
That time I got reanimated as a zombie

Reeve was the unluckiest person ever, or so he thought. After dying seven times, the god of death decided to make him reincarnate as a zombie! He successfully awoke in the Southern Earth Tribe, only to find out he was reanimated to be a protector of the tribe. Trouble still followed him even after being reincarnated.

paragon_x3l0r · Fantasy
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99 Chs

The Ritual Part II

The Ogre's head.

It was a pretty messed up place, depending on who you asked of course. For most mages, it was a refreshing place, where they could hang out and drink after coming from a mission. As for the rich people, it was a source of noise and violence, which caused drunks to roam around Harazade.

However, there were a few mages who could get information from the bar. These few mages would frequent the bar before going on their missions. There was a network of spies, which provided information securely. The process was relatively simple. One just had to order water, in order to request for information.

It was actually a very weird process. Who in their right mind would order water, in a bar of all places? Anyway, despite the process being stupid, it was quite effective, judging by how many orders came through.

There was a reason for why the bar was still standing after all this time. A rumor once went around, that it was owned by one of the Seven Cardinal Sins. Of course, there were a couple of idiots who tried to verify this rumor by causing trouble. None of them lived long enough to tell others whether this rumor was true or false.

This meant that the owner of the bar was powerful, and they didn't want to be known. Anyone who decided to investigate their background was digging their own graves.

Located in the outer district, it was certainly very popular. It wasn't the only bar in Harazade, or even in the outer district, but it was more popular than all the others.

After getting into the crowded bar, Reeve looked around. Due to the overcrowding, no one bothered him, or even paid attention to him. Reeve saw that everyone was busy drinking and eating. There were a couple who were kissing in one corner, while there were others gambling in another.

Chaotic could not be used to describe this atmosphere. It was beyond chaotic! Reeve ignored the chaos and went to sit at his usual spot, before the counter.

"What would you like to drink?" asked an old man, who was the bar keep that day. Thanks to the neat grey suit he was wearing, one would have a hard time believing they were in a chaotic bar.

"I would like some tonic water", replied Reeve, which of course was a code for requesting feedback on a mission request.

"Please wait a minute", replied the old man, with an enigmatic smile, before he left.

Reeve sat there, waiting for the old man to return with his information. Various scenarios played in his head. There were a couple of suspicious points, which all pointed at the temple of Malum. Truth be told, he did not want to be entangled with the gods or their followers for that matter. However, it seemed as if fate had its own plans.

"Here's your tonic water, Sir. Please enjoy", said the bar keep as he placed a tray with a glass in front of Reeve. On the tray, beside glass of water there was a piece of paper tied with a string.

Without waiting for the old man to say anything, Reeve took the piece of paper, and placed it into his pocket, before taking two sips from the glass. Again, protocol.

After leaving the bar, Reeve went back to Artemine.

"So, what did you find out?" asked Soren, when they were alone.

"According to the information I got from Merezeka, Rizaneth was spotted on a street closer to Malum's temple. She was talking to someone there", replied Reeve, who had read the paper he had obtained from the bar.

"Someone? What did they look like?" asked Soren.

"That much information was not provided."

"Does that mean Malum's temple is behind Rizaneth's disappearance? And the other students as well?"

"There's no evidence, but tonight we'll find out", replied Reeve with a wide smile.

It didn't take long for the night to arrive. There was a genius who once said time was relative, and something about spending time with a pretty girl, along with putting one's hand on a stove.

The point was that it appeared to Reeve and Soren, as if time had moved faster … which it hadn't of course. Anyway, it was currently at night, and a big red moon hung over the clear skies, like a giant pearl. If it wasn't blood red, it would have made a good atmosphere to take out a girl.

As Reeve thought about it, he couldn't help but think of Eskaria. He had dragged the poor girl from the rural areas, into misfortune after misfortune. Technically, she had decided to come on her own, but Reeve thought it was his fault that he allowed it. He made a decision to take her out if he ever got a chance. She was still his wife … somewhat….

"Are these robes necessary?" asked Soren, as he felt uncomfortable wearing the black robes Reeve had provided. They were also supposed to wear the creepy masks Reeve had brought from the gods know where. And it didn't help that they were almost at the temple they were trying to stake out.

"Trust me, my young padawan. If we don't hide our identities, the entire temple would be upon us. Are we clear?"

Soren grumbled, but didn't object. There was the use of that insult again. What did it even mean?

"You keep calling me … that word. What does it mean?" Soren got curious.

"Wait, padawan? It's a … word … which basically means someone under training. A learner, if you will. Remember you're learning martial arts under me?" answered Reeve.

"Ohhh, I see", which was definitely a lie.

Without wasting much time, they arrived at the temple entrance. There were a few other people who were welcoming the guests wearing the same black robes Reeve and Soren were wearing.

"May the pranks of Lord Malum light your path", began one of the people standing at the entrance.

"May the pranks of Lord Malum light our path", Reeve responded, which, now that he really thought about it, sounded ridiculous.