
That's What A Top-Tier Savior Is!

[Nomination for Best Newcomer of the Year 2022] [First Place in Bestselling Books for the Tenth Period of the Sci-Fi Starlight Awards] [First Prize in the 2022 Sci-Fi Writing Contest] Saviors are ranked as well. The lowest-tier saviors are inefficient. They take years or even decades to save the world once, causing countless people to suffer. However, they may not truly save the world. The third-tier saviors are manipulated by schemers their entire lives. They are ignorant and naive, just like puppets on strings. The second-tier saviors pay a huge price to save the world. They may lose their spouse, suffer a disability, sacrifice their friends, and suffer many other hardships. However, in the end, they only receive a useless title or even an epitaph. "These saviors have tragic lives. I don't want to become like them, I want to be a top-tier savior!" "What a top-tier savior is?" "Light-speed salvation!" "No casualties!" "Obtaining insane profits!" "Using the present sword to slay the near future, strangling the apocalypse in its cradle, acting entirely on his will, and collecting the reward he deserved!" "That's what a top-tier savior is!"

Dream Butterfly · Sci-fi
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239 Chs

Chapter 107 Simulation End_1

Translator: 549690339

[You learned that Daoist Ji An had long predicted the Behemoth would gnaw at the Earth's core to replenish its energy and had foretold that once the Behemoth replenished its energy, it would leave.]

Wang Ran raised an eyebrow.

Last time during the simulation, Daoist Ji An had said that the Behemoth gnawing on the Earth's core was the calm before the last storm, but he didn't take it seriously in the simulation.

This time, he had two choices.

The first choice was to curse to kill the Behemoth again. The Behemoth couldn't run far, he possessed a fragment of Golden Crow Divinity, and perhaps the Tyrant King might use this divinity to send him back to Earth.

The second choice was to do nothing and see if the peace that Daoist Ji An talked about would come.

Perhaps Daoist Ji An was right?

[You decide to do nothing]

[Day 127, the earthquakes lessened.]


[Day 134, the earthquakes ceased, and you guessed that the Behemoth had found a comfortable position to feed.]