
That Ballon d'Or is Mine!

His purpose? To be the greatest football player to ever exist! Equipped with the [ Football System ], how will he conquer the world? Follow him, an 18-year old scrawny teenager as he transmigrated back to his past. Discover how he became known as the GOAT of Football. Everyone thinks of False 9 and Messi, but have you heard of the False 10? You all know the players that score goals for fun, but do you know that every great goalscorer has a partner in the shadow? You admire the beautiful goals that are created by your team, but have you ever wondered who orchestrated these attacks? He had many nicknames.... The Metronome The Orchestrator The Puppeteer. but he prefers to be regarded as... The Uncrowned GOAT! ~~~ [ Host Recognised ] [ Assimilation Successful ] [ Welcome to the Football System! ] [ Activate? ] [ Yes/No ] ~~~ Check out my other Works: My Football Journey. --- (My Prized Work) That Ballon d'Or is Mine!. --- (Paused atm) Passion: Football Unkindled. --- (Failed book, a learning experiences)

SaltyPineapple · Sports
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33 Chs

AS Monaco Training

As Kai arrived at the AS Monaco training ground, he was greeted by a picturesque setting that exuded both tranquility and excitement. Nestled amidst the lush greenery of the Côte d'Azur, the training complex boasted state-of-the-art facilities that radiated a sense of professionalism and ambition.

The entrance gate opened to a sprawling campus, with meticulously manicured fields stretching as far as the eye could see. Towering palm trees swayed gently in the warm Mediterranean breeze, their fronds casting intermittent shadows over the meticulously maintained pitches. The vibrant colors of the team's crest adorned the entrance, a symbol of pride and tradition.

As Kai made his way along the winding path, he marveled at the architecture of the training center. Modern buildings with sleek designs seamlessly blended with the natural surroundings, creating a harmonious balance between the man-made and the organic.

The sound of laughter and banter filled the air as players of all ages, clad in the iconic red and white of AS Monaco, engaged in various drills and exercises. The echoes of boots striking the ball and the resounding cheers of coaches echoed through the complex, creating an atmosphere charged with passion and determination.

Kai's eyes scanned the surroundings, taking in the sight of fellow youth players honing their skills under the watchful eyes of dedicated coaches. The pristine condition of the training pitches, meticulously lined and maintained, reflected the club's commitment to excellence.

Beyond the training fields, Kai glimpsed the impressive infrastructure that supported the team's operations. He caught sight of the performance analysis room, where data and video analysis were conducted to enhance player development and tactical understanding. The gymnasium, equipped with top-of-the-line fitness equipment, stood as a testament to the club's dedication to physical conditioning.

The scenery surrounding the training ground added to the sense of awe. Rolling hills in the distance, the azure hues of the Mediterranean Sea, and the idyllic charm of the French Riviera created a breathtaking backdrop that inspired players to strive for greatness.

As Kai took in the sights and sounds of the AS Monaco training ground, he felt a surge of excitement mixed with a touch of nervous anticipation. This place would become his second home, a sanctuary where he would embark on a journey of self-discovery, growth, and pursuit of footballing excellence.


Kai eagerly took his place on the training ground, surrounded by his fellow youth teammates. The crisp morning air filled his lungs as he prepared for the day's training session. The coaches set up various drills and exercises, designed to enhance their technical skills, tactical understanding, and physical attributes.

As the training began, Kai threw himself into each drill with enthusiasm. He showcased his agility, precise passing, and quick footwork, striving to impress the coaches and make his presence known. Throughout the session, he engaged in friendly competition with his teammates, pushing each other to perform at their best.

As the training session transitioned into a light jog around the pitch, Kai found himself running alongside Kylian. The rhythmic pounding of their footsteps matched their easy conversation.

Kai glanced at Kylian, a friendly smile on his face. "So, Kai, how are you finding your time here at AS Monaco so far?"

Kai, his face flushed from exertion, responded with enthusiasm. "It's been incredible, Kylian! The atmosphere, the coaching, and the opportunity to play with talented players like you—it's a dream come true."

Mbappe nodded, the 17 year old striker had his voice filled with admiration. "I feel the same way. This club has given us a great platform to develop as players and fulfill our potential. We're really lucky to be here."

They continued their jog, their conversation flowing effortlessly. They discussed their shared experiences, the challenges they faced, and their aspirations for the future. Kylian admired Kai's relentless drive and hunger for success, and Kai appreciated Kylian's technical ability devastating dribbling.

As they rounded the corner of the pitch, the conversation turned to their favorite footballing moments and the players who inspired them. They spoke about their dreams of playing on the biggest stages, representing their national teams, and making a lasting impact in the footballing world.

Despite the intensity of their training, their conversation provided a welcome respite, a chance to bond as friends and teammates. With each stride, they encouraged and motivated each other, pushing themselves to go the extra mile.

As Kai and Kylian continued their jog around the pitch, their conversation turned to the recent season of AS Monaco. Kai, curious about the team's performance, couldn't help but ask Kylian about his thoughts on the 2014-2015 campaign.

"Hey, Kylian, I've been hearing a lot about AS Monaco's season. How do you think the team has been doing?"

Kylian paused for a moment, his brow furrowing as he recalled the events of the season. "Well, Kai, it's been a bit of a mixed bag, to be honest. We started off strong, but it's been challenging lately. We're 3rd in the league right now, but there's no chance to catch PSG at the top of the table."

Kai nodded, eager to delve deeper into the details. "What do you think went wrong? I mean, AS Monaco is known for its strong performances."

Kylian took a deep breath before responding. "I think one of the main issues was the transition period. We had some key players leave the club during the previous summer transfer window, and it took time for the new squad to find their rhythm. It disrupted our cohesion on the field. Not to mention the club is promoting youth players rather than purchasing ready made footballers."

Kai listened attentively, taking in Kylian's insights. "I can imagine how difficult it must have been. But I've also heard that the team has some exciting young talents, like us. Maybe we can contribute to the team's progress in the future."

Kylian's face lit up with optimism. "Absolutely, Kai! That's what keeps me motivated. I believe that with the right mix of experienced players and promising youngsters, we can turn things around. We just need to keep working hard and seizing our opportunities when they come."

As Kai and Kylian continued their conversation while jogging, their voices carried a little too far, catching the attention of the coaches overseeing the training session. Suddenly, the sharp voice of one of the coaches pierced through the air, interrupting their discussion.

"Kai! Kylian! Focus on your training! No chatting during the session!"

Startled, Kai and Kylian exchanged quick glances, realizing they had been caught up in their conversation and momentarily lost track of their surroundings. They immediately adjusted their pace, their expressions a mix of surprise and mild embarrassment.

"Sorry, Coach!" Kai called out, his voice filled with sincerity. "We got carried away. We'll focus on our training."

Kylian nodded in agreement, showing his understanding of the coach's expectations. "Apologies, Coach. It won't happen again. We'll stay focused."

As the coach observed Kai and Kylian swiftly refocus on their training, he shook his head, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. He knew their enthusiasm and camaraderie were valuable assets but had to be tempered with discipline and focus. Deciding to seize the moment, he approached the two young players during a water break.

"Kai, Kylian, I understand you boys have a lot to talk about," the coach began, his voice softer now, indicating a shift in tone. "But remember, when you're on the pitch, your full attention should be on the training. We need that focus to develop your skills and reach your potential."

Kai and Kylian nodded, their eyes locked on the coach, eager to hear what he had to say.

"Having said that," the coach continued, his tone more encouraging, "I have some exciting news for both of you. Your performances in the youth team haven't gone unnoticed. You've shown great potential, and as a result, Mr Jardim invited you two to train with the first team."

Kai and Kylian exchanged looks of disbelief, their eyes widening in excitement. The opportunity to train with the senior squad was a significant step forward in their aspirations.

"Your hard work and dedication have paid off," the coach continued, a sense of pride evident in his voice. "It's a chance for you to learn from experienced players, to test yourselves at a higher level. Make the most of it, boys."

Kai and Kylian's faces beamed with joy, their determination amplified by this newfound opportunity.

"Thank you, Coach," Kai expressed, his voice filled with gratitude. "We won't disappoint you. We'll give it our all in the first team training."

Kylian echoed the sentiment, his excitement palpable. "We're ready to take on the challenge, Coach. We'll show everyone what we're capable of."

The coach patted them both on the back, a mix of pride and expectation evident in his gaze. "I have no doubt that you will. Keep up the hard work, boys. Now, let's finish this session strong... And if my sources are correct, I've heard Mr Jardim is prepared to give you minutes to play against Toulouse."

Kai and Kylian's eyes widened in astonishment at the coach's words. The opportunity to not only train with the first team but also potentially make their debut in a professional match was beyond their wildest dreams. The weight of the moment sank in as their excitement turned into a newfound determination.

"Seriously, Coach?" Kai asked, his voice tinged with disbelief.

The coach nodded, a knowing smile on his face. "Yes, seriously. Mr Jardim, Manager of AS Monaco, has been closely monitoring your progress, and he believes you're ready for this challenge. It's a chance to showcase your abilities and prove yourselves on the big stage."

Kylian couldn't contain his excitement, a wide grin spreading across his face. "This is incredible! Playing against Toulouse, in front of the fans... I can't even imagine it!"

The coach chuckled, his eyes sparkling with anticipation. "Well, start imagining it, Kylian. Visualize yourself out there, giving it your all, making an impact. But remember, the opportunity comes with responsibility. You'll need to work even harder, stay focused, and prove that you belong."

Kai's determination ignited like a flame inside him. This was the moment he had been working toward, the chance to prove himself and make a name for himself in professional football. "We won't let you down, Coach. We'll give everything we've got."

The coach's gaze shifted between the two young players, a mixture of pride and expectation evident in his eyes. "I know you will. Remember, you've earned this opportunity, but it's just the beginning. Keep pushing yourselves, stay humble, and never stop learning."