
That's Not How It Goes!

A 14 year old boy dies while talking to his bestfriend and is Reborn as system! God: youre a system now! feel free to do whatever while completing mission MC: Wheres my system? God: you are one! You're your own golden thigh! MC: (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ THAT'S NOT HOW IT GOES! ML: Come inside my house, Its full of oreos. MC: Then what are you waiting for? Bring me my oreos. ML: Yes, anything for you.

System00206 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Babysitter (3)

12 years passed by in a flash. Me and Veronica surprisingly got along really well. We were practically best friends! I also got used to Owen presence, and he's not as annoying anymore.

Today is the day where all the seniors go out on their three year adventure. We must go in teams of 2 or more. I'm going with Owen, Veronica, and the Crown Prince. During these years I've been trying to get the Crown Prince and Veronica to date, which worked of course.

"You ready to go?" Owen said as he walked in my room.

"Yes, I'm ready but your clothes sure aren't. Who lied to you and told you those clothes were okay? You looked like you got dressed in the dark."

"We leaving in 5 minutes." He said then turned to leave.

I grabbed my bag and followed him since I was already done. On our way we also went to get Veronica. We knocked but she didn't answer, so I tried kicking the door. Nothing happened so we told her she has more minutes and went to the meeting place.

Unsurprisingly enough the Crown Prince was the first one there. We waited about half an hour for Veronica before she finally decided to come. She was acting so strange, like the world revolves around her. She was being a total stuck up bitch. I literally wanted to punch her.

"Veronica why you acting like a bitch today? Is there a special occasion?"

She turned and looked at me like an insect. "You're just a cannon fodder so I don't know why you feel the need to talk to a future Empress. Stay in your lane peasant." She scoffed and turned to flirt with the Crown Prince.

I looked at her in surprise, then turned to look at Owen in disbelief. "Did Veronica just say that?"

"Its not Veronica, it's a different soul in there. I believe someone took Veronica's soul and replaced it with a new one." He whispered to me.

"So it's okay if I beat the fuck out of her?"

Owen shrugged and told everyone to get ready to move out. we all got our stuff and started walking towards Corn Village.

While walking in the woods we didn't encounter any wild beast's, nor pest like bee's or fly's. It was eeriely quiet.

"Owen dont you think that something's wrong? why is it so quiet? where did the animals go?" I whispered to Owen, which everyone could cause of how quiet it was.

It started to get dark so Owen suggested that we set up here to go to sleep. Veronica and the Crown Prince went to get would to start a fire while me and Owen went to get fish from the lake not too far from where we'll be staying.

While we got to the lake it was also empty. No fish, literally nothing. We both stared at each other thinking the same thing. 'Someone or something must have scared the animals away.'

We walked back and saw the fire already done but the Crown Prince and Veronica wasn't there. I turned back to ask Owen if he know or have a clue on what's going on but he was gone too.

I quickly got my guard up and took out my sword from my spatial ear ring.

"Show yourself! If you don't you're probably too ugly so you're scared to show yourself." I yelled.

I waited for a while yet nothing happened. I though that was going to work, should I insult them some more?

"You probably look so ugly you won the ugliest thing alive award. See how I didnt say person, its because you're so ugly you're not even human." Insulting that thing actually made me feel great. I should insult people more.

I could feel the temperature falling. I started shivering while rubbing myself to feel a bit warmer. A thick fog started coming close to me. The fog came out of nowhere and my senses where telling me to RUN. I ran as fast as I could to the opposite direction of the fog yet it was getting closer. I felt that if I didn't run or if I stopped for even a minute something horrible would happen.

'It would've been easier if they could just show themselves so I can kill it!'

I bumped into something hard and quickly stood up. I felt something Grab me by the shoulder. I turned and saw it was Owen. Flabbergasted I turned to look at the direction of the fog but it was gone, as if everything that happened was an illusion, a dream.

"We were searching for you all night." Owen said as he stared at me.

"Wait, you mean I was gone all night? And youre the one who left me. I literally got chased by a fog, a fucking fog! Something weird is going on."