDEA OF THE MAIN CHARACTER'S APPEARANCE RESEMBLES THE ONE IN THE PHOTO.

AsylumAinz · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Blood Haki finally Achieved

A year had passed after the war began.

The Warp Portal project was already finished.

The people who used to live within the small villages within the western part of Emperium's territory, were completely invaded by the Numbers.

Many Villagers, Commoners that had suffered through the wicked acts of the Nobles vouched for the Uprising Organization.

Many Commoners from all over Emperium gathered and joined the Numbers.

The Small group of rebellions, Grew and became an army.

The Goblins, Orcs and different Beast races conspired with the Numbers on overthrowing Emperium.

Three years ago....

The Leader of the Numbers, Before it was founded...

A guy in his mid twenties, Lost his family due to some wicked assumptions from the Nobles at Duexford.

He suffered a wound that could not be healed.

After losing his son and wife, He vowed to take revenge against all of the Nobles in Emperium.

So he ventured the lands outside Emperium as an Adventurer, And one fateful day, He had encounter a Goblin Chieftain and befriended it, He was able to understand the Language that the Goblins used outside of Emperium.

The Goblin Chieftain who knew the real history, Explained everything to him.

About how Emperium was still a Monster free zone, How the King suddenly changed, How the Language barrier affected their communication to the humans, And how the so called three heroes killed the so called Demon Lord who just wanted to negotiate.

That's when, The soon to be the leader of the Numbers, Started planning for his revenge alongside with the monster races, To overthrow all of those Aristocracies.

He had an outstanding ability for pursuaeding others, and talent at assassination techniques.

He then gathered other victims that suffered from the hands of the despicable Nobles.

And trained them secretly by the help of the Beast race who was once known as the Brute warriors.

With the help of the Monster race, After a year passed, The "Numbers" was born.

The leader, Known as Zero, His plot for revenge finally bore fruit and managed to deal a deadly blow towards The Emperium Nobles.

At the current day, At Emperium Capital City, Military base.

The Generals were all discussing how to overthrow the Numbers.

"Their numbers are growing rapidly, Commoners who were once in the nearby villages started joining them, And that's not all! The monsters! They are conspiring with the monsters! How could they communicate with the monsters!?" As General Bargil spoke in an Angry tone.

They argued against each other for lacking the ability to defend their territories.

In the year that had passed after the Western part of the Wall collapsed, The Numbers alongside the Monsters rapidly invaded one-third of the lands in Emperium.

Most of the people at Emperium were sent to Aldien after the Warp Portal got finished.

It was a Teleportation Structure powered by mana, Which had been an ongoing project for the past several years.

Aldien also gave reinforcements and sent them to Emperium and help the Humans reclaim their lands.

But as the Numbers kept growing, They could not attack them head on.

Knowing that the Monsters were also involved, And they knew that the Monsters had immense amount of numbers compared to Aldien and Emperium's men.

At Nero town, Which had become one of the Numbers bases.

"Zero, we are trying to capture Lindon. But there are too many Knights defending there, Can you send backup?" As a woman covered in Black cloth spoke at the Thought Communicator.

"Three, Forget about Lindon for now. Have you found the person?" Zero asked.

"I'm sorry, But that person isn't here. Even our members weren't able to find them in the other cities. I'm sure that person is locked somewhere in the Emperium Capital." The woman called as Three replied.

Three who was talking with Zero within the Thought Communicator, Was at the Jeagers household.


A year already passed, I finally was able to release my Haki's potential attribute.

Blood Attribute, An attribute which does not need to rely on Mana.

Unlike Excalibur's Lightning Haki that relied on mana.

Mine was different, It doesn't require any mana.

It still consumed my stamina, But the Blood Attribute can absorb the bloods of others and regain my Energy back.

A LIFESTEAL attribute Haki.

After my Aura training started a few months ago, It was still colourless.

Excalibur's determination alongside Alberitus's Instructions managed to let him Achieve the Perfect Lightning Haki in just three months.

A perfect mastery which needed total control over manipulating the Aura.

Excalibur already started his Actual Training, And was taught how to use his Haki to it's advantages.

Unlike me, who's Haki was still Attribute-less.

Was still struggling on the "Aura Empowerment" that Alberitus taught us.

He explained that every Aura started colourless, After Nazaroth taught his demon army to produce Aura, Since they were a race hated by mana.

And that led to the Aura's development, Until it adapted like Mana.

Aura began to gain attributes just like how Mana has the four elements.

The Shadow Aura, which was color Black.

The Lightning Aura, which was color Blue.

The Ice Aura, which was color White.

The Blood Aura, which was color Red.

The Blood Haki was the Attribute that Nazaroth used.

A Powerful weapon made for war. Since it had the Ability to regenerate the Host's energy by absorbing the blood of the corpses.

Millis also told me that what Alberitus told me was true, That Nazaroth also possessed the Blood Attribute Aura.

Creation skill could not Create such a powerful ability like Haki.

But with Nazaroth's mana-less body, He broke through his limits and with his determination on wanting to create a powerful skill, The Entirety of Aura was born.

That's when he trained his soldiers and taught them how to release aura.

My Blood Haki was still a fledgeling unlike Excalibur's Haki.

I was still struggling on using my Haki's characteristics.

Unlike Excalibur who could now Manipulate his Lightning Haki into anything he desires.

"Hey, Luna! When are you gonna absorb that corpse's blood?" Excalibur asked.

"I'm trying, But it's too hard. Even Millis can't understand the basics of this Attribute." I replied.


"Everyday you keep on struggling, How many weeks had already passed since you awakened your Haki?" He asked.

"Um, I guess two months?" I replied.

"Two months!? That's been too long for trying to learn on how your Haki's absorption characteristic work!" He yelled in a worried expression.

"I'm not a genius like you, Eks. So Just watch how I struggle and Understand that we're different species." As I replied in an weird tone.

(Eks is short for Excalibur. Instead of Using the word Ex, I used Eks. Since it sounded weird.)

"Sigh, fine. Just so you know, It's been a year now. And we also still need to Achieve Dragon Force." As he replied in a worried expression.

A year had already passed, We still couldn't achieve the lowest level of Dragon force.

Once we unlock Dragon Force, I'll be evolving as a Dragon Kin and immediately learn the Dragon's Powers.

I've also been using the Dragon's eye with the Help of Alberitus, And tried to search the whereabouts of my family.

But after searching everywhere in Emperium, I couldn't find them anywhere.

Millis told me that there is a high chance that they had been imprisoned on a secluded place or was sentenced to a death penalty.

The thought of my parents being sentenced to death aches my heart tremendously.


Then after some time on trying to use my Haki's absorption ability, It was another failure.

The next day...

Alberitus came and kept lecturing me on how I should rethink my ways of Absorbing something.

The Absorption Ability of my Haki needed total visualizing.

Visualizing how my Aura sucks the blood from the Corpse and How it travels through my Aura.

It was completely hard for me, An average guy from my past life with no Accomplishments and just lived a pretty normal life.

So I didn't have any choice but to ask for Millis's help.

'Millis, Can I make a Skill that has Total Manipulation for my Haki?'

"Notice, Reorganizing....."


"Skill, Blood Aura Mastery has been Created."

Skill: Blood Aura Mastery, Which gives the Host the knowledge and methods on how to use Blood Aura.

Then the overwhelming headache occured.

'Ugh!!! Why didn't you make it before!? I could have finished my Blood Absorbing training in less than a month If you had just made it!' As I complained towards Millis while receiving extreme pain from the Overwhelming headache.

"Notice, You did not allow me to."

That's when I realized.....

Two months ago, after my colourless Haki got it's Attribute. Millis updated me the Ability of my New Haki, The Blood Absorption.

Alberitus already knew about the Blood Haki's Ability since he saw how Nazaroth used it.

He immediately got me fresh animal corpses to suck their bloods out with my Blood Haki.

Since Blood Haki could only suck the Blood of the dead and doesn't work on living beings.

Before I started my Absorption training, Millis suggested me that I should Create a Manipulation Skill for Blood Haki, Since Millis already witnessed it's power first hand when she was still with Nazaroth.

But I, who was too arrogant and stubborn to rely on Millis, Wanted to learn how my Blood Haki works through the hard way.

That's when she shut her mouth and didn't suggested it again.


'I'm sorry! I was too stubborn that time! I'm really regretting it now Millis! Please forgive me!' As I asked for forgiveness while rolling around the ground endlessly feeling extreme pain.

"Apology accepted."

'Thankyou Millis, What would I do without you.'


After several hours, The headache vanished.

And I was also done with my Absorption training, After creating the Blood Aura Mastery and gained the knowledge on how to use Blood Haki.

I informed Alberitus that I had successfully completed my training, Then I was finally taught on the Actual Training.

Which he taught me the best ways on using my Haki as an Offensive technique.

One of those Techniques was Blade Haki, Which I already knew.

One of the Defensive Techniques was also the one I used before, The technique which I coated my entire body with Haki And itl'll increase my defense.

But that was just the beginning, He explained to me the true potential of the defensive technique I already learned.

He showed me the "Haki Suit" which coated the Host's entire body and formed as an armor.

His Haki suit had a Dragon style armor design which was pitch black, Since he possess the Shadow Haki.

So After he showed it to me, I also was able to use it immediately, Since I had the Blood Aura Mastery Skill.

Visualizing was needed, To form the Haki Suit.

My Haki Suit had a Normal design along with some Linings, and was all red. Since I have Blood Haki.

Excalibur could also do it, Since he started a few months early.

Then Alberitus tried to teach me more about Haki, But I told him that I had already acquire the Blood Aura Mastery Skill which I created.

Alberitus laughed and told me to practice on my own, Since he would still be needing to teach Excalibur.

So that's when I practiced Forming my Haki and changing it into weapons I desired, Rather than just coating it with the weapons, I could actually use it to make Aura weapons.

Forming my Haki depended on my concentration, And the Direct Point Skill was the perfect partner for it.

Since I could see through their Vital points with it and gives me Precise Aim for penetrating my Haki.

And my Blood Haki could also be fused with my Elemental skills which I've saved on my Skill branches.

A fireball coated with Haki was truly scary, Not even an Intermediate Stage mana User would be able to block it.

A power that could act as an impregnable shield, And could act as the Sharpest sword you could imagine.

Haki was really a powerful ability to begin with.

So after days passed, we were ordered to spar with each other, Me and Excalibur.

Then sometimes we would Fight alongside against Alberitus in a Haki Battle.

It was a hellish training, Since I deactivated my Pain Nullification Skill and Ultra speed regeneration as Alberitus ordered me.

And I also practiced how to use my Spatial Hole Skill to it's advantage.

I learned that It could cut anything that isn't coated with Defensive spells or Haki.

I tried to open two Spatial holes and dropped a rabbit corpse inside the first Hole.

But before it's corpse could entirely enter, I shut off both of the Spatial Holes and it cut the Corpse in half.

And I also learned to freely move the Spatial Holes in a certain range.

So now I could just move the Spatial hole into someone's head and shut it off to kill him.

Another Assassination skill Acquired!

And also the Shadow step, It was also suited for assassination.

Since I could pass through walls that are covered with shadow.

But the thing I discovered was, It could act as a Teleportation Skill within a certain range.

I tried using it unto Alberitus, I went through inside my own Shadow and came out at Alberitus's shadow at his back.

It was also made for Assassinations.

I got to know alot about my skills, And wanted to create more skills.

But Millis suggested that I should take a rest on using my Creation Skill.

Since I've already tasted the pleasure of gaining power.

I should carefully use my Creation Skill she said, If I carelessly use it, I'll end up like Nazaroth.

Consumed by power, Since the body of a mortal would not be able to hold in alot of Skills.

If it exceeds the Body's limitation, Then I'll die just like Nazaroth.


Chapter END:

Season 2 has finally started! If you ever reached here, Please Comment on the Chapter so that I would know. Tehehe!

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