
That summer when we found love

A Romantic-Comedy , Slice of Life story about a girl named Phoebe and her forbidden love with her cousin Lara. The two, after being separated for such a long time, meet again when Phoebe's parents go on a trip and decide to leave Phoebe at the care of her Aunt and Uncle.

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This can't be happening!

It all started with a good sleep which was cut short by the loud and annoying voice of my cousin Lara, It Was summer and my family went on a trip abroad, of course being the cheapskates they are, They, decided it would be a great idea to just book a trip for two people and leave me at my cousin's house for the whole summer. Not that I hate it, I'm not really someone who enjoys travelling all that much so in some ways I'm thankful they decided to not bring me along their trip as I would just be bored to death. "Can you please act more like a lady? I mean come on Lara you're quite possibly the noisiest girl I have ever met." I complain to her as I lift myself off the bed still a bit disappointed at my current state. "Aww don't be such a downer Phoebe, cheer up it's summer and you get to spend every single day of it with this cutie here" she says in a playful tone while pointing to herself. I got off the bed and headed for the bathroom as I desperately needed a shower. The sun was pretty unforgiving today reaching 31° Celsius, such a great start to my summer vacation indeed. "I should probably stop complaining now, at least I still have my phone and my laptop" … As I said this I decided to search for my phone so I can check my feed on Facebook only to realize my phone was nowhere to be found and so is my laptop. "Okay Lara I'm done playing games could you please show me where you hid my stuff now?" I yelled at her impatiently and yet, no answer. "Lara! I'm serious this isn't funny anymore could you just quit it and show me where you've hidden it?" At this point I was already getting pissed off so I barged out of the room and down the stairs towards the living room in search of that mischievous little devil. "Oh, hey good morning Phoebe! You're up early" a voice called out from the kitchen as I went down, it was my uncle who was sitting down on a table enjoying his bread and bacon along with his cup of coffee, the smell of the food is almost enough for me to forget what Lara had done to me, but I was determined to get my phone back so I fought my urge. "Good morning uncle John, have you seen Lara?" I said still focused on the task at hand. "I think I saw her go outside earlier, check the backyard" He said while chewing on a juicy piece of home-cooked bacon, the smell it's driving me mad. "I'll be sure to return for you little suckers later" I whispered to myself as I went outside the house. "Lar- " *Thud* Before I knew it I was on the ground and my head was throbbing like hell. "Hey are you alright Phoebe? I'm sorry I kind of went too far there." Lara says in an apologetic tone after tackling me towards the ground, this is just one of those things she enjoys doing. "It's fine, just… Hey by the way I need my phone back could you just bring it out now?" I requested one last time. "What phone?" She looks at me, puzzled. "Wait so if it wasn't her who took it." It was at this moment that everything hit me, so we left the house, I brought my phone, laptop and other electronics in one bag while my clothes and toiletries were in another bag, I dozed off while we were driving to Lara's place and that's about everything. "Wait… Lara, how many bags did I have when I arrived here?" I asked her still thinking about what happened on the back of my head. "You had a single bag, I swear I didn't touch it!" she answers defensively. I felt cheated and empty, my whole summer without any form of entertainment. No cellphone no social media no laptop no anything. I stood up and sluggishly walked back to the kitchen to eat breakfast. What a great way to start my summer.