


Grayson's POV

I sighed in content while stroking my girlfriend's hair. My lips twitch in happiness knowing this beauty is MINE. I don't know how to express my feelings when she agreed to be my girlfriend after I've a crush on her for one year.

My heart ached thinking about how could I forgot about this angel. I know she is not mine completely but I'll make her mine completely one day once she said 'I do' on our wedding day. I'm serious with Gia, I want her to be by my side for the rest of my life. No one can replace her.

When I was 22, I'm still immature and does not know what the word LOVE meaning are. But now I'm glad and proud of myself knowing what's the TRUE MEANING OF LOVE. I'm grateful to god for making her as my savior, Now I'm a 30 years old man.

I was brought by reality when suddenly my dad's voice calling me.

/"Grayson! Grayson!/"