
That time an elite got reincarnated with a Slime

"Hmmm? That's a good question... Am I good? Or am I bad? Maybe I'm up? I could be down. There's also the possibility of being left, maybe even right. But in all honesty... Who knows? There's a lot of things I am, we are, so we can't solely classify ourselves based on societies shaky constucts that is morals. After all, what sort of story would this be if it were so cut and dry, Hmmm? Rimuru? I do not own Classroom of the elite or any Type Moon franchises. They belong to their respective owners. This is just a funsies, plot isn't serious and im incredibly lazy(bet you haven't heard that before, lol) I'm actually on Wattpad, @itsMisterSteelYoGirl.

DaoistxI4qXX · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Prologue 2.2

"Ayanokouji Kiyotaka" POV.

After the battle, Hana was left in a daze. Most likely the shock from having her hand cut off. I had to reattach her arm and take her to bed as 'payment'. She was a bit downtrodden at the fact that I would not be answering her questions, but that is not my problem.

She had lost consciousness slowly afterward. Resulting in me having to wait a few days to recover.

During that time I talked a lot with her, to the point that she was opening up to me.

And that's how we are here, Hana wore a skirt coupled with a white top that complements her black slippers. I am in a basic white top and dark blue situation with black shoes, my clothing similar to that of ANHS school uniforms. Hana and I are sitting opposite each other

"Haah... You won, so I guess I'll tell you everything you want. So, shoot." She sat in a relaxed position, completely different from what I expected.

"Thanks. First, can you please tell me what that voice was when you are dying?"

"Wait...voice? Does that mean you are?..." She trailed off with wide eyes.


"I...see. Thanks. You knew what I wanted to ask, so you purposefully worded your question like that right?" She lightly bowed her head in gratitude.

"It was just a coincidence."

"Sure, but, Irrespective of circumstance. Thanks." A beautiful smile graced her lips as

she said this.

"Can you please answer my question?"

"Yeah, yeah. So you want to know about the <voice of the world> right?"

"Is that what it's called?"

"Yes. The voice of the world. The system that keeps a sort of balance in the cardinal world. A system that grants skills based on one's accomplishments. It is the record of everything that exists within this plane." So my theory was mostly right.

"I see. Second question. Can you explain everything you know about races? From any notable features to evolutions. Like a " Saint". Those types of things."

"Sure. Mmhmm, where to start..." She tapped the desk in contemplation. At this moment I realized that she is beautiful. A random thought that had no real correlation or substance at all, it was just an observation i made.

"Ah! I got it!"

"Great," I said in the most monotone voice I could.

"No need to sound so sardonic. Anyway, races can be broadly classified into 2 categories. Magic born and " humans". I'll start with humans since they are simpler."

"Umu." Umu? Where did that come from? And why did it feel so natural?

"So humans are generally, humanoid species. From basic homo sapiens to elves and dwarves. Since humans are not born in magicules they find it poisonous. Though, they are still able to use the magicules in the atmosphere to cast magical spells. The casting of magic can be done in many mediums like; using a spirit, holy magic, and demon summoning. The one most monsters should worry about is holy magic. It utilizes the 'power' of the one you idolize as a catalyst to cast magic that is effective against demonic kin. Some humans can develop a magic resistance attribute if circumstances are right."

"Umu." There it is again. Is it because I'm a daemon? Because I swear to God I never used to say this. Not even as a verbal tick.

"Monsters. This one would be a little more difficult. Magic born is just that. Sentient beings are born from the magicules in the atmosphere. The stronger they are, the smarter they are, as well as the fact their bodies would be composed of more magicules. Many species are ranging from

slimes, vampires, ogre, goblin, insectar, demi-humans, demons, spirits, angels, and dragons. Most of them use their intrinsic skills in combat. They rely on magicules to sustain themselves."

"That was informative."

"Of course it was. Humph." I pat her head in a congratulatory manner. She seemed to enjoy it because she didn't swat my hand away unlike a few days ago.

"Anyway, I should continue. There are two evolutions for humans. A saint and 'hero'. A saint is the vaguest, yet easiest to reach. The gist of it is to essentially push past your limits and attain a higher sphere of power. Heroes are different though. A hero is someone who possesses a hero egg, this is how the world recognizes a 'hero'. From there, the hero egg hatches, giving birth to a true hero. One important fact though, a human can't be a hero and sage at the same time."

"I see." I held my chin as I listened to her. This information is just making my plan more likely.

"Magic born only have one evolution process. True demon lord. When a 'monster' reaches a certain stage of strength, presumably A+ on the scale, they gain a demon lord's seed. Similar to a hero egg. To awaken into a true demon lord, one needs to cultivate a certain number of souls, the estimated value is 10,000. After that, you will go through a harvest festival, which awakens you into a true demon lord." She paused as if remembering something.

"If you are lucky enough, during your evolution, your skills can evolve." This will be a vital piece of information to remember.

"Is there anything else?"

"Yes. Who do you think is the strongest of this world?" If I were to ask my next question, then I need to know this.

"That would be the true dragons. Not to be confused with normal dragons."

"Umu." So help me, why did I develop this? Am I retarded?

"True dragons are living embodiments of an aspect of nature. There are four true dragons. The star dragon Veldanava, whose whereabouts are currently unknown, is the strongest. The ice dragonVelzard, lives in the ice continent. The flame dragon Velgrynd, is staying in the Eastern empire. The storm dragon Veldora, currently trapped in a cave after his fight with the masked hero. Those

are the strongest of the world."

"So those are my opponents in the future. Huh." Listening to what she said, I couldn't help but be eager to answer the question.

"Are you done?"

"Not yet. One last question. And please, do not be biased when answering this."

"... Okay. I promise..." She dawned a serious face.

"Thank you. My fourth and final question for you is this..."

"Where do I stand compared to the combatants of this world?"

"Where do you- As in..." She looked surprised at what I was asking.


"I'd say, from everything that I've seen, and the fact that you are mostly holding back in the fight against me... I'd put you..." She purposefully added a pause.

"... In the top 10 of this world. More specifically, number 8 out of 10. That's where I would put you."

"8th strongest... Huh..." Despite myself, I got excited. Some people here are stronger than me currently.

Under normal circumstances, I would be upset. Right now though, I'm interested, in what the strongest can do. The information she gave me has confirmed the majority of my theories. The voice of the world is a system in a sense. The evolution paths of the denizens of the cardinal world. But most

importantly, ultimate skills.

From what I can gather, they are implied to be able to disregard the very laws of nature. They are absolute and the very peak within the realm that they govern. I'll need to be careful when fighting somebody that has one.

"Was that all you wanted?" Hana broke me out of my contemplation.

"Yes. You answered everything I wanted and more. Thank you."

"Pleasure." She hesitated. Oh? I see...

"There is something you want to ask."

"Am I that obvious?" She didn't seem to be upset about it. More so, she was happy.

"Well, I will be heading out to do maintenance on my sword. Would you like to come?"

"Sure." She had gotten up and made her way to the door. I got up and followed after her with my hands in my pockets.

"Great! Let's go then!" I closed the door after her. For a bratty person, she is fun to be around.

I enjoy our time together. But most importantly...She seems to trust me a lot more now. Just a little bit further...Then I'll be getting what I need to secure my place at the top.




A few days had passed since that talk, the most noticeable thing that happened was that Hana asked me what I did in our fight. Other than that, we had peacefully spent time together. It's my turn to cook dinner, hence why I am in the kitchen. Using the utensils for dinner prep I went to work.

Taking a butcher's knife, a carefully cut through the slab of meat into miniature cubes with quick successive motions that I can only attribute to me being a daemon. I generously seasoned the meat with salt and pepper, leaving it to rest. I then got out a giant pot and cut potatoes with a multitude of other vegetables that are a staple in this world.

I took the cut vegetables into the pot and added water to the already stacked containment. Putting the stacked pot

onto the stove, I turned to the violet-eyed beauty behind me.

"Hana," I pointed at the pot and she smiled like a gritty kid, "Yes sir," she lit up the stove with her fire magic and looked at me with a victorious look on her face.

The broth took a few minutes before I took the seasoned meat and dumped it in. I then went on to the interesting part, closing my eyes, I visualized it. The sixth element, aether.

From there, I opened my eyes to look at my experiment. I hummed in approval feeling pride in myself. In front of me was a Japanese staple, rice. On this planet, the necessary grains to produce rice either do not exist or are very scarce.

Using the experiment that is the magic I'm developing, I was able to create rice. It's not perfect, manipulation of aether is quite difficult. The only reason my success rate is so high is because I've been using my marble phantasm to increase the likelihood of success.

Anyway, taking the rice, I rinsed it in the sink before using a traditional rice cooker that I conjured up with aether. I placed the rice in before switching the cooker on, now it was a matter of waiting.

A hand was raised, "Yes, Hana?" She put her hand down before addressing me, "I've been thinking, have you got a name for that ability you've been working on?" I shook my head in denial.

I turned to the food, smelling the delicious aroma, I took the pot off the stove. Hana put her fire out and got 2 bowls and spoons for us. I took the rice and spoon.

Taking said spoon, I scooped rice and portioned it to the bowls. Taking a separate spoon, I distributed the stew (I can't call it beef because beef doesn't exist here). Hana took her bowl and ate her food while sitting in front of me.

"Hey," I looked up at her as she spoke , "Now that I think about it, what is the limit of your ability? The aether thing you do." I contemplated for a moment.

"So far it's too iffy. It's in the development stage after all," she nodded and continued to eat, "Oh, and Hana?" She looked at me with a mouthful of food. She looked incredibly cute, "I'll be needing your help with a project of mine."

She swallowed her food and smiled at me, "Sure, your master will be gracious and help you out." I just snickered at her, and the grains of rice sticking to her cheek.

"What's so funny?" I just stood and wiped her cheek for her. She looked daised for a moment.

"Nothing, nothing at all." She just pouted at me.

This was just another normal day here.

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