
That Child is Strange

Frank is a strange child but after going through a near-death experience, he changes and becomes overpowered. However, due to his increasing obsession with his childhood sweetheart Julia, he decides to leave. When they meet after five years at the royal academy, they have a new surprise waiting for them:- a transmigrator, who claims that it is a world inside a novel and that Frank is the main villain in the story. Sorry, but anything more would be a spoiler. -Author ^v^

Arman_D · Fantasy
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69 Chs

Your Face When You Lie.

Isaac came out of the carriage that had stopped in front of a very familiar place. It was the Grace family mansion.

In his hands, he was holding a bunch of flowers wrapped in a beautiful bouquet. He was dressed in his best clothes. The scars of his father's 'love' on his face were well touched up with makeup.

But his face was the very definition of disgust.

His father had practically thrown him out of the Hale estate that morning to go and apologize to 'Lady Grace'. He even mentioned that he didn't care which 'Lady Grace' of the two sisters he won back, he just needed Grace behind her name.

A fresh wound inside his cheek tingled as he remembered what he said to his father in response to that.

"So it doesn't matter which lady I bring as long as it is Grace," Isaac had scoffed. "Shall I bring the countess for you? She looks a lot like mother and might suit your tastes."

He was hit with a communication orb on his face as soon as he said that to his father.

But the face his father made when he said that was worth it. He chuckled as he remembered it.

"Talk about being creepy. Are you fucking insane to come back here after all that shit?" Isaac heard a familiar voice speaking in a very unfamiliar tone.

He looked up at the tree from where the voice came and saw a very refreshingly awkward sight.

Lady Evelyn Grace was in the process of jumping out of the wall with the help of the tree she was on top of. As queer as the sight was, Isaac could never have been more amused in his life.

"There is a perfectly fine gate at the Grace estate. I can assure you that as I've just made use of it," Isaac said with a sarcastic voice looking up.

"I also have perfectly fine eyes, fucker. Do you think I don't know I have a gate in my own house? What are you doing here anyway? Didn't get enough of your fill that day?" Evelyn sneered at him as she flung a couple of leaves over Isaac's head.

"Ah, my father was feeling quite sorry about a young lady who got heartbroken by her trash fiancé. He thought a date might cheer you up. So here I am, my lady, at your beck and call," Isaac said dodging the leaves with a smile.

"A date? I apologize but I might kill myself while laughing my ass out at the idea," Evelyn said as she looked around to see if anyone was coming. "Now stop being a creep and go cry somewhere."

"Why would I cry? I am having quite a good time." (Isaac)

"Want me to give you a reason, asshole? Leave while I am still being nice."

"I am very concerned about your intellectual knowledge, my lady if this is your definition of nice." (Isaac)

"Are you trying to pick a fight? Don't you have anything else to do? You were quite 'busy' a few days ago. So much so that you couldn't even visit your dying fiancé."

"Is that what you're mad about? I'll apologize for that. Can you come down now, please? I have these beautiful flowers prepared just for you. And my neck is starting to hurt by looking up for so long." (Isaac)

"Oi," Evelyn's voice was so cold that Isaac could feel goosebumps rising on his shoulders. "Do you think this is a fucking joke? Do you think I would just come back to you wagging my tail if you just poured some nice words into my ears? What is it that you're so confident about that you had such a thought? You think I'm fucking easy just because I let you off all this time?"

"It is indeed so strange," Isaac looked up at her right into her eyes. "Your eyes were always filled with indifference for me. You think I didn't know that you were just putting up with me for your parents. It would have been so much better if you'd have just gone through with this engagement quietly."

As Isaac's words poured out of his mouth, his heart trembled. His voice was, for the first time, drenched in honesty. But as true as he was being, this wasn't what he wanted to say. As he kept speaking, his chest tightened.

"It was perfect when none of us had anything to do with each other."

(No, this isn't what I want to say.)

"It would've been best if you never showed any interest in me."

(No, I don't mean it. It made me so happy that you liked me.)

"At the end, you were just using me as well. What are you even so angry about?"

(I was happy even if you used me.)

"It wasn't my fault that you lost your memories. You made the arrangement so yourself. I was just going along with it."

(No, I treated you badly on purpose so that you would be honest with me for once.)

"If you deceived me, don't you deserve to be treated badly in return for that?"

(I just wanted the 'you' who showed me how you really felt back.)

"You were just going to leave once I had no more use. Shouldn't I make it worth it by releasing some stress on you, at least?"

(Even when you were indifferent, you were so beautiful. But your deceptive flattery disgusted me. I just wanted you to get mad at me.)

"If you couldn't take it anymore, you should've just broken off the engagement then."

(I didn't want you to break it off. I just wanted you to be honest.)

"What are YOU so confident about? What made you think I'm doing this because I want to?"

(I want to. I want you back. Because...)

"You think I ever liked you? I never did."

(I have always loved you...)

As the realization struck Isaac, his heart fell. Like an invisible force was dragging him into the ground and he just wanted to disappear from there.

"Hey," Evelyn's voice was very different from before. "Why are you lying?"

Isaac looked up in shock.

Evelyn had a blank stare that seemed to pierce through his soul. He trembled at the thought of being discovered.

"Are you delusional? Why would I lie?" Isaac's voice trembled as he looked up at those eyes that seemed to know all his thoughts.

"Face," Evelyn said. "I know the face you make when you lie."

Isaac felt true horror chill his soul.

But the expression he was expecting on Evelyn's face was disgust. It wasn't. It was sadness. Longing. He knew so well about missing someone that he knew immediately that it was what she was feeling.

"How do you know that? When have I ever lied to you?" Isaac asked.

"Always," Evelyn said. What she said wasn't meant for Isaac but for someone else with the same face.

She remembered how Hani had exactly the same face with a fake smile when he told her about the plane tickets. Tickets for two, he said. And then he had the same face when he told her to wait inside the airport as he had to go buy something. What something? There wasn't a single penny in his pockets.

She looked down at Isaac. He was beet red from head to toe.

"You mean you always knew?" he asked frantically as he hid his face behind the bouquet.

"Are you blushing? Gross," Evelyn chuckled, oddly amused by his reaction. At least, there was something similar between Hani and that brat. They blushed the same, beet red from head to toe.

"Well, if you are not going to leave, make yourself useful for once," Evelyn said as she stood up on the wall. "Go outside and catch me. You're dead if I get a single scratch."

Isaac ran outside leaving the bouquet behind. He opened his arms on the other side for Evelyn to jump.

Evelyn looked down at him, standing there with his arms open.

"I feel like shit," she said. "I might throw up as soon as I get in contact with you."

"What?!?" Before Isaac could ask further, Evelyn jumped into his arms, he caught her and her tightly.

He kept her in his arms above the ground for some time. He hid his face against her stomach. As if she couldn't see how red he was from his neck.

"Let me down, jackass. Are you trying to kidnap me or something?" Evelyn said ruffling through his golden hair.

"Where do you want to go?" Isaac looked up at her. "I'll take you there. I need to show my father that I actually took my damsel in depression on a date."

"Wow, how are you so shameless? Is it genetic or did the mid-lady hit your head when you were born?" Evelyn mocked as Isaac carried her to his carriage that was just waiting outside. "The Shuzar estate, now, as fast as you can."

"At your beck and call, my lady," Isaac said as he let her off in front of the carriage.

"And stop being gross," Evelyn hit the hand Isaac had let out to help her into the carriage.

He chuckled and followed her in and the carriage drove away.

Idk, what I'm doing with Isaac and Evelyn. And anyways, I created a new story cover with ai art and edited it. Hope you like it.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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