
That Feeling Of Love

Omoshalewa, a girl of 17years in ss2 and attends The Crescent High School, one of the rich schools in Lagos Nigeria as a scholarship student. Her three best friends are, Olamide, Olamiposi and Oluwadabira. Omoshalewa is not from a rich home but her father tries his best to make her happy she lost her mother at the age of 13, she died of leukaemia. Oluwadabira is also a scholarship student, she is also not from a rich home. Olamide and Olamiposi are both from rich homes. Things gets interesting when a new guy shows up in their school.

DaoistRty6NS · Teen
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2 Chs


Omoshalewa's POV.

I woke up to my alarm clock buzzing to my ear. I got up reluctantly and checked the time which was 4:30am in the morning.

Damn, I hate school resumption day. I kneel down by my bed and said my prayer. I was done with my prayer by 4:40am.

"Good morning mum" I said as I place a kiss on my mum's picture that sat on my bedside draw.I grabbed my towel and walked to the bathroom.

I finished in the bathroom around 5:10am. I wore my black skirt which was a little bit above my knee and sky blue short sleeve shirt, i knotted my black with white stripes tie and wore my black shoe with white socks.(Picture of the uniform is up in the media)

I was done wearing my clothes by 5:30am. I decided to do the edges of my hair, I styled the edges with the help of the echo gel on my dressing mirror. I was done with my dressing by 5:40.

I looked into the mirror smiling at how good I look. I walked over to my bed to tidy it up. I was done cleaning my room by 6:00am.

"Mum, today's is first day of resumption, please pray for me" I said looking at my mum's picture for a few seconds and said "Amen".I skipped to my dad's room to greet him with my black jacket and my bag in my hand.

"Ee karo sir(good morning sir)"I greeted my dad kneeling down on my two legs.

"Karo omo mi Aduke Ade"my dad said pulling me into a hug, still on my knees,as he prayed for me as I said "Amin(amen)" to every of his prayer.

"Kilo Fe je laro yi(what do you want to eat this morning)"my dad asked me using his index finger to lift my head up to look at me.

"Bread and tea"I replied him.

"Oda, shey kini gbe ee lo si school (should I take you to school)?"my dad asked in yoruba, our native language. My dad always speak to me in our native language most of the time.

"Rara oooo, Mide's driver will take us to school...I told you last night naw"I said buckling my wrist watch on my left hand.

"Haa, I'm so sorry I forgot, ma binu(don't be angry)"he said smacking his hand on his forehead gently.

"Okay sir" I replied as I got up to go to the kitchen to get my breakfast.

"I'll keep money for you where I always keep it, so you'll prepare something for dinner"he said before I walked out of his room.

"Kini kin sey(what should I cook)" I said turning my direction towards him.

"Hmmm, my favorite"dad said looking so happy like someone who just hit a jackpot.

"Okay sir"I replied him.

"Have you greeted your mum this morning"he shouted as I made my way to the kitchen.

"Yes sir"I shouted back.

I ate three slice of bread and drank lot of tea.Unfortunately, this has been the way I've been living my life since my mum died of leukaemia. I was at the age of 13 years, in JS1 then, I can remember vividly what happened that day.


I was in English class, second period of the day when the Vice principal walked into our class.

"Good morning sir"we said as we got up from our sit to greet him.

"Good morning student, how are you this morning"he said.

"Fine, thank you sir"we all shouted in unison.

"Have your sit"he said as we all sat down.

"Omoshalewa Adekanbi"he said scanning the class until his eyes met mine.

"Present sir"I said as I stood up from my sit.

"Please come to my office, your dad is here to see you"he said, causing me to look worried, because my dad never comes to my school only on our end of the session party. And, that is because he knows that I'll always take a price, so he's comes to the party to cheer for me.

"Please, ma discharge her to me"he said as he and Mrs. Shonibare our English teacher exchanged eye contact.

"You may go Omoshalewa"Mrs. Shonibare said to me. I stood up from my seat to follow the vice principal to his office, when he turned to face me.

"Please take your school bag along"he said as he walked out briskly, I could swear I saw his eyes well up with tears.

I exchanged glance with Mide, Posi and Debby before I walked back to my seat to grab my school bag. I walked to the vice principal's office sluggishly with my head's down, so many thoughts running through my head.

I knocked at the door once. "Come in"the principal said from inside. I walked in to see my dad sitting on the chair facing the principal with his back facing me.

"Dad"I managed to choke out. Causing my dad to shoot his head up to face me. I could see pain, sorrow, fear in his eyes as a tear fell from his right eye.

"Aduke Ade Mii (my Aduke Ade)"he said as he got up to hug me. We were like that up to 5minutes, before he pulled back, I was already crying to.

"Dad's...what's...wrong...where's mum"I said between tears.

"She could not make it"my dad choked out as he burst into a new fresh tears.

"What do you mean...I thought you assured me before I left home this morning that her operation will go smoothly"I whispered-yelled.

"I'm sorry I could not save her"my dad said causing me to break down, sitting on the rug in the vice principal's office.

"I'm so sorry for your loos Omoshalewa"the V.P said pulling me up.

I and my dad went to the hospital from school. We buried my mum the next morning, with few of her family present, because my mum and dad always lived a life of me and my husband. My friends also came to console me.

I returned to school after 2weeks. Though I was still hurt and heart broken but my dad manged to persuade me to go back to school.

End of flashback.

"Shalewa, Shalewa"Mide's voice snapped me out of my thought. I saw my three friends standing at akimbo in front of me with a stern look on their faces.

"O tun ti bere abi(you've started again abi)"Debby said, making me to realize that I was already crying.

"Kilo sheyle(what happened)" I heard my dad's voice as he walked out from his room.

"Ee karo sir(good morning sir)" the three of them said in unison.

"Ee karo eyin omo mii(good morning my children)"my dad replied them.

"Is she crying again" my dad said walking up to me as the three of them nodded in agreement.

"Aduke, please don't, everything that happens in life, happenes for a reason"my dad said placing my head on his shoulder.

"Ewe kon kii jabo Lori ige, ki olorun ma mo si(a leaf can't fall from the tree without the knowledge of God)"my dad said as he stroked my back gently.

"Eese sir(thank you sir)"I said kneeling down as I wiped my tears.

"Oyaa you guys should leave for school, is 6:45am already"my dad said.

I picked my jacket and wore it as I picked my bag and placed a kiss on my dad's cheek.

"Bye bye sir"we all chorused.

"Bye"my dad said as we made our way to the Toyota Highlander, Mide's parents bought this car only for her own use.

We got into the car and the driver zoomed off. We chatted about random stuffs, causing us to laugh and giggled. After, 39minutes of driving the driver pack inside our school as we all highlighted from the car,still chatting. We chatted mostly about how the new term will go and Mide won't stop talking about boys.

"Babes, babes"Posi called our attention as she pointed towards a black Range Rover. We were surprised at who we saw. It was the guy who splashed water on me with his car two days ago. His eyes landed on us after scanning the school building.

"So Rudeboy is attending our school"Debby said.

"Ohh, he's doomed"Mide said.

"Pay back time"Posi said as we all smirked at what she said

His eyes held regrets,as his muttered something. The bell rang indicating that it's time for assembly, and we walked away.

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