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Liu Dehua's family get into a car accident, his wife dies, and her daughter's consciousness is uploaded.

Liu Dehua wants to use the 550C to continue the research of digital life so his digital daughter can live a lifetime; she can now only live for two minutes.

"Daddy, it's so dark and cold here. Where is Mommy?"

What caused the explosion induced by the solar storm?

The robot protected itself with tin foil.

The 550C is scrapped due to an unpredicted solar storm.

Liu Dehua has the 550A; he uses this as a bargaining chip to exchange for the opportunity to participate in the subsequent research of the 550 series.

At this time, Firestone came into existence.

The Moon experiences a displacement of 0.4 nano-arcseconds due to the ignition experiment.

The planetary engine ignition is successful, resulting in an angular displacement of 2 picoradians.

The Moving Mountains plan is verified successful.

Liu Peiqiang gets married.