
That time I didn't have a good title

A tomboyish girl reincarnated in Tensura. The End. Won't be too op at the start but still strong. *New author and english isn't my main language* Only my OC is mine (but you know it ʅ(´◔౪◔)ʃ ). Cover isn't mine found it on internet.

Daoistzerg · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

Title that makes sense or a more simply a Timeskip.

Just as Dana exited tha cave she thought to herself that she was really weak as she could be easily defeated by all of the ennemies of Rimuru after his Demon lord awakening and by most of his subordinates after it. So she resolved herself to learn how to fught better as all she had been doing was just simply punching and kicking using her superior strength and durability. She would also need to find a weapon so that she wouldn't only rely on her fist to fight. But when she was thinking about that a stange letter popped into existence in front of her and on it was written:

Dear Dana,

as I'm feeling extremely generous I simplified the way for you to become a demon lord and when you become one you will obtain a weapon that you can summon at will.

Your's truly ROB.

PS: Don't talk about me to other gods.

PPS: You will need to be at least A+-Rank in strength to become a True Demon Lord.

Dana instantly felt a little better as she wouldn't need to go find a weapon or forge one and she wouldn't have to harvest a big number of soul to become a demon lord. Knowing that she continued her travel to Blumund but she again went in the wrong direction that would lead her to the Kingdom of Dwargon Where she would meet it's king.


After several hours of travel she arrived at the gates of Dwargon and had to wait in line to enter. When she had seen the gates of Dwargon she thought to herself that the roads to Blumund where really bad to make peoples makes such detour.

When she was waiting a group of random Adventurer named random Adventurer 1; 2 and 3 said to her.

"Hey, you should let us pass we're B-Rank adventurers so weaklings like you should obey us."

As anyone could expect she immediately beat the sh*t out of them but the guards then appeared to ask what was happening but as she wasn't a monster they let her explain herself and in the end she was not put into prison but the guards reminded her that if she had a problem she could call the guards and that it would make it so that another misunderstanding like that one wouldn't happen again.

During her stay in dwargon she tried several weapons but they didn't seem good for her and she also witnessed the failure of the artificial magic soldier project and she also encountered the king but didn't interact with him in any way. Following that she got back on the road and thought to herself that if it was like that she would go to the Holy Empire Ruberios but as she has a terrible sense of orrientation she took the road that would led her to her original destination Blumund.


As she finished her journey she saw the walls of the kingdom of Blumund and thought to herself that those roads where really confusing. When she entered she immediatly went to the Freedom association to register herself as an adventurer. When she entered the building she went to the receptionist and asked where she could register herself to which the receptionist responded that she could take the test immediately as the examiner was free. She took the test and litteraly obliterated all of the examiner summons. When she did that she could see what looked like a older version of Fuze which should be his father that looked at her like she was a monster. But as she couldn't care less she immediately departed to the Holy Empire.

During 10 years Dana passed throughout most of the world and fought many strong people but no one over the A+-Rank as when she went for exemple to Guy place she couldn't fight him as she was stopped by his aids and she wasn't strong enough o beat them. During her journey she also encountered Ramiris that at the moment she saw her immediatly thought that she reminded her a lot of milim but less childish and a lot more bloodfirsty.

With all she did the whole world considered her a real calamity and she was nicknamed the 'Wandering Disaster'. But as all good things must end one day as she had just met shizue she sensed that she was ready to become a demon lord and she went somewhere hidden as she knew with the ROB she had she would surrely be put asleep for quite some time. And just like that the Wandering disaster disappeared from the world for approximatevely 40 years and she became just a legend for most people.