
That time I didn't have a good title

A tomboyish girl reincarnated in Tensura. The End. Won't be too op at the start but still strong. *New author and english isn't my main language* Only my OC is mine (but you know it ʅ(´◔౪◔)ʃ ). Cover isn't mine found it on internet.

Daoistzerg · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Another chapter and I still do not know what to put as a title.

While Rimuru was being guided to the meeting place, there were some who tried to pick a fight with him due to his frail appearance of a child.

''Do you know that this place is only for the strong? A small fry like you should just go home!''

They shot out round after round of threats; this reminded him of an old styled thug. To dye their hair blond with face piercings here and there. They even come as a clichéd set of trio villains. These punks were here for a person that looked weak and tried to ganging upon them to show off their strength. Even with their appearance, they were not weak. Their energy quant.i.ty was considerably abundant, maybe it even surpa.s.ses that of Benimaru or Shion. But, Shion asked Rimuru with her eyes, he simply answered it with a light nod. The next moment, the three people had become laughably pitiful. They were beaten up badly; there bodies' were completely black and blue. Without even taking out her cherished Ōdachi, named Hercules' Edge, Shion, with her ridiculous strength, struck the trio. Even if the opponent has the same amount of energy, it had ended in a one-sided beatdown. 

''I'm sorry, was that enough?''

Although she apologized to him, this was far beyond 'enough'. Maybe these punks were Dagruel's sons. After teaching them some lessons, they left them behind. About that trio, although he got caught up in the moment to lecture them about various things, but he was glad that it was them. If it was some other Demon Lords, a very sad thing may happen to them. Even if they could handle an opponent with similar level of magic power, they weren't able to judge and verify enemy that had overwhelming power and act preemptively. Shion also had herculean strength that went easily unnoticed. Even though that trio was defeated like some small fry, but they could actually all be considered to have a power around that of a pseudo-Demon Lord Cla.s.s.

'Eh? So does that make Shion a pseudo-Demon Lord Cla.s.s? That's, Err....Calm down. But, really, that Shion!? That moron, there was no way that she could ever be a pseudo-Demon Lord.'

He convinced himself with that, and continued forward. In the back, he thought he heard something like

''Sensei, no please let me call you Shisho!'',

he'll pretend he never heard that.A colossal door appeared before them. Beyond it was the meeting place. When he entered, he was guided to my seat. he sat down, and begun to survey the surroundings, Dino and Dagruel already sat on their respective seat. He caught the sight of the now beaten up trio standing behind them. As he expected, they were Dagruel's sons. Everyone just ignored them. As expected, this can't be a common thing, after all this was the place where 100 High ranked Devils could easily be killed. There doesn't seem to be anyone who had problem with this turn of events. In this situation, he can only observe the other Demon Lords. The farthest was a man with bewitching red hair. If he was a woman, he'd undoubtedly be a beauty.

He understood from a glance, this person was dangerous. When he tried to a.n.a.lyze him, he only obtained trivial information. He has the same wavelength of irregular Energy quant.i.ty, just like Diablo. In other words, His Energy level was high, but the data shows that he was a novice that's not able to completely control his demonic aura. However, Rimuru's eyes cannot be deceived. Or possibly, he may have deceived the a.n.a.lysis power of『Wisdom Lord Raphael 』, this information was likely fake. To make the opponent see false information and misjudge histrue power.This allows someone to grasp victory before a fight by having an opponent underestimate them. In other words, it was for making it hard for an opponent to gauge your true power through suppressing your demonic aura. But this person's idea was to exploit the opponent's information a.n.a.lysis ability. Someone who's made afraid by this kind of information was not worthy to be considered as an opponent. Of course, someone who can't perceive this as false information was out of question. But the problem is, even disregarding what was seen and just by deducting his Level, it was at Diablo's level of power. His true level of power can't be estimated. This person was obviously someone extraordinary. No doubt about it, he instinctively felt that this fellow was a Demon Lord named "Guy". And, on his left was Ramiris. She sat on the seat of honor, was it because she's a senior? She seems happy as she was swinging her feet back and forth. Just like a child. Next to her was a vacant seat.

Next to it was Dagruel. This large man has an unbelievably high energy quant.i.ty. It seems to be three times that of Diablo However, what was important was quality, not quant.i.ty. It's about how we can use energy in most efficient manner possible. Even if we had the same cla.s.s, the expertise we show in using each of our respective abilities can be become a deciding factor. A little while ago, if he wasn't told to control his anger, he might have been unable to differentiate between an ally and an enemy. There were still a lot of mysterious monsters. Even if the road was smooth it doesn't mean he shouldn't be afraid of rocks. So, he mustn't relax his guard.

At his opposite, besides Ramiris's neighbor, a beautiful girl with silver hair took her seat. Her skin gave off transparent feel, while her heterochromatic eyes glistened with a deep crimson and light sky blue. In every aspect she was a perfect beauty. Behind her was a man who looked like a butler, he doesn't make any movement just like a statue. He certainly was an expert butler; with great etiquette. He might have the same idea as Rimuru, as he suppresses his Demonic Aura, his ability level can't be read. Like this, I was surprised that he was the subordinate. As for the beautiful girl, she leaked out enormous amount of Demonic Aura. But, the girl's demonic aura had random change in quality and quant.i.ty so it makes any reading pointless.

'So this was the Demon Lord Cla.s.s?'

The glares that she sends at his direction were scary. Perhaps, her glare pa.s.sed by him and sticks towards Veldora behind him. This girl was unmistakably a vampire. A Demon Lord whose Kingdom turned into ashes. She was an opponent you most definitely don't want to anger!

'The talk about『My Head Hurts』 situation was about this girl? Some say that it was a blessing to die because of a pretty girl's wrath. But, just as expected, I cannot see any blessings in that'.

He only prayed that such condition will not happen to him because someone else's mistake. And the one who tried to had a friendly talk with the girl was Dino. As expected. A completely KY-person. (ED: KuukiYomenai, lit: Someone who can't read air/mood) This man was fearless. But, he had enough power to back his att.i.tude. He emitted a large amount of energy, but most likely he suppressed most of it. This one too, by using Jamming, he concealed his true ability. If he tried to a.n.a.lyze him seriously he would surely notice. What a shrewd guy.

And, the one Rimuru's the most bothered by, the person who sat next to me at the lowest seat, Leon. At a glance, he was a beauty. With features that could have been granted by the G.o.ds. If he was his old-self, he would say, Explode! Or so he thought. Though he was formerly a human, his aura was impressive. He was fully clad with Demon Lord's dignity. In fact, his true power cannot be a.n.a.lyzed.

'That's interesting. Lord of Wisdom Raphael a.n.a.lysis can be said to have a weak point. That is, if it also about an ability with equal power. This guy, there was no mistake. He also has an Ultimate Skill. And then, at that moment, I noticed. Guy's deliberately giving off false information. Was that a countermeasure against Ultimate Skill(s)? In that case, it's very likely that Guy was also a possessor of an Ultimate Skill. Even for a Demon Lord, they wouldn't necessarily have Ultimate Skill. To come to possess one was a mixture of that person's nature, luck and coincidence. But, the Ultimate Skill(s) power levels vary from skill to skill. For that reason, from now on I should tread carefully. Then, about me who was a possessor of Ultimate Skill(s), it was already exposed to Guy. Although I don't have any concise information on my opponent, the opponent already has information about me. What a blunder. It already happens, so there was nothing that can be done. There was no use in worrying about what ability had leaked out. In the future, it was essential to imitate a counter-plan like this, so I should be grateful for this experience. If I'm still alive after this. Now, I had understood about Ultimate Skill usage. Leon seems to be uninterested in me. However, I have something to say to you.'

''Leon, Shizu-san had pa.s.sed away. She entrusted me to deliver a punch , free of charge, just for you; so let me hit you.''

He called out to Leon and gave him a straight ball. (straight to the point) In response to my words, Leon opened his eyes. And,

''I refuse. ...But, if it is an invitation to a fight, it's okay for you to come and punch me. However, I will specify the time. If you think this is a trap, it's okay if you don't come.''

While saying those words coldly, he closed his eyes once again. And with that, he doesn't seem to have any more interest directed towards me. His skill of evading the point was rather superb.

''I see. I will accept it, please send a invitation.''

Replied Rimuru. Although he looked annoyed, Rimuru saw a small nod from Leon. With this, he was able to convey what Shizu-san wanted. Although he may have to postpone this issue for later date as currently the most important problem was Clayman. While waiting for a while, Clayman and the final two Demon Lords came at last. Then, he witnessed an unfathomable sight. Clayman hit Milim (・・・). That, Milim… Inside him, his anger almost exploded.

'You...., don't ever think you can die in ease...'

He proclaimed the "Death" of Clayman. No matter the reason, he would not forgive him. However, he must not rush. Because the Banquet has yet to begin.

But just as they were about to begin the banquet, even though one of the chairs was empty, something that almost mad everyone eyes pop out of their sockets happenned. A seemingly out of place woman arrived by kicking open the doors and destroying them in the process, but what put most of the Demon Lords in a state of unrest (expect Clayman because he can't sense anything, this big zero.)was the incredible aura she radiated as her aura seemed totaly unsupressd and it even dwarfed Milim's aura which showed just how strong this person was but it wasn't all as she had strapped to her back an axe with a crimson blade.(will put the link to the image in the comment) (PS : absolutely not mine I just found it while searching the internet.)

But Rimuru himself wasn't in a good state either as Raphael warned him that she had over 1000 times more energy than him and that her weapon could be called a divine artifact if this qualification existed.

That being of such strength then proceded to try and convince everyone that it was the road's fault if she was late and absolutely note her horrible direction sense.

After this little episode she sat down and the Walpurgis would finnaly begin.

Sorry. I'm late and I have absolutely no excuses.

Daoistzergcreators' thoughts