
That's The Spirit

Jaune arc was just like any other kid just wanting to make his dream a reality of wanting to be a hero and thought of asking for help from others in his family to train him but of course sadly non of them would but then out of nowhere two ghost of strangers had appeared infront of him and decided to help train and not just that but they were HEROS TOO! AWEEEEESOOOOOOOME~ I don't own anything related to RWBY or Final Fantasy does belong to their original creators, and i don't own any of the paintings or videos that will be used for reference

Joyboy325 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Where promises lie

Third pov

In the forest Grunts of pain are heard when a boy of 7 was doing push-ups but was starting to struggle

"Grr come on not yet, not yet" as sweat around his body was dripping down to the floor (a small Boulder was on his back while doing this BTW)

"How many push-ups has he done now?" Asked Noctis with a shocked look evident on his face

"27" answered Cloud still with an emotionless look on his features but inwardly he is surprised at the boy to push himself so far to protect his dream and goals, pride was felt as Cloud sees that the boy has a lot of untapped potential and with their help in training him and teaching him about other things the boy in front of them could become a better huntsman, no a monster among them but that is for the future, for now, he trains by focusing on his body and mind for the upcoming fight that will mean more than what the boy can ever ask for


"Hmph" as both watched Jaune fall while quickly getting the small Boulder off him and panting trying to regain his breath to normal

"32... I did ...32 ...push... ups... with a small boulder.... on my... back...still...not...good enough" he said between pants as he was focusing on talking to himself he didn't notice someone walking up to him and placed a cold water bottle on the back of his neck

"GAH!" He yelped in surprise as he reached for whatever was put on the back of his neck and quickly turned around and saw a blonde girl with blue eyes the same shade as his own with a cheeky look adorning her face

(What she looks like & I don't own this drawing)

"So working hard or hardly working little brother," said the girl still has the same cheeky look adorning her face

"Magenta what do you want?" Said Jaune with an annoyed tone

"Gasp how could you dear brother can't a loving sister just make sure her small defenseless brother is safe and sound," said Magenta obviously acting hurt by Jaune's words

"Mom sent you to check on me didn't she?" Said Jaune knowing full well that his sisters would mostly look for him when they need his help or his mom sent them to check on him and most of it was when they wanted something that only he can get for them

"Whaaaaat psh noooooo why would she be doing that when I decided to check on my dear cute brother and give some water after a hards days work," she said still trying to keep up the mask while looking at Jaune with a look of disappointment

Jaune seeing the look that his sister is giving him looks at her annoyed Jaune let out a sigh

"What do you want?" Said Jaune picking himself up and patting off the specs of dirt that are left on his clothes while not looking at his sister

"I want you to stop this" she answered him with little bits of anger

His eyes widen in shock he quickly looked at Magenta

"What?" Maybe he heard her wrong in what she said

"I said.Stop.This. you aren't this your not meant to be a huntsman I thought you were just going through a phase that you would eventually give up on" she said as her voice slowly start to show her frustration

"But noooo you had to be an idiot and hold on to some stupid dream that you can't even make yourself because it was of gramps stupid stories you want to be a dumb stupid huntsman so wake up Jaune you can't be" she was cut off when Jaune yelled at her

"Shut up!" Jaune yelled in anger while looking at her with tears falling from his eyes and the words that his sister was saying weren't helping the tears from falling out

Then pushes his sister

"Stop being such a jerk you dumb jerk!"Jaune yelled at his sister

And in return, he was pushed by his sister and she was angry

"I'm not a jerk you jerk your big baby and a scaredy cat and a huntsman need bigger and awesome and you aren't that so GROW UP you baby" yelled Magenta and without thinking punched Jaune in the face

witch pushed him back 2 feet and fell face first

Then realization struck on what she did she ran up to him worried

"Ja...Jaune I'm-" but the words die in her throat when he turned around

Jaune'tears falling from his eyes and they held anger and they were starring at her

She was shaking like a leaf when looking at her brother it was like he was a predator ready to kill their prey at any moment and it sent chills down her spine while tears were falling from her eyes

And quickly turned around and dropped the water bottle as most of the contents were forming a small puddle

"Tch, what...whatever you j...jerk do whatever you I don't give a damn what you do, I hate you !" She yelled at him without turning and then sprinted away from there while crying

"Oh yeah...I hate you too and...and I wish you weren't my sister!"

When she was farther away from Jaune he looked at the water bottle he saw that it was almost empty but still a good amount inside the bottle and went to pick up the water and looked at his reflection and was shocked at what he saw

His once ocean sapphire blue eyes were replaced with green cat eyes but felt like there was some reptilian in them as well

His eyes widen then rubs them to see if he's seeing things and that maybe he was just dehydrated and seeing things but it didn't disappear and he started to worry he grabbed his and started panicking but a voice calmed him down


Cloud called him in which Jaune turns to him and for the first time in knowing him, he saw Cloud smile warmly at him as Cloud was walking to towards him when he was in front of Jaune he put his hand on the scared boy's shoulder

"Jaune .just. breath" he said calmly as Cloud was taking deep breaths and Jaune followed his example

And he calmed down

And then looked back at the reflection of the puddle and his eyes change back to its sea sapphire color

"What was that?" Asked while reaching for his eyes while still looking and his reflection copying his movements

"That was Mako" answered Cloud regaining Jaune's attention back on him

"Mako?" As Jaune tilted his head in confusion

Cloud nods his head "This is the power I had from my time being a life in my world and it's surprising to see it here, I thought that it would go back with the planet once I died but it seems like that didn't happen but either way, this will be a really big help for you down the line" said Cloud surprising both Noctis and Jaune by hearing this

"So if I may ask why did you think it would be going back to the planet isn't it, I don't know the magic that's a part of you?" Asked Noctis with a confused look on his face

"No it isn't it's the essence of the planet itself or in other words the blood of the planet...my planet," said Cloud with an unreadable expression

Hearing that it's the life of Cloud's planet going through Jaune's body he doesn't know what's going on even if it's meant to be able to help him in the future he doesn't know how to use it but then grabs his head in pain as his head throbs in pain and starts seeing things that he never saw or experienced in his life

one where he was having motion sickness and then a man with spiky black hair out of concern walks up to hhim and asked him if he was ok "im fine just...need to power through" he said

another memory was where he was in somesort of lab and the same black spiky haired boy pleaded to him "kill Sephiroth..."

it changed once more as a man with silver hair was walking through the fire as houses in the background were crumbling screams of pain and agony were heard

it changed again to a girl with beautiful black hair and beautiful ruby eyes as the were standing in a chuch holding eachothers hands

As all these images assault his mind

Cloud becomes slightly more transparent than before and both noticed this

"Uh, Cloud what's happening with you?" Noctis asked with worry in his voice

" I don't know what is going on?" As he looks at himself and flexed his fingers and opens and closes his hands everything seems normal but is more transparent he doesn't feel any different Noctis notices that Jaune seems to be in pain and was going to ask what was wrong but then

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" As they hear a blood-curdling scream

This was enough to get the image assault on Jaune's mind and at that time isn't transparent anymore noctis noticed the timing and started trying to think of what seemed to have happened

Pov change: Magenta

-a few minutes ago-

After running away from Jaune and in her place of peace she would try and calm herself by throwing rocks in the small pond that she stumbled upon one just looking around

Just trying to cool off key words trying

"Raaa!" roared out Magenta throwing rocks at the pond

" stupid stories from that old man stupid dreams, stupid Jaune, stupid EVERYONE" she roared and chucked the stone so hard it went over to the other side of the pond and over a small hill

"Woah didn't know I'd have a good throwing arm and that was the best throw today getting I'm better at this aren't I," she said as she looks at her hand and tightened it to a fist


" why doesn't he understand that what he's doing is throwing his life away for dumb reasons and what would happen to us when bad things

Happen to him how will it affect us when...when" The thought of her brother dying was a thought she didn't want to have yet it was the only thing that kept surfacing up and she hated it

" ugh why are these stupid emotions so stupidly annoying" she muttered to herself

And then rustling was heard from the Bushes

As Magenta thought it was Jaune

And turned around not wanting to see her brother at the moment

"I know you, idiot, if you followed to apologize save it I won't accept it, and leave me alone!" she said with anger while not looking at 'him'

Nothing was heard but a twig snapping and Magenta was annoyed that he didn't listen

"I. SAID. LEAVE. me...a...lone" she yelled at first but when turning around the words died into a whisper and she started to whimper as tears fell from her face because

( I don't own this)

Standing in front of her was a Beo Wolf A Grimm, a monster that continues to hunt down every form of living thing from small animals all the way to both Humans and Faunus at any cost not caring for what happens to their own one Grimm alone could destroy a small village if the village itself was not careful and one was standing right in front of her standing on its hind legs standing at a full 9 feet tall with its tall form overshadowing her small Frame

And she was terrified a fear she didn't know existed


and there was only one thing she could think of doing in that one moment

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" She screams a blood-curdling scream

And it affected the Beo Wolf where it hurt its hearing from the high-pitched scream, Magenta did the smart thing and started to dash away from the Grimm and the Grimm recollected itself and the chase began

(The Beo Wolf is the lion)

Magenta was running as fast she could and tripped on a rock but she was lucky because the jumped over her if she was still standing she would be dead she quickly picked herself up and kept running while trying to outmaneuver the beast using the forest as a terrain for parkour, all the moves you can think of but she can't seem to lose the Beo Wolf but sadly she was at a dead end a wall of a mountain not able climb no matter how much she frantically tries to climb it she can't

As the Beo Wolf's growling was heard it slowly started to prowl toward the defenseless girl

Her life started to flash before her eyes to when Jaune was born and she looked at her baby brother then gave him a hug and smiled then it changes to her and her sisters chasing a 4-year-old Jaune around the house with them having a dress at hand to put Jaune in then to how her parents would laugh with the whole family with her grandparents playing with them and showing them so much love like playing hide and seek, and pretend and when her dad would come back from work looking tired but when he sees them he always smiles and how her mother always kiss her goodnight and sing her to sleep

And the argument she had with Jaune and what Jaune said to each other she said that she hated Jaune but that's not true she was just scared and angry but now

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry pls, I'm sorry I..i.I don't want to die ill be a good girl I promise" she said as she started to cry

she wanted to go home

"Mama, papa I'll be a good girl I promise...pls, I just want to go home!" And busted into tears at that moment the Beo Wolf pounced at her

Time seemed to slow down to a crawl and the only heard was her heartbeat and seeing the Beo Wolf slowly jumping at her Jaws wide open to swallow her whole but then

"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" roared a voice so loud and it seemed like something flew so fast that it looked like a yellow blur that charged at the big Grimm and it was so strong that it was able to pierce through the body of the beast and was now stuck on the wall with a giant sword on its midsection with a person there but the smoke obscured and when time went back to normal

It was silent for a few seconds the only thing heard was the sound of the rushing and then


The Beo Wolf roars in pain as the person skewered the thing, flailing trying to get out of the pain

As the smoke clouds cleared it showed

"Jaune," said Magenta in shock and awe at what she saw her brother was pining a Beo Wolf to the wall with a giant sword that was almost the same size as the Beo Wolf

"You won't. hurt .mY. SISTER!!!" He yelled out as he quickly grabbed the handle and cut the Beo Wolf in vertically in half the roaring ceased from the kill of the young boy they were one thing that it saw before its a brutal end Were the eyes

But as it was dissolving

"J...Jaune" came a weak voice from Magenta as he turned around his eyes were back to blue as they both saw each other's eyes

They were feeling a sense of relief as Magenta quickly ran towards him as he was ready to hug her but she pushed him away and something was heard

And as quick the sound was made Magenta fell to the floor as a red liquid was forming a small puddle




-A few minutes later-

Pov change: Third person

As Jaune sits on a chair with his hands covered in the blood of his sister as two other people were standing to his left and right they looked at the boy in concern he's been quiet for a long time ever since he was able to bring his elder sister at the village hospital while some of his family were sitting, his mother pacing in circles his father sitting in the chair in front of him looking at him with both relief and anger at what happened and what his son had told him

Some of his sisters were crying and holding on to each other the younger ones were confused as they asked what was going on and why were they crying

As the sound of the door opens everyone turns to see the doctor walking out the family walks up to him as they silently ask the unspoken answer the doctor looks at all of them but looks at Jaune for a little longer and the expression on his face has changed to a smile

Notifying the answer

"She is fine actually better than fine it seems that she will make a full recovery in the next day" Hearing everyone was happy that Magenta was going to make it as most of the Arcs were crying tears of joy as Violet fell on her knees thanking her ancestors for bring back her child as Jaune

"I'm going to the bathroom to clean my hands it's not good manners without properly washing your hands when visiting someone in the hospital you know," he said, and before anyone responded he went to the bathroom

As he turned on the sink the dried-up blood in his hands washed it off as the clear water turned red and his mind played back to what happened


-in the forest-

"Magenta, Magenta stay with me pls stay with me!" Jaune kept yelling at his sister making sure that he covered the wound she bleeding from

As Magenta started to start frantically breathing scared evident on her face while looking around

"Jaune, Jaune! It hurts pls make it stop!" she kept crying in pain wanting the pain to stop

"I know it hurts just hang in there pls just keep pushing past the pain it'll all be over soon I promise" he exclaimed not believing his own words

He looked around for someone to help anyone would do

"SOMEONE HELP ANYONE HELP MY SISTER IS BLEEDING PLEASE ANYONE HELP!!!"Jaune roared scared for his sister and not knowing what to do

"Jaune, Jaune where are you I can't see what's going on" She was getting even more scared for not being able to see what was going on

"Grrrrrrrr" a growl was heard as they

"Jaune please tell me that was your stomach," she asked hoping that it was not what she thought it was

How much he wishes that it was his stomach cause right in front of them were 5 Beo Wolfs

She gripped tightly to Jaune in fear "Jaune I want to go home" she whimpered while silently crying

"We will, we will be home before you know it" He tried comforting his sister but more himself but even though they looked low he searched around for an opening if not having one he'll try and make one if he can for some reason he didn't feel to scared a little afraid but not scared, maybe the adrenaline was helping with that

-Flashback end-

"Thank Oum," he said as he was crying in relief

'Yeah that is true but who was that man he called himself the 'white death'? he thought to himself 'I promise to become stronger for this is where my promise lies and an Arc never go back on there word so that something like that doesn't happen ever again' as he clenched his hand tightly in anger and a look of determinationwas on his face

End ( for real this time)