
Home Is Where the Band Is


"We shouldn't be witnessing this Jackson," I whispered and he nodded. We quietly walked off the field and back to the dance.

"Do you want to go?" he asked. His eyes filled with worry.

"One more dance," I said back before taking his hands in mine.


The slow guitar melody rushed over the crowd and everyone started to dance. He spun me once and held me close. I looked into his eyes and smiled. We continued to dance in a slow, small circle.

"I'm worried about Mikey," I stated.

"He's going to be okay,"

"I know. He just really loved her. I can't imagine what he felt seeing her with Kendall. I really lost respect for him tonight," I said with anger.

"Why don't we head out. You should talk with Mikey. He probably needs a shoulder to lean on right now," Jackson said. I nodded.

"Let's get out of here," we walked off the dance floor and Jackson grabbed our stuff from the band room.

"Chase is grabbing the car," Jackson stated.