
That's The Spirit

Jaune arc was just like any other kid just wanting to make his dream a reality of wanting to be a hero and thought of asking for help from others in his family to train him but of course sadly non of them would but then out of nowhere two ghost of strangers had appeared infront of him and decided to help train and not just that but they were HEROS TOO! AWEEEEESOOOOOOOME~ I don't own anything related to RWBY or Final Fantasy does belong to their original creators, and i don't own any of the paintings or videos that will be used for reference

Joyboy325 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

The Deafening Silence

In the hospital bed was a girl sitting down looking out the window deep in thought on what occurred on how she was able to live for another

"I never noticed this is a nice view was it always like this?" She Asked Magenta no one, in particular, seeing the world in a new light

-a few minutes later-

"so magenta may I ask how you get injured I may ask because of the way the tears in the shirt, sorry for how this may sound but they seemed to be impossible to heal and you should be in a worse state yet you somehow seem untouched and even in a better condition but it's like the bullet wound never even happened may I asked how you were healed back to incredible health"

"I don't know what happened I blacked out when the wound happened" she said to the doctor

"Well that's ok atleast you got back to us in one piece it's probably a huntsman that stumbled upon you two and was able to heal you in the nick of time after dealing with the grimm after you two you are a very lucky girl to be alive and healed into tip top shape huntsman, with a healing semblance people would kill for those people to be used up" said the doctor not knowing that he said the last bit out loud

as Magentas eyes widen at hearing this someone with a healing semblence that people would go to such lengths to aquire them then an image of Jaune being taken away from them filled her mind that being seperated, people would take away her family, they would brake them for Jaune's semblence they would hurt her family and she was weak because she didn't have the strength to fight back and she...was...useless and the thought made her hands tighten to where blood was beginning to pour out remembering what happende back at the forest


there was nothing but blackness not able to see what was going on only hearing the growls and the only thing she could hear is a beating heart but it wasn't beating rapidly out of fear it was beating faster yes but it was as if he was a little winded yet seemed calming

POV: Jaune

he looked around to see that he was surronded with his sister holding on to him as a life line he didn't know what to do in this situation, what can you do this seems hopeless as dark thoughts started to creep in his mind about dying here not able to see his family and not be a huntsman

'No stop you can't give up not here not yet'

'but what do you think you can do in this situation you can't fight while protecting her she is a liability why don't you leave her and run you'll be safe and she will be the bate you can escape' said an unknown voice and what said caused something in Jaune to stand there because the voice in his own head told him to do what?

as the bangs of his hair cover his eyes a blue aura wildly roars to life which sent the grimm that were around them to be sent flying as anger and disgust with himself of having such a thought and then looked straight at the grimm

with a piercing glare that made all stand still which could make even the most exprinced huntsman feel a chill when the opening presented itself Jaune took it while his sister screamed in fear


the figure in the distance could only see from the scope what occured for what has just happend he could only muster a sneer because something intresting has finaly appeared before his eyes and he would not waste it or be denied


when running with the help of mako corsing through his vains making him run as fast as a car but the grimm are right behind him like hound dogs finding the meal at the beginning of a hunt

One beowulf lunged at him reaching out with his claws to cut him down

Into pieces but Jaune Warp-striked away as he kept using Warp-strike to avoid there attacks he felt his like he was starting slowdown and it wasn't good while carrying his injured sister then he needs a good place to hide

'calm down you can use ice to slow them down and the lightning to stun them' Clouds voice was heard in his head calming him down

'yeah but how do I use it i don't have any materia and beside they don't exist on remnant ...wait how do I know this?' As Jaune was questioning himself of where this knowledge but the thought was put on pause as Noctis's Voice screamed out

'WATCH OUT!' as two grimm in unison attacked trying getting to him but as if his body having a mind of its own he dodged the two grmm as a blue see through form of him and his sister has replaced the two and quickly the two grimm jumped into each other hitting their heads


as the other three grimm roared in anger at them, Magenta and Jaune flinched at the powerful roar that was shaking their soul but it didn't deter Jaune as he kept focus on trying to find a way to escape but how?

"Magenta you know the forest better than me so where do we go" he asked his sister not knowing where to go but knows that his sister explores outside of the village the most and knows the terrain like the back of her hand

"I....I"she couldn't reaspond as the fear was making her tremble fumble with her words

"MAGENTA!" yelled Jaune as she turned to his direction she heard his voice in a way disctrating her and taking her out her downward spiral into dispair

"You can do this I know you can" Jaune said with full confidence in his sister even eith no vison he has faith in his sister and and by does simple words something was felt within her heart fear still lingered but something else was also there and it felt ...warm and it was faith, faith in the words that her brother told her the faith they can get out of the woods and most of all it gave her faith to herself that she can do this with Jaune besides their in her neck of the woods her playground

as that thought passed through her mind the feeling of warmth was starting to spread through her body and was feeling lighter,stronger then she ever thought she was before and not just that, she was seeing the woods the grimm chasing them and Jaune with a golden color surronding him but not just that but everything from the smallest of insects to the fish in a far away pond to a bear in a cave taking caring for it's cubs and to high up in the skies where she sees an eagle freely flying and seeing ...people two one an adult and the other was-

"Magenta where do we go?" asked Jaune getting exausted from runnig for so long and in that thought she focused on a safe place to hide using her ability for the first time seeing through the woods and it's as if they were showing her and showing the directions to Jaune in which he follows the way her he was showing him and they reach to a...cliff, an edge of a cliff looking down only to see a really, really big drop

*growl*rustling of bushes and with heavy steps accompanied with heavy panting

As Jaune turned around to see that they were surounded no way out as the only way, looking behind him was the cliff falling to his death with his sister and become nothing more than a stain with his sister when reaching the ground and infront of him was a brutal death by being mauled to death as he looked to his sister and looking back at him she asked him one important question "do you trust me?" she asked in return Jaune smiled while looking back at the grimm he slowly backs up to the edge as the grimm follow slowly prowling towards them as the smile still never left his face

"sayonara ya dumb mutts"and after he said that he took one last step back and jumped off the cliffs and two out of the five grimm jumped after em and then nothing else was heardno screaming in fear no loud roar, not the birds singing or any animal made a move, nor the rustling of the leaves on the trees or the whistling of the wind it's as if the world itself was holding on to it's breath standing completly still and one of the beowulfs desided to check the edge of the cliff they look down to see two figures at the bottom of the cliff laying down completly still not showing any movements but couldn't be seen all to well as they went down the cliff jumping on rocks to get to the bottom of the cliff safely and whe they get close to two shadowy figures saw that black little particles were coming off of them and that's when they see a cracked grimm mask next to them and figure out that it was the two grimm that fell after the kids but looking around to see any sign for them if they were here but non it's as if the dissapeared and all look around for the kids

-back at the top of the edge of the cliff-

as the shadows were settling in the edge of the cliffs by the sun Emerald green eyes are seen in the shadows looking down in the grimm with the world still holding its breath almost making the silence deafining to those that wouldnt handle the suffocating still air