

Have you ever felt like your whole world was falling apart? That's how I felt on that day, the day my mother died, and every day since for the past 3 months. Until I met her. Ryan Rivers. Her eyes were full of secrets. They were the door to a puzzle I just had to solve. There was something hidden behind that fake smile she put on every day. But what? I needed to know. No matter the cost. Updates Every Thursday by Midnight E.S.T!! (Sometimes updates twice a week)

Alexx_Love · LGBT+
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9 Chs

Chapter 4

Waking up to an unfamiliar sound of an alarm in an even more unfamiliar, comfortable bed was pretty weird to say the very least. I didn't remember anything after Ryan carried me out of the studio and put me in her car. I guess I was just really sleepy and out of it at that time.

What did my stepfather do when he realized I hadn't come home? Did he call the cops to complain? No, that'd be stupid of him. They would smell the alcohol on his breath and see all of the broken bottles around.

He will be pissed when I go home tonight.

Who am I kidding? He's always pissed.

My eyes stayed closed as I stretched and reached over to find where the alarm was just by feeling around for it. It was on what I assumed to be a nightstand next to me. When my hand touched someone else's on top of the alarm clock, my eyes shot open and I sat up quickly.

I swear my heart almost jumped right out of my chest when I made shocked eye contact with Ryan. She only very slowly pulled her hand away from mine when the alarm stopped blaring. Her face looked just as shocked as mine, like she was hoping that she could turn off the alarm before I woke up.

She was wearing some solid dark blue, silk pajamas with white buttons up the shirt. Her long, gorgeous silver-colored hair was a bit tangled and messy, but it only made her look more cute. She had those hot, black secretary glasses on again and I wondered if she wore contacts any other time that we spoke.

I didn't know what to think about this situation. The only thing I wanted to remember is how I even got in her bed in the first place. I remembered falling asleep in her car vaguely, but how the hell did I end up here? In nothing but a very long, baggy t-shirt that definitely wasn't mine.

It smelled like her. Roses and honey. Everything smelled like her. The very soft, plush pillow. The silk sheets. The warm blanket over me. Everything.

"Uh... Hey," I tried to give a very light, tired smile to her and she thankfully returned the gesture, only making butterflies appear in my stomach when I saw it. She didn't have that dark look in her eyes today, maybe because she had just woken up. It was more of a soft and sleepy look.

"Sorry. I thought I turned my alarms off," She said as she laid out my clothes at my feet. They looked freshly washed and she even had them nicely folded.

I look around slowly and realized that this was one of the campus dorm rooms. The beds were small twins here and it didn't look like she slept here at all because her roommate would have slept in the second bed against the other wall across from this one.

Oh my God. Did I steal her bed?

As much as I don't want to get that close to someone, I still wouldn't have minded if she decided to sleep next to me. We were both small enough to fit in a twin together. It was her bed, not mine. Now I just felt bad. Did she sleep on the couch in the common room? Or worse... Did she stay up all night because of me?

I didn't say much else. We both didn't. I just slowly got up and pulled my pants on under the baggy t-shirt, then turned my back to her to change shirts.

I wasn't one to like changing in front of anyone, not even other girls. It always made me feel weird so I always felt the need to turn away from whoever was in the room. I know, I'm not normal. I think that's been established.

It didn't feel awkward with Ryan when I did that. Not even a little bit. Which was strange because we still knew nothing about each other at all. Just our names. After what she did for me last night, I think we needed to change that.

She now knew that something was going on at home. Something I did not like talking about and the reason I had been so sleepy and stressed out since the moment we met. Of course, there was the option of just spilling my guts out to her for her to understand my situation, but I was glad that she didn't try prying into my personal life yet.

I liked being in her presence and maybe she liked being in mine. It was hard to tell with her. She didn't really give any signs saying that she did or didn't like being around me. I definitely didn't want to ruin what we had by telling her all of the fucked up shit in my life. That story always made people leave.

Maybe she is different. Maybe she has been through just as much or more than me. The only way I would know is by opening up to her about my life. That was very hard for me to do, obviously.

But I want to know her.

"I.. Have class. Do you?" I asked as I fixed my hair as best I could and turned to look at her.

Ryan lightly shook her head, "Not today."

She was really not someone who enjoyed long conversations. That's something I learned from each interaction we had. Usually the conversations would hold maybe four sentences and then she'd leave and not look back. Maybe it really was because she didn't care for me, but I just pinned it as her not knowing or trusting me yet and left it at that.

When I placed my hand on the doorknob to leave, her hand very gently grasped onto my other hand. "Artemis..."

I could feel her staring at the back of my head, waiting for me to look at her, so I slowly turned. "Yeah?"

She tilted her head to the side. "May I take you home tonight?"

My stomach dropped and my heart skipped a few beats. I had no idea what to say. Would it be better than walking alone at night or taking the bus? Yeah, 100 times better, but could I risk her witnessing my stepfather screaming at me the moment I got out of her car? I... don't know.

I never invited friends over, not even Sophia. Not once. I didn't ever want to risk them seeing how I lived. I didn't want to risk them getting hurt because of me either. My stepfather has become more and more unpredictable. He could do anything.

But here this beautiful girl was, asking to drive me home. She was probably just worried about me since I had stupidly told her that I couldn't go home. Now she wanted to see where I live. No big deal. People always got curious over things like that.

I should just tell her no. I'd be fine walking home like I was every night. Instead, a light smile came to my face and I nodded.


Then her hand fell from mine and I found myself missing her touch. It was the one thing that took my pain away, but could I say that without sounding weird? No, probably not.

At least my classes would be easy now that I actually got sleep last night. It was the best sleep I had gotten in months and I didn't really understand it. If anything, it should have been the worst sleep considering I was in an unknown place, but I wasn't woken up once last night. It was amazing.

I wish I could do it again, but that would make it seem like I was just using Ryan for her bed. Besides, it didn't seem like she wanted to sleep next to me, so she would be stuck out on the couch again or something. That'd suck.

Walking down the dorm hallway, I finally checked my phone. It was at 99% and I was grateful that Ryan had charged it, but it was also put on Do Not Disturb. That made me question if she had seen all of the messages and phone calls I must have had from my stepfather last night. Even so, I didn't exactly care at this moment.

I just had that beautiful girl stuck on my mind and I wondered if I was still on hers.


"So are you and Chase going to hook up ooor..?" Sophia asked very quietly, laughing a little after as she playfully shoulder bumped me and knocked my drawing hand a bit.

The comment had rolled off her tongue so easily, like she was just begging to know. She had asked because Chase was across the room watching me pretty much this entire time. It was starting to get on my nerves really. I mean, I had already told him no several times. Besides, right now, I believed that I was into someone else.

I let out a short laugh and rolled my eyes. "Funny, Soph. Definitely not. I mean he's cool and everything, buuut a little desperate." I slowly made a few more pencils marks on the wall, then set my pencil down. "Where were you last night?"

"I was visiting my grandma out of town. Why?"

I just shrugged in response, then kind of smirked. "You will never believe what happened."

I sat there with Sophia, explain every little detail from when Ryan arrived at the studio last night to when I woke up and left her dorm this morning. Sophia just watched in amusement. I could tell that it made her happy to see me so excited over something like this. I almost never got excited over anything, especially a person.

Talking to her was great. She never tried to dampen my mood whatsoever like so many other so called 'friends' I have had in the past. They always tried to come up with fake scenarios to try and ruin my mood and my feelings for someone. She didn't. She always listened with her full attention span and nodded along to everything I said with a bright smile on her face the entire time.

Getting Ryan off of my chest with Sophia felt amazing. I had been holding in all these confusing feelings since the day mine and Ryan's paths crossed. I was relieved to finally be able to talk about this. Though I probably should have been more careful because Chase was still watching and Ryan could have been listening outside the room or something... But I didn't exactly care at that moment. Before I knew it, it was time to pack up and head out.

"Alright, Guys. It's 5:00. I will get this place cleaned up," I said as I stood up and straightened out my clothes.

Most everyone set their supplies down and left the room with their stuff after finishing up little touches on the pieces of the mural that they were working on. Everyone, except for me, Sophia, and Chase.

I stupidly had thought that Chase just stayed after to help us clean up. I should have known that he would try to get more out of that. He didn't stop glancing over at me every time we crossed paths while putting things away.

Like I said, Chase was a great guy, or so I had been told by several people. Plus, it helped that he definitely was hot. I just didn't want to lead him on or give him the wrong impression by hanging out with him. That seemed wrong to me. If I don't like him, I shouldn't entertain the idea that he had a chance with me.

"Sooo Art," Chase began, standing pretty close to me as we straightened up some things on a table. I loved when people used my nickname, but when he used it, it just made me feel weird. He said it in such a... gross tone every time... Like he secretly hated me or something. Honestly, I couldn't blame him if he did. I was the one girl that never accepted his invitation to go out with him.

Here we go...

"I was thinking we could go grab some food after we're done?" His question seemed innocent, but I knew he was going to somehow try to turn it into a date or something. I was determined not to let that happen.

I had to think for a moment and then I heard Ryan clear her throat over by the door. My head quickly snapped over to look in her direction. She and what I assumed to be a friend of hers was standing there. An innocent smile spread across my face as I looked back to Chase, shaking my head. "Sorry, Chase, but I already promised to hang out with Ryan tonight. Maybe another time."

He rolled his big green eyes and grabbed his bag, raking back his black curls out of his face. "You have got to be kidding me," There it was. The reaction that would keep me far away from him. His entire demeanor changed in the blink of an eye. I suddenly felt like I was back home and being scolded by my stepfather. I couldn't help, but kind of duck down slightly and take a couple of steps backward.

"Yeahhh Well, no. I mean... I just have to-" I stammered, not sure how to respond without getting flashbacks from talking back to my stepfather.

That's another reason him and I would never work out. His attitude and demeanor always brought me back to the mental abuse my stepfather put me through every night at home.

Ryan walked over, smiling sarcastically as she stood right beside me. There was that scary look in her eyes. That darkness. But the smile never faded, even if it was a fake one. "Chase is it? Gosh, yeah. Sorry. Artemis and I have already made plans to go out. Hope you're not mad. I tried to tell you that she wasn't interested."

"No offense, but I don't believe this is any of your business," He glared at her and kind of took a step back, putting his bag strap on his shoulder.

Ryan smirked, a dark look showing in her eyes. "No offense, but I need you to get the fuck out so I can lock up." Her tone instantly reminded me of how scary she could be if she wanted to and now Chase had seen it too. I could tell it scared him as he took a couple uneasy steps backward. He didn't say another word as he walked past me and left.

She was so sweet until you got on her bad side. If you were on her bad side, it was like she could burn a hole right through you with her gaze.

I could see a playful smirk growing on Sophia's face as she watched us, but her eyes drifted over to the boy that Ryan had brought with her.

He was slightly taller than Ryan and muscular just like her.. maybe a little more so. He had a nice mixed skin tone, somewhere between white and Hispanic. His deep brown eyes looked over both of us as he smiled brightly. His smile definitely wasn't fake and neither was Sophia's when she couldn't stop staring.

"Oh, shit. Sorry. This is um-..." Ryan couldn't seem to speak for a second when I looked up at her eyes. "Um..." Was she getting choked up? That only made the corner of my lips curl up into a very small smirk. I only hoped that I would have that effect on her like she had on me. It would make this whole secret crush thing feel so much better if she liked me too.

"Jason," The boy said, laughing a bit as he walked over and shook my hand. "I have heard so much-" He paused when Ryan started glaring at him and cleared his throat. "Nothing. I haven't heard anything. Nope." He laughed and Ryan face-palmed, shaking her head. He was wearing a Mythical Garden uniform just like Ryan's so I pinned it as a fact that he worked here, too. I guess I could recall seeing him once or twice, but I hadn't ever spoken to him.

If I wasn't mistaken, I thought I caught a slight blush coming to her cheeks. She definitely talked about me with him. That was lowkey funny though, because I hadn't talked about her to Sophia since the day Ryan and I met. Until literally 10 minutes ago. It kind of made me feel bad now.

Sophia hurried over and shook Jason's hand, smiling so big. "I'm Sophia, Artemis' single best friend."

The boy just laughed and nodded while shaking her hand. I swear, by the time we walked out to the parking lot, Sophia and Jason were already exchanging numbers and giggling behind Ryan and me. Sophia had always been like this though. She always tried to sink her teeth into any hot, single guy she could find. She had game. I knew that much.

As we got to the cars, Jason parted ways with us, waving his goodbyes and going to his own car. It looked like Sophia almost followed him, but then smiled at me and started walking to our bus stop. She knew now that I was going to be getting a ride with Ryan and it definitely didn't bother her. She was a very supportive friend.

Ryan slowly opened the passenger side door for me and I felt a blush come to my cheeks as I got in her car. When she got in the driver side, she put the keys in the ignition and started the car. "Are you.. maybe.. Hungry?"

The moment she asked that question, its like my stomach finally remembered that food existed and that I hadn't eaten at all today. It growled in response and I put a hand over it, laughing a little. "Um.. Yeah.. Actually. I am."

She nodded and pulled out of the parking lot, driving in the opposite direction of the house. I was kind of grateful for that. The further away from the house she got, the longer it would take to get me home later.

Her very light eyes were so focused on the road, but her hands were kind of gripped really tight on the steering wheel. I couldn't tell if she was nervous about me or just nervous about driving. Some people were nervous about driving and never got used to it, so maybe that made sense. I was only hoping it was that because I really didn't want her to be too nervous around me. I just wish she was easier to read. She could have been mad over something for all I know.

It was only a ten minutes drive or so to a little sandwich shop. A place that I actually loved to come to with Sophia after art class. We hadn't been here in a while because the art studio closing down at the college really made us lose our appetites. With Ryan, though, and the new studio? I was so ready to eat some delicious food.

A big smile came to my face as I excitedly got out after Ryan parked the car. "Oh my God. I love this place!"

Ryan laughed softly, "Me too." She walked over and held the door open for me which again made me lightly blush as I walked inside.

When we ordered our food, I got out my card to pay, but Ryan reached over me and handed the cashier her card, smiling innocently at the guy. Of course he didn't care who paid. He just took her card and slid it, handing it back.

I liked the thought of someone else paying for dinner for me, but I still jokingly glared at her and rolled my eyes as I smiled. That made her laugh. I had to pause and watch her for those few seconds. Those butterflies started in my stomach and she moved her bangs behind her ear as she watched me. "We should go sit down," She said, walking over to a table by the window and taking a seat.

As I sat across from her, she slowly took off her flannel and I thought I was about to get a full view of those scars I had accidentally seen last week. Instead, I only got to see a long sleeve, white t-shirt. That was okay. I wouldn't even know what to say if I saw them again. It was obviously not something she just showed everyone. I mean I didn't even know if the marks were self-inflicted in the first place. For all I knew, she could have been in an accident.

I guess I was staring at her a bit too long because she looked into my eyes and laughed a little. When the guy brought us our food, I smiled up at him and thanked him, then looked back to Ryan.

"So um... Thanks for standing up for me to Chase. That was really cool of you. It might keep him away for a while," I said before taking a small bite of my sandwich.

She just shrugged as she ate. "He is a real charmer, isn't he?" She laughed.

We just talked for what felt like minutes, but it had definitely been a few hours. I learned that she moved here this past summer to live with her grandma. I didn't ask why because I could tell that she wouldn't open up to me about that reason yet. I also learned that she was only 22 which made me feel better. I was unsure since she acted pretty mature and looked it too.

I was only 21.

I think I managed to get her to open up just a little with me, but there was definitely something holding her back from opening up fully. Maybe it was the blatant fact that we only met last week.

When she took me home, my heart dropped and my eyes stayed on the dash of the car. My stepfather had come outside when he saw the headlights in the driveway and I wasn't exactly sure what to do as he started in our direction.

I closed my eyes tightly and dug my nails into my thighs. My whole body tensed up and there was no way I could hide that from Ryan. She put a very gentle hand on my shoulder and it made me flinch. "Everything okay?"

"Mhm.. Yeah. Goodnight. Thank you for the ride home," I spoke very quickly and hurried out of the car with my stuff, closing the door. She sat there for a good moment, watching my stepfather, but eventually she finally drove off.

That was way too close for comfort... I could tell that he was mad that I hadn't come home last night as he stood over me and gripped onto my wrist, pulling me inside.

At least Ryan didn't have to see this.

- - -

Thanks for reading!