
That's The Spirit

Jaune arc was just like any other kid just wanting to make his dream a reality of wanting to be a hero and thought of asking for help from others in his family to train him but of course sadly non of them would but then out of nowhere two ghost of strangers had appeared infront of him and decided to help train and not just that but they were HEROS TOO! AWEEEEESOOOOOOOME~ I don't own anything related to RWBY or Final Fantasy does belong to their original creators, and i don't own any of the paintings or videos that will be used for reference

Joyboy325 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

Chasing the Monsters away

-POV: no ones-

as the rays of light hit down on the village of hansle as the singing of the the birds with the sound of running waters are heard Jaune wakes up and prepares himself for the day and walks through the house and sees his dad with an apron cooking food for the rest of the family that was already sitting on the table waiting for the food

it's weird cause mostly mom would mostly cook the food and dad has been... different instead of being the father that he once knew of being strict when training although he still is strict he now tries make conversation during spars and practice in learning to use guns as well and before when he had no intrest in playing and just watching us play video games with me and my sisters now he tries to play and join in whenever he can and they mostly end up in funny moments even when my sisters scream at him what buttons to press and I don't know why but it feels like dad was focusing on me a little more than usual he still treats the girls the same

and with both Cloud & Noctis also so being evils incarnate cause what they were doing to me was nothing but described as HELL that wuold probably kill a regular person but yet thanks to mako energy and litral magic im able to heal myself pretty decently but it turns out it can only heal wounds not aura which is what I used to unlock magentas is what dad thought but not just that I when Mageta said when she tries to use it like what happend to the forest she for some reason can't see as far then but she just thinks it's cause of the stress but it felt like some weird energy was boosting her and she still felt it within her but for some reason it's like she can't bring it out yet oh and she also told me that thin about my eyes change whenever i use my aura or when i start to feel angry or stressed and didn't know that, I guess the more you know and from time to time i did get confused for a Faunus which I really don't mind their really not that different from us they just have extra animal parts and better vision and thats it really with maybe more than that but yeah I don't see the big problem

and then dad takes me out to the green fealds and train till midnight it was only for 4 days and would be extra tough on me but when ever i get close to beating him he would be able to do something in the last second to turn the tables in his favor and I end up losing but when the 5th day rolled around he told us that we wouldn't train today which is weird but we didn't and just spend time having fun and try to make the day pass and not get bored and but then dad took me for a walk alone in the fields and we sat down and just there in a comfortable silence looking as the sun was starting to set

"Jaune" his dad kindly called out to him

"yeah dad" he looked at his father as the still didn't turn as he was still fo

" just to make sure do you still walk down a path of hero?" the man asked his son

"Yes!" he said with strong resolve

"*sigh* ok but can this old man give some advice then" he let out a tired sigh but then a melancholic smile appeared said with meeting his sons eyes with a saddend look but yet deep within them held... pride?

as Jaune nodded his father started talking

"*chuckles* you know you were this big when you were born *uses his hands to show how small he was* and you were so small and was having problems you were having trouble breathing and the thing that scared me and your mother the most was that were told that you were not going to survive a week at most 2 weeks " this shocked Jaune that he was going to die when he was born but stayed silent listening to his father "but then when one week passed so we tried to preapare ourselves and thought of our only son our child passing it was as if a part of you was ripped from you leaving a hole in your heart that won't ever be healed just by the thought itself just felt painful and it felt almost sufficating no amount of mental preperation can prepare you for something to losing a part of yourself when your child is dying but then you started to cry and one week went into 2 weeks then 3, a month then a year" as a smile and a far of look when remembering the memory" you were desperatly hanging on to life and kept fighting to live and kept doing the impossible as to what even the doctors thought that wouldn't be possible and whenever we were asleep we would always think that whenever we wake up it was only a dream and the fear in our hearts would always return but whenever you cried it assured us that it wasn't, *chuckles* alot of parents would be annoyed by it but after what we experienced it's as if it was like music to us reasurance it was conforting that my son was a fighter, a warrior and thinking of protecting you and your sisters from harm so you wouldn't have to deal with it so you could just be children in such a dark world, but then after what happened to both you and Magenta was a bit of a wake up call and with some talking from your mother that I won't always be their for all of you is a terrifying thought for me, ...so the best i can do as a parent, all I can do is to give you the tools to prepare yourself and hope for the best because your growing up so quickly that one day you'll have a family too Jaune, but besides that you must know something really important Jaune"

Jaune still staying quiet as tears were starting to form

"life is a cruel mistress and it will try to put you down at every corner and whenever the chance it gets the path you chose will be the hardest of all for a hero's journey begins with tragedy but what they choose to do after it is what makes them different because will they let the tragedy they expirience consume them and be someone who hurts others and beacome a monster or push through the tragedy and use it to become better to become a hero and believe me when I say This Jaune it takes great strength to push through such an exprience and there will be times where you will have to make extremely difficult decisions and then after that their will be moments where you fail in saving others you will think 'what if i did something different' or 'why couldn't I be stronger to save them' don't do that to yourself Jaune don't torment yourself for the faliures that were out of your control instead look in flipside you were able to save as many people as you could in that moment and you should use the pain the failure use them to push yourself further to help more people to become stronger to save more than before, to inspire others in their darkest moments to be the hope that's past the dispair to keep fighting even when others stop to reignite their fighting spirit to be the pillar of strength that others can rely on and it all starts with is a dream Jaune and your taking action towards it oh and you'll also need some grit and integrity too that'll help you alot in the long run" he told his son as Jaune was silently crying with the words his father was saying as he's engraving every word to his heart

"d..dad" he let out a whimper as he quickly engulfed his dad in a big hug

"uff" escaped the mans lips for his son surprisingly pushed him to the ground while giving a bear hug then the sits up straght and gives back the hug and then picks himself standing up while hugging and carring his son looking at the sunset with a sad melancholic look but then looked at his son which fell asleep peacefully in his arm a small tear falling down and kissing his son on the forehead

"lets go home your mother will be worried" as he starts to walk back to the village

The walls in the village there were people getting ready and were suiting up in armor and bringing out guns, swords and some had some mecha shift it's as they were preparing for war as well as some huntsman were reatired were preparing for something and when he got home his wife opened the door and looked and a sad smile appeared as she saw the sight of her husband and son and was going to grab Jaune but then her husband slightly tightened his hold

"let me tuck him to bed" he said as she moved to the side letting him walk as if each step echoes in the house and the for some reason felt long as he opens the door he looks around to see that the room is messy as shirts, shoes, pants, hoodies were on the floor and he sees a pumpkin pete sweater on his bed his son's favorite hoodie as a small smile shows and in otherside of the room there's a desk where Jaune mostly does his homework as an image of his son having trouble with his homework and a younger him comes in and helps his son with it and when he got it correctly he jumps for joy and then sees a video game console were another memory of his son little older playing video games with his sister saphro and a baby Verte clapping for joy and support for her older siblings and another part of the room where there's some open comics as images of seeing his son reading them and then turned to the bed as an image of his son looking younger sitting in the bed with little pumpkin pete onesies and himself sitting on a chair as he looks to be telling a story as little Jaune is looking at him with awe and amazement as the the images disappeared

He gently put down his son on the bed just taking of his son's shoes and putting them next to his bed and then tuking him into bed then kneeling down and just kissing his forehead and moving his hair slightly as he turned around to walk out of the room he felt something grab his finger as he turned back seeing his son tightly holding on to his finger as he was having a bad dream

"Dad" letting out a small whimper

He then gently put his hand on his son cheek

"Don't worry I'm here to chase all the monsters away" he said in a soft hush tone and hearing does words and the warmth from his hand and smile adorning his peaceful sleeping face and let go of his hold on his father and as the man gave kissed his forhead walks out of the room and when he wasjust out the room there were 4 words that were spoken that made him start to break with his heart becoming heavy

"I love you dad" said Jaune in his sleep with a smile as he father turned off the lights as a single tear fell to the ground

"I love you too little knight" he said the nick name he gave his son as he closed the door he turned to see his other little girls although tilting slightly do to being sleepy as his wife was behind them

"What's this why aren't you all in bed?" He asked them as his wife was the one to answer him

"Well they wanted their daddy to tuck them to bed" she said and all the ones that were slightly more awake nod in agreement

"Ok come on then lets take you all to bed" he said as he carried 2 of them as they hugged around his neck and fell fast asleep and with his wife also carrying two who also fell fast asleep with the other 3 older girls holding on to their mothers dress to guide them to their room and as they tucked them in Noir with her grimm plushy said "love you daddy" in a sleepy tone as his other daughters were also telling him they loved him as his heart was feeling heavier for every time his daughters telling him they loved him and when he was tucking in Saphron she asked him something that broke him

"Dad" she quietly got his attention

"Yes little gem?" He softly reaspons

"I want to go on a picnic tomorrow is that ok?" She asked with curiosity

Gideon has never been more thankful that the lights were off for his daughter not to see him silently crying as tears fall to the floor

"Dad?" She asked again

"Of course little gem whatever you want to eat" he said trying so hard not to sound dejected but thankfully Saphron didn't notice it

"Really! Do you pinky promise"as she raised her small hand with her pinky raised and he then raps his pinky with hers "I pinky promise my little gem" he said softly as she was excited for tommorrow as she quickly went to sleep but before she did

"oh wait before i go to sleep, I made this for you" as she reached out at her cabnite she took out a yellow flower made out of paper although not well made but to him it didn't matter as he gently grabbed it as if it would brake by even the most gentles of breeze as sad smile appeared

"it's beautiful little gem" he said and meaning it

as Saphron is pouting "i'm not a little kid anymore i'm a big girl now "she said

"*chuckle* maybe so but to me you'll always be my little gem to me"he said as a melancholich chuckle escaped him and then kissed his daughters forehead and said good night to all his little girls

as he was walking towards the living room there resting on the side of the chair was Crocea Mors his family blade he went to go pick it up but stopped as he knew why

"hello my light did I wake you" he said and turned around

and saw his wife hold a candle dimly lighting the living room and a look of sadness was on her features as just by looking into eachothers eyes they were having a serious conversation and the his wifes eyes fell as she started to silently cry it always did hurt his heart whenever she started to cry so he walked up to her and streched out his hand to her

she looked at the streched arm and then to her true love then back to the apendage and then putting her hand on his

as the lovers dance in the dimly lit room memories of the past came to them on how they first met at Beacon their time fighting the grimm together the friends they met along the path and people they lost along the way and to when the calamity of mount glenn struck to getting married and then to them raising a family together and to now as they stopped dancing foreheads touching and eyes closed taking in every bit of there presence as if trying to become one, listening to the others heartbeat and when they look into eachothers eyes fir within them undying love is the only thing seen within them as they lean in towards eachother and thec andles light went out as if giving them privacy from from the world but you can still see their shadowy silouettes kissing from light coming from the moon seeping through the curtains in thhe background are still seen

-POV change: Mercury Black-

in the woods in the bandit camp were preparing them selves for the raid " everyone prepared for the raid" said Marcus Black with malicious grin on his features with all bandits just having the same grin

With Mercury a small distance away from them just looking up at the stars and then quickly looks at his hands at the first weapon that he built

Romeo Basil he calls it, it's like every six shooter but he felt pride in his weapon cause he built it himself and he thinks it looks cool to as he was making sure that everything was going properly with his gun

He can't help but get a feeling that he's doing something wrong and that things aren't going to go well for them but he doesn't have a choice in the matter it's doing this to live another day or be the one 6 feet under so he chose the latter as he finished preparing he heard the Bastard sperm owner yelled for everyones attention

"everyone get ready cuz the party's about to start so come on and move your slow asses already" said the deranged greedy assasin was rushing them feeling antsy for wanting his prize such a powerful semblance

but then the blade of a katana was right at his neck

" watch your tongue or i'll cut it for you also I'M the one leading the charge and you WIll wait for MY signal am I understood" said the masked women as the blade got to his neck as his aura was flashing preventing any cuts to be made

"*groans childishly* fine but you don't have to threaten me with a good time sweet heart" said the guy and flirted towards the womans direction he quikcly ducked a swing towards his neck when the woman tried to decapitate him as in it's place a full grown tree was cleanly cut through as it fell down it then shows the man sitting on top of a boulder next to it giving an applause to her

"increadible performance encore, encore" said the man as she gave him the coldest glare that he has ever saw towards him

"oh such a cold glare bandit queen so hurtful I thought we had something special" he said in mock hurt

"tch keep me out of your delusional fantasies you bastard" scowling under her mask and her eyes slightly glowing "and if your feeling cold maybe I should maybe turn up the heat" said the woman as herthe hole in the mask for her eyes were showing red small flames and a small fire ball on her her hand

"so still feeling cold" she said in the same tone of annoyance at him

"Now that you mention it" as goes into a thinking pose

thinking that he would back of she was about to disppers the fireball but what he said next just pissed her off even more

"I've never felt so cold in my life you wouldn't mind warming me up right Bandit queen~"he said coyly while winking at her and instantly throwing couple of fire balls at where he was sitting and the boulder was instantly gone

as it then shows that he is standing behide her jus shaking off some ruble that got on his jacket as a cocky smirk on his face with a cut on his cheek with his aura glowing as the wound slowly starts to close itself while a single drop of blood falls down his cheek ascleans od the blood

"geez can't take any teasing I see" he said with with a smudge of blood between his fingers

"hmmm strong, straight to the point hot and a powerful semblance...I'm starting to like you even more" he said as a feral and hungry grin showed itself on his face


they both turned and saw Mercury standing at the enctrance of the camp

"I don't want to ruin the moment but we got a raid to do"said Mercury as he begins to walkout as the rest of the camp follows right behind him

and then the lady sheaths Omen as she walks away and doesn't see the scowled at her the retreeting figure of Mercury

as they were walking away Mercury went next to the masked lady as this raised a questioning brow under her mask

"look i'm here to warn you" he said with caution

"are you here to threaten me for what I did to your father" she said thinking she knows what the boy was thinking boy was she wrong

" HA! nope in the old fuckers dreams I would give a shit about his dumb opinion just wish you were able to decapitate that fuckers head off, Gods that would've been awesome but no i'm here to give you a heads up" he laughed at the prospect of him giving an actual shit about his father that sounded like a nightmare but then told the reason why he was speaking with her and it got her curious

"why is that?"she asked not hiding her curiosity

" because one of the semblences he stole can change someones thought process and mostly disguises themselves as intrusive thoughts and if the person has a weak will, it starts at concideration of the thought than they fall for the false promises it tells them and then comes to them taking action on it like cheating, murder, rape, etc and also the perspective of the person like if you were married you'll see them as weak bastards or something along the lines and mostly see pieces of shit a.k.a. the old fucker you were having an small argument with back at the camp like some sort of god for some reason and follow their every word no questions asked asically he worms his way into your mind in other words to mind fuck you " Mercury basicaly just outed one of his fat-the bastards semblancese

having a semblance to steal multiple semblences thats what got her attention she became curios and the thought of the possibility of having multiple semblances among her tribe was a very good possibility

but Mercury knew what she was thinking and quickly shot down her thoughts

"I know what your thinking and I don't recommend it cause that semblance works best when in close proximity so any time he's getting closeto you it will try to make you think things that out of character for you and like a predator dying of hunger when he sees their prey if they show any form of weakness he will sink his teeth on you and won't let go until your a husk of nothing and no use and thrown out like yesterday's trash" he blantanly said

and she quickly kept her guard up from what the boy told her and if what the boy said is true she started to think of things thatshe never thinks of like, 'maybe it was good that her leader was killed', that her ex is feeling pain of her passing , and that she should maybe kill her brother all thoes thoughts were when she and marcus were in close proximity and this made her be more weary of the man

"Also what's your name?" asked Mercury

the woman not seeing the harm in telling her name to the boy told him

"Raven, Raven Branwen" the now Identified and introducing herself

(The Hero By Nathan Wagner)

-POV change: Jaune Arc-

A ringing sound was the only thing that he can hear as muffled screamings are heard in the background as blurry vision corrects itself and sees as he is laying on the dirt of the and fire around him as buildings were burning screams of fear are herd with crying acompaning as a bell sirens are heard as he was looking in shock as some buildings burn with crashes of windows as things are thrown out and some are people falling to their deaths with a splat and some with men carrying what look like heavy bag of items and others with people on their shoulder motionless

as he just looks around as the skies were a menacing red as smoke rises to the skies as then he turns to see a sword that was in the fire as it was burning but then tried to recall the engine blade or the fusion blade and as he tried to summon it but felta sting of pain and is wondering why this is happening and then remembers why he's having difficulties for summoning the weapons of his teachers

-flashback 4 days before the raid-

"Jaune it's good that your getting used to the training and starting to get used to our abillities but ithink you should practice the summoning with out our help" said Noctis as he was explaining to his student as it was explained to Jaune why he was able to summon them

"yeah I understand because it like your letting me borrow them and I to earn them so I need to earn them so I have to fight you for the weapon to actually own them or something like that but what will you do to make it more difficult "Jaune

"well for one we won't LET you use them even in the some dangerous moments" answered Cloud

"what but-" he was cut off by Noctis

"but we didn't leave you completely defenceless you can still use both Cloud's magic and my warping so you only need to find a weapon any will help and since we helped trained you in all weapons which is still shocking that you were able get the hang of so many weapons in a year and a half like seriously your a monster and coming from us that's saying something" said Noctis with agreeing with him but also added in his bit to the conversation as he walked towards Jaune and kneels looking at him in the eyes

"we're not doing this out of malice intent or setting you up for failure, were doing this because we believe in you and if we didn't we wouldn't try to push you further and for you not be comfortable on where you stand because if your going to be a hero there will be moments where you will be in your most weakest so we only want to prepare you for the worst case scenario if you run out mana stones" said Cloud but was quickly corrected by Jaune


"right dust for if you run out of Dust to refill your magic what will you do after that" after Cloud finished talking Jaune looked like he was in thought but then answered honestly

"I...I don't know what I would do"

"then let's start training as the saying goes it's better to have the skill and not need it than needing the skill and not having it" said Noctis in a wise tone

-flasback end-

"right i'm on my own now" he mutters to himself as he looks around to see alone as he tries to stand he winces in pain as he sees that his left arm is dislocated a he sees a broken mirror shows he has a purple eye a busted lip with more bruises but no cuts which he thanks his lucky stars as he snaps his fingers as green energy goes into his skin as all the bruises heals and the arm is relocated back with a popping sound as he looks at his surondings he sees a man early still next to him with a pool of red liquid as he is shocked not understanding in what happened to the man

but then as a his head starts to hurt it shows the same man trying to take two of his younger sisters telling them to run to mom a he was having a struggle as he was easily being beatin as the man was trying to get to his sisters as a form of diffending his family he was able to get a sharp shattered piece of glass jumped on the mans back and as the man grabbing his sword, Jaune by some sort of instinct quickly slashed the mans throat and the droped the sword at the same place it is now as he also acidentilly bump on a lamp that started a small fire as it was engulfing his house and the sounds of the man gurguling drowning in his own blood falling face first on the floor as jaune was feeling light headed and fell unconcious next to the man

as he regains the memories he quickly vomits out in disgust and shock that he did something like taking a life but for some weird reason he's able to keep somewhat calm yet his hands were trembling soaked in the blood of the man but closed his eyes and as memories from both Cloud and Noctis how they lost the people in their life and their world being destroyed into pieces

as he takes deeep breathes to calm himself as also feeling the pain and despair for every feeling in their lowest point like he himself expirienced the tragic event as if he was living in that exact moment but a thought crossed his mind that his sisters were okay that their alive he thanked oum that his family was okay, but wait his parents where were theyare they ok his mom, dad he shakes his head he knows that his parents can take care of them selves their strong he just needs to look for his sisters and thn his parents so they can meet up and try to get out of here

but then hears a scream and looks outside that 4 men were surrounding what looks like a family as a man shaking was standing infront of trying to protect a young girl and the girl seems to be holding onto something tightly in her chest protectivly as it turns out to be a small child and the little kid seems to be shaking fear and tightly shutting his eyes while holding on tightly to the girl just hoping this is a nightmare that he'll wake up from as tears fall as he calls out to his mother in fear while the small girl tries to reassure that things will turn out fine while her voice was breaking not even beliveing her own words and the 4 men look at the young women with lust and hungeras a hungry grin was on their faces making the 3 shiver but the man stood his ground as was even ready with a rock in hand the bandits laughed at the mans means of a weapon

Jaune eyes wide as he looks around his surroundings for any weapon but the only thing that is a weapon was the sword with near the fire as he ran towards it trying to grab it but quickly rectracted his arm in pain of the heatfrom the fire as it lit brighter and became bigger than beforeas he looks hesitent but then hears a loud scream of pain outside

as Jaune looks back and forth between outside and the sword in the flame then at his hand and then tightens his hands and prepares himself for one of if not the most stupidest thing he will do in his life and goes to grab the sword as a surge of pain goes through his arm

"AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!" He yelled out in sheer pain as he took hold of it got away from the fire, dropping the hot sword on the floor while clutching at his hand in pain as tears were threating to fall as he looks at the sword as the blade itself was a bright red

" SOMEONE PLEASE HELP US!" was a desperate plea for help

-Outside a few minutes earlier-

As the man was able to knock out one of the bandits to a bloody pulp as one of his hands with the rock is covered in the bandits blood and looks at the other bandits as one tries to sneak up behind him

"Behind you!" the woman yelled to warn the man when he turned towards the bandit leaving his back open to the other bandits and they didn't hesitate to take the opening and quickly slashes the mans back as he falls down

"GAH!" he screams in pain

"dad!" the two screamed for their father in horror for watching his father slashed

"Fucking Bastard" bandit #1 said in anger and annoyance

and Bandit #2 just spits on him as they all turned to the woman an child as they were both shaking like a leaf as tears were beginning to falland they were were walking as Bandit#3 felt something grab his leg and were shocked at the man on the ground bleeding out grabbed on to the mans leg tightly like his life depended on it

"I won't *coughs vilently* let you near them you fuckers *coughs* not over my dead body"the man said in determination and defiance even in the bad state he's in he would die trying to protect his family

as Bandit #3 Chuckles sadistically " *chuckles* oh that can be arranged" he said to the downed man with a deranged grin as he raises his dagger high and ready to strike and as time went slow the sound of a heart pounding was only heard

'no' thought the young girl looking in despair as the the blade was slowly aproching her father

'please oum no' mentaly she desperatly begged for any type of miracle

as if her prayers were heard


a scream was heard as then all stopped and looked at the direction it came from and the only thing the woman could was yell

" SOMEONE PLEASE HELP US!" she desperatly yelled for anyone but yet silence was the only answer which in turn made the feeling of despair 10 times worse as the bandits chuckled

"*chuckles well it seems their is no such things as miracles" the man said as he was ready to grab the woman by the hair

"please someone save us" she weakly prayed pleading for a miracle to happen as she closes her eyes holding tighter to her little brother in order to protect him but then


as the sound of glass is heard they look up to see

both kids were in shock what they were seeing it's like the stories they were told like a hero here to save the day

and as they saw what happend, a kid jumping from a 3 story building but thats not what shocked them it was when he looked up eyes fully seen

The look in his feline/wolf like eyes made a chill run down their spines, even if they out number him and are stronger then him they still feel a sense of death coming from the boy feeling as if they already lost

- POV Change Gideon Arc-

as Gideon stabs through a bandit then sees another two in the distance as a bandit with an eyepatch over one eye goes up to him with a knife and attacked his as gideon is multitasking on doging some arrows while fighting the bandit as then he punches him in the throat as the bandit tries to regain some air gideon quiclky grabs him and he uses him as a human shield as the bandit got hit in the eye and heart by arrows and then two bandits approched one with a sword at hand and the other a spear as he fought the two bandits he was able to slice open the neck of one with the sword killing him and the one with the spear tried to kill him attacking him but Gideon sliced the bandits two arms severing them quickly catching the spear in the air and throwing it a the one of the bandit with the spear and shooting the other one near him killing them both

as he was able to to keep moving foward he was able to save other civilians telling them where to go for safety and gave them weapons to defen themselves from the dead bandits as the civilians go to try getting to safety and then he made it to the center of the village as he was looking around to see if he can try and save as many people he possibly could he doesn't want another mount glenn and as he countinues to keep moving around fighting bandits and saving people he gets to a house that looked in to shambels as he heard a a groan coming from there and quickly took action as with out thinking he went to help them and as he he got inside he saw a boy with Grey hair bleeding from his forehead unconsence while under ruble

"hang in their kid your safe as he then gets all the rubble off of him as he looks like he's regaining consciousness as a groan left his lips

"are you ok can you tell me your name"

in dizzyness the boy said his name to the man who saved his life

"Mercury, Mercury Black"

- POV Change: Jaune-

as Jaune was standing over the bodies of the bandits with just staring at them alomst contimplating something

"daddy" yelled a voice behind him as the boy and girl go to their fathers injured and crying al over him as he looks in pain but was relieved that his two children are safe and sound as ragged breathing can be easily heard as the man turns to the boy staring at the bodies with blood surrounding him sadness clutched his heart that such a young boy had to make such a drastic thing as to take a life

'he problably thinks of himself as some kind of monster' the man thought

"hey kid" the man called out the which caught the boy out of his musings and looked at the man and his faunus eyes looked on in concern at him

"come over here" the weakly motioned his young savior over to him

"hey i'm sorry that you had to do such a thing and this worthless adult couldn't help and that I'm going to die here even when you tried so hard to save us can you do a favor for this dying man as his last wish?" asked the man as kids holding on to his arm while trembling and crying as the boy stayed quiet his bangs covering his eyes

"please take my children to safety and save my wife from those bandits bastrads please I knw it's redundant for asking you a kid no older than 10 but I just can't help it i'm sorry for asking a kid for something that an adult should do Oum i'm so pathetic" as the man smiles but held no hope just seeming fake but yet tears fall and hearing this and the sight of this..felt wrong

so Jaune stood straight up "why don't you take your kids to safety yourself" he said which shocked the three at the boys response and the girl was angry and about to yell at Jaune ready to beat up her savior for the cold comment but then


at the sound of fingers snapping green light surrounding him then seaping into his skin and the large serious cutwas healing itself and the bruses that showed on him disapeared and the kids meanwhile look on in shock and awe on what's happening infront and it stopped the slowly stood up and he looked at himself amazement and shock evident on his face as he felt better than ever and the boy was walking away as he took one of the weapons from the bandits and searched the corpses of the bandits but couldn't find any thing useful but then grabbed another weapon

"hey" he called to the man which turned to him and tossed him a sword and dagger in which he caught them both

"there now you can defend yourselves" he said as he was about to walk away he stopped "oh and your final wish i'll follow it as a promise to bring back your wife and an arc never go back on their word so all you try to get to safety" Jaune then continued walking as the man in shock the girl looks at Jaune with a blush at the boy and then the young boy yelled to Jaune

"thank you for saving my papa and me and big sister and promising to bring back mommy hope you can save your family to!" the little boy at Jaune with stars in his eyes and soon Jaune left their sight te man looks at the sworf with his reflection looking back at him as a look of determination sported his features as he looks at the direction Jaune left

'this act of heroism i will not be forget it i promise to pay it foward' the man thought as he took his children to safety

As Jaune run through the destroyed village and then heard someone calling out

"Jaune!" a voice called out to him as he looks around to see who called his name but then looks to see a girl waving at him and a wave of relief washed over him as he saw one of his sisters safe as he ran to them and gave them a strong hug and Saphron returned it just as relief as Juane was but was worried that their was blood on him but when he said it wasn't his she was shocked and worried for her brother but then


They heard something crash behind her as she quickly sprints towards where the ruckus came from

- Scene trasition and Timeskip-

as she flutters her eyes open and vision was quickly clearing up she looks around and see that their in a tent and tries to move but then notices that their roped down to a chair and that their not alone as they look at a different area of the room seeing other people were on the same situation as her and then she activated their semblence as they are able to see their surroundings as a blue aura and looks around and sees that she's

in a bandit camp with other women like her in a tent

"shit" she mumbles to her self and tries to escape but then sees someone walking towards her and stops using her semblence and shuts off her aura and pretends to be unconcious as the stranger gets in the room as for a few seconds they was quiet

"stop pretending being unconcious or i'll wake you up the hard way" said the voice that sounded feminen but younger and a few seconds of silence later "okay then the hard way"

as then instantly she was slapped and it stung but her aura flickerd

"ow! what the hell is wrong with you!" yelled Magenta

"well a brat like you wasn't waking up so this is the hard way"

"wouldn't you drop a bucket of water to wake them up !?"

"this isn't some action movie or some action novel" said the girl in annoyance

"well excuse me I thought that... wait a minute you guys read?"as she said in sarcasm but then was surprised by bandits reading sure theres nothing wrong with that but still you wouldn't think that some bandits would also pillage libraries too for books would you ?

"what you think that we only pillage villages just for the sake of it" said the girl

with the only answer was Magenta raising a brow and giving her a look saying ' are you serious' and the girl just sees this

"ok fair"

"so whats your name?" asked magenta

"why you wanna know brat"

"cause I need to call you something"

"tch non of ya buisness brat"

"ok then i'll call you by how you are then hmmm" she said deeply thinking what to callher then a few seconds she got it

"ok I got it I'll call you bitch now that fits you so well cause of your bitchy personality that all must oh so love" she said in a smile with sarcasm is heard as the girl has a tick mark

"you must have all the boys running after you with swords and weapons on hand for you don't you"

then a metaphorical arrow hit her ego, heart and pride three times as she then put a sword right next to her neck as she still smiles

"what you smiling at brat " bitch said in annoyance

"well i asked for a name so it's kinda your fault cause you didn't give me one oh and the name's Magenta not brat, bitch" Said Magenta as the blade was next to her neck

"tch the names Vernal brat" the now properly introduced Vernal introduced herself

" well it's nice to meet you Vernal bitch"she said and Vernals eye twitches

"you little-" but was cut off when an alarm bell was heard through out the camp

"Tch you got lucky this time little shit"said an angry Venral

"see you never Vernal bitch!" Magenta yelled out at Vernal and as soon as he got a good distance away she let out a breath of relife and was beginning to try to undue the ropes

'I'm so grateful dad taut us how to get out of any bindings Oumbless you old man'

as the bandits are infront of the gate and look to see a man with a hood over his features and if you look carefully you can see the red hood is connected to the black jacket and if you look at the hood a noticeable white skull design can be seen on the hood and a red scarf, and what looks like a sword on his back in the sheath and then the man grabs on to the handle of the sword and the sheath with it it extended into a bigger sword and he instanly threw the sword and it landed on the look out and as all bandits were laughing instantly the man warped on to the look out and all were shocked and the man quickly cut down all of the bandits on the tower

-Scene trasition -

infront of the gates of the brawen bandit tribe Raven sees that all of the bandits in her tribe are dead on the floor bodies laying in their own blood some decapitated others their guts on the floor while some had faces frozen like their screaming in pain and the sight was horrifying

all around the death and carnage it seems to be like there is no end in sight and then see a man in the middle of the camp with a sword painted in blood with a kid next to him as they as they both stand still and

Marcus just looking around mildly impress

"*whistles* pretty impresive you were able to kill all these guys all on your own you must be strong" said Marcus while Raven is looking at the man feeling complex emotions as in anger, astonishment and...relief ? and many more emotions that she can't register but still she was the leader of the tribe and she has a resposibility to avenge them

"so you killed my tribes men then hmm"she said to the stranger as she goes to a fighting stance the man turned around and it was Gideon looking at the two confused and then relised on how bad it looked for him

"wait I didn't-" but was cut off by Marcus as he went to cut the mans head off with the a sword and Gideon reacted swiftly and blocked with his shield and pushed Mercury away for the boys safety and Raven followed the same action of Marcus

as they continue to fight with Gideon having the upper hand but also getting and as soon as Mar cus was kicked away am]nd fell to the floor and saw Mercury in the side in shock and amazement at the fighting prowess of the man that saved him but Marcus can't help but get angry at the mistake evertything in his life would've been better if that little shit didn't exist everything would be much better and just blames the kid everything that happend to him things would hagone smoothly if it wasn't for that little shit and in rage he threw the sword towards Mercury and he saw it getting closer to him and closed his eyes and prepared himself for the pain

but it it never came and so opens his eyes to see the the man shielding him as his Aura was flickering by the hit which surprised him


Gideon turned around to the boy somewhat confused "What?"

"why did you defende me while you could've taken out the guy by now if you let it hit" said Mercury

"is their suppose to be a reason to help another person?" Gideon asked the

"well yeah their should be a reason for it"

"hmm ok then let this be your reason it's because i wanted to" he said as if it answered it all but to mercury it didn't

"ugh shut up you make me want to kill myself already oh and also don't take your eyes of the enemy" said Marcus then having a cocky smirk


with a snap of his fingers the sword imbeded on the shield exploded and the force of the explosion in close proximity to both Mercury and Gideon made them fly with Gideons shield somewhat still together but was falling apart and his aura was flashing dangerously and since Mercury has no aura but was defended he was lucky enlungs ough to just have bruses and end up unconscience

'Damn it I let my guard down' and discretly looks towards the uncounsience Mercury

'the boy did say that the man has multiple semblences but what are does other semblences is the question and how many does the man have is the question' as gideon is a good distance away seeing his options on what he can do

-scene Tansition -

As Jaune is Running through the woods heavily breathing his lungs feeling like their on fire as he follows the footprints on the ground and fews seconds later he gets to the gate of the bandit tribe and as he saw the slaughter at the front of the gate the decapitated men and women some burnt into nothing but a black corpse left and worse atrosoties that shouldn't be seen by any man and seeing such a horrendous sight he couldn't help it in and fall to his knees and vomited out everything he had gasping for air as he screams but stood up looking foward down the path litterd with bodies of the dead bandits in gruesome ways they were killed

but he remembers why he was here


as both Saphron and Jaune run to where the noise came from they went to a three story house and yelling can be heard inside and without even thinking twice Jaune sprinted inside to help anyone

and as he enters inside the house multiple people hurt, some unconcious others bleeding but wrapped with bandeges and children crying as Saphron then looks around in shock as she sees what happend in the place that was once thought safe was now in ruins and starting to fall apart as then Jaune goes to the ones that are severly injured does that look like their on deaths door any second but with a snap of his finger from Jaune they were fully healthy as he does this for the others that were nearly dead or truly injured he asked for dust as he kept replenishing his magic and trying to heal as many people that he could until he felt exhausted as he got out of the building everyone looked at him in awe but then the whole building was starting to fall

"MY WIFE IS STILL IN THERE!" Yelled a man in worry and again as if it was intinct Jaune ran back in to the falling building

"Jaune!" someone yelled out to him in worry but it didn't reach him

he looked around for any signs of the woman but saw no one but then

"Help somebody!" yelled a women for help as she was in the second floor as Jaune Ran towards the voice on the 2nd floor as he went up to stairs and ran up as he did he quickly looked around and saw a women under a beam post as she tried push it off of her but it started to get more lose and as Jaune tried going to her the roof fell to the ground and took down the floor with it and caused a fire to start in the bottom floor and thinking quickly he equiped his sword he has with him and just about threw it to the other side but just as it hit the floor he felt a hand on his shoulder and looked back and was in shock to see that it was his older sister

"SAPHRON!?" he yelled in surprise and she was about to speak but was cut off when both warped to the other side and the floor where they were standing gave out and fell to the bottom floor as the fire grew brighter but Jaune quickly shook his head and quickly went to the woman who slowly being squished as he tries to take the heavy beam off but isn't able to

"Saph come and help me over here!" as his voice got her out of a sort of stupor she nodded and went to help him move the heavy object but yet didn't budge and the building was falling piece by piece and the lady looked at the two children despretly trying to save her she let a tear fall down and said to them

"thank you both for trying to save me but it's ok to let tell my husband that-" she was cut off by the boy

"why don't you tell him yourself when we get out of here" as the boy said and kept strugling as if on reasponse to challenge what he said the building was starting to catch on fire

"please run get out of here there's no point of saving a dead woman" pleaded the women now more worried for the childrens safety the her own life

"no were not leaving you here" reasponded Saphron also trying to get off the heavy object but still not budging and the woman moved by the childrens efforts she starts to tear up but then the building again creaking and snapping is heard and a big piece of wooden beam was falling towards Jaune but he didn't notice but


Saphron did and in attempt to protect her brother she pushed him out of the way but she took his place


As Jaune sees inhorror as his sister fall to the ground unconcious bleeding from her forehead

"SAPHRON!" he screams in worry as everything starts to fall around Jaune

"go get out of here save yourselves forget about me" the woman tried and telling him to get the girl and leave her behind but Jaune was hesitanting as he looks between Saphron in his thoughts almost going through many senarios as his young mind goes into overdrive

-outside the building-

As many of the people were worried as they saw their small hero and the young girl that ran after him went in to save someone trapped in the building and when the building caught on fire they became increasingly more worried while the children were hugging on to their parents/guardians looking on in fear and some look away as other people start to pray for their safety but

then the building was collapsing and all gasped in horror at what was happening with the man looked on in horror for has happend as he falls to his knees as the building fully collapsed something was destroyed with it as he started to cry with others also joining him as they lost three people but

"*cough cough cough*"

then they heard couhing coming from behind them as they turn around them shocked because Jaune was right there keeling over coughing but he wasn't alone as on his sides were both the the woman and the girl unconcious and then the boy stood up although weakly with the help of the sword behind him as a crutch he snaps his fingers again but holds it in pain as they were concern they went them and checked for wounds as the were ok for the most part but still injured but Jaune was all out of juice but still asked

"does anyone still have anymore dust?" he weakly asked and the man quickly asked loud reapeating Jaune's words as everyone quickly try to see if they have anymore dust on them but...no they don't but as they were feeling hopeless a small hand reaches out and shows four small dusts the size of AA batteries

"is..is this enough" said a timid small voice as everyone looked at with curiosity

"where did you get the dust?" the man gentally asked the small girl in curiosty

"umm from my dolly and scroll" she said in which eveyone in unison took out their scrolls looking at them and quickly took out the small dust within them while some were hesitant at first then there were kids that also wante to do something so does that were powered by dust they took them out and put it in a pile infront of Jaune as Jaune looks in shock and was feeling moved and as weak and tired he felt he began to stand up straight and began absorbing the small pile of dust and as he did it felt different somehow it's as if he could feel the emotion with does crystals every negative emotion and positive but now it feels as if it was carrying something else something more...warm and he was able to figure out what the feeling was

"hope" he mutterd to himself and looking to the two people unconcious "is it enough to heal them"as someone from the crowd but Jaune heard him and instead of telling him



he decided to show him as green lights was absorbed by the two and as all injuries were gone with the man desperatly holding on to his wife which has a tail on her as he listens to her chest hearing her heart beat as he begins to cry in relief and Jaune smiles at the sight but then remembered his sisters were suppose to be here as he frenticlly looks around to find them but they weren't there and one of the people saw this and went to the boy

"is everything alright?" asked the man

"no i'm looking for my sisters but what happened here?" Jaune said and asked

"well bandits did appear here as they said they were looking for someone and when they a family they threatend them with killing someone in the room and took some women and children hostage and they left somewhere headed north" said the man and Jaune left but if Jaune saw the couple he helped he would have seen that when the man moved the womans belly was stiking out

-flashback end-

as he runs past the corpses he then sees two people fighting

as he was about to go and help his father a woman stands in his way and she raises her sword towards him

"sorry can't let you pass"

and Jaune summons the sword ready to fight not detered and without warning he ran towards the woman and jumped and swong his sword down as he said thought of the move as [Braver] and the swing was so powerful that it got the woman to her knee and without losing his momentum he was able to unarm her with her katana which shocked her greatly and in tandum sweep her leg catching her of guard and falling on her back and all of this happend in less than a minute as she wasnow at the other end of her sword

"well this is emberrasing" said Vernal

as the two turned to see Venral with Magenta as a hostage putting a sword on her neck

"get away from boss right now and she won't get hurt"


"Vernal" said Raven in a warning tone to shut up but she didn't understand

"yeah shes the boss of this tribe fuckface"

"oumdamn idiot" said Raven as then they all felt a chill going down their spines as they see Jaune

his lifeless looking eyes almost empty it was a look that a kid shouldn't make

"it was you" he said in a chilling calm voice as the sword was cenemeters from her neck as her aura starts flickering as she looks in to his eyes as she sees that this is the day she dies and it didn't matter what happens next because she knew she'll be killed by a kid no less

"why?" he asked her as she looks at him not saying anything at first

"why did you do this?" he asked again with his anger slightly showing and she just thought screw it

"because the weak die and the strong survive"

"Bull.shit "


"bullshit if you think that way then you would have been dead long before now you wouldn't be here alive, we wouldn't be here alive the grimm would have won way before we were born and all life would have been extinct didn't you have people or someone by your side to guard your back or whenever you fall someone was there to pick you right back up when you felt despair their has to have been someone to give you hope did you ever love someone so much that you would put yourself into harms way so that the person, the people you love so much that you don't want them to suffer is all of that weakness and if so what is strength because to me you can be weakest person in remnant and still become strong just because your weak doesn't mean you aren' strong, the strong should protect the weak so they can become strong to be able to face things that they fear cause only cowards run and hide and lie to them selves that things when they are the weak ones"Jaune said in passionet tone

and some of these words were resinating within Raven as a memory of her brother, then a memory of a woman in a white hood then a man with shaggy blonde hair and light blue eyes and lastly a little girl with long hair and lilac eyes and a look of curiosity

"tch and what of it why would that matter to you" she snarked at the boy

"I don't know but it would show me that a better you is still there but if it doesn't matter to you anymore then this is it for you " he said as he pulls back the katana ready to strike

"hey fuck face what-" Vernal was cut of when she was hit in the face by Magenta by the back of her head in which she let her go in pain

then Jaune thrusts the katana towards her as everything slowed down as Raven then sees her sword slowly going towards her as her she starts to think

'is this how it ends like a dog being put down like some dangerous animal when, when did it...' as memories of her dark upbringing and when looking back she really does care for the life she lived and those small little moments of light when she and her brother qrow took care of eachotherto whenshe first became a member of team STRQ to when then when she kissed Tai in a sunset to when she figured she was pregnant with Yang and lastly when she was hold Baby Yang while smiling 'ah I see in the end... i was always weak wasn't I...I'm sorry' as then she closed her eyes prepared for the punishment then heard


with the sound of earth being destroyed so she opened her eyes as she sees her sword right imbedded into the ground right next to face mask as it chipped off abit of it as the boy standing a good distance away as she sits up

and she looks back at the boy in confusion

"why?" she asked him

"*sigh* cause im tired of killing it's all just stupid why do all of this"

"you would have avenged those we killed" said Raven

"would they want us to lose our selves for vengence to be somebody that we don't know anymore it's all so stupid cause you will only lose more than you already lost" Jaune in annoyance as he then starts to walk past her then went into a sprint but was to late as in horror saw his father sitting down on a Wall lifelessly as he could hear his heartbeat in his ears

as he slowly walks up to his father as he pushes him lightly but he didn't reasponed and again he lightly shakes him yet still nothing as he starts to breath heavily, struggling to breath as he looks at his fathers face like he's sleeping peacefully hoping to oum that this is a horrible nightmare as then deciede to hold on to his fathers lifeless body as he hugs it tightly he knew that this was reality and as Magenta showed up and gasped in horror as her dad sat lifelessly but seeing Jaune hugging him was breaking her heart as tears threatend to cry

"Jau-" as she was about to call to him he screamed in pain a scream that would quickly brake anyone into tears for the boy and a scream that would haunt Magenta for the rest of her life as she stood there not knowing what to do but cry as their father dying but then they hear footsteps as Jaune looks to see Mercury as he looks at him as he also is crying but then shocked them with what he did

he hugged Jaune as the boy kept crying as the soul screaming in pain felt wrong even for him as Mercury he looks at Gideon in keeping his promise that he said he'll keep

-Timeskip few weeks later -

a funeral was set for all the por soul that died during this incident by some miracle only 15 had died in the attack as Jaune looks down at the grave of his father with his eyes looking as they are losing the same shine they once had someone walked up to him but he didn't bother to turn around as a girl walks up

"um excuse me your that boy right that saved my mom right" she said but Jaune didn't answer but the girl didn't mind

"I would like to say thank you for saving me and my family and i'm sorry for your loss"she said and by that one action more followed as a big group of people were thanking him those of older people to the kids calling him a 'hero'

a small light to his eyes returned but not fully but he felt like he doesn't deserve to be called a hero because he couldn't save the person that mattered most

but then a female fanus walked up to him

"i'm sorry if this seems like a bad time but I would like to thank you for saving me and-" before she could finish her sentence a small yawn was heard as he sees a small bundle in her arm as it looks like the baby just woke up from it's nap looking around

"oh it seems he woke up" as she tries to rock the baby to sleep she sees Jaune looking at the baby

"the night you saved it wasn't only me that you save little cub"as Jaune is looking at the baby she had an idea

"would you like to carry him?" she asked Jaune which surprised him but hestently nods as she carefully lets Jaune carry the baby Jaune with his one free hand was trying boop the baby at the nose but instead the babies small hand grabbed his finger and started laughing

and for some reason

he started to cry as he gentally hugged the baby

as the boy was crying and sniffing and then returned the baby to the woman and in since his dad died

Jaune was able to smile as the sun was rising in the background

"thank you"