
That's a Dragon?!

Jackson never aspired to be anything more than ordinary in a world of beasts and the hunters that fought them but sometimes life is funny like that, the one thing we try so hard to avoid finds us anyway. Thrust into the 'other-world' of Hunters' Jackson is faced with the knowledge of danger far beyond anything that humanity has ever faced before, a creature only seen in legends... The clock is ticking, can humanity survive the countdown? When the Dragon roars the beasts all kneel, can humanity rise above or will they fall like the rest?

TheWorldTree · Fantasy
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6 Chs


The three cornered him, blocking all routes of escape. Their sheer size simply made the thought of escape an impossible ideal, Jackson felt the situation grow more hopeless by the second as they began to swing towards him, a wave of dread swept through him but he wasn't about to give up just yet.

His grip on the knife grew stronger as he tensed up, there was only one direction for him to run now - towards the source. He knew that if he was caught by one of those tentacles it was as good as the end for him, he'd already experienced first-hand how difficult it was to free himself from the grasp of one of the small ones.

If one of these three caught him? He doubted he'd even be able to move his body or know he was about to die until it was too late.

"Screw it!" He gritted his teeth and turned on his heels, he tripped on the bones on the ground as he did this but fortunately managed to catch himself and push up back into a sprint as he raced towards the source of the tentacles.

'If you won't let me escape lets see what you look like..."

Despite his thoughts Jacksons' arm was trembling as he ran, his heart was beating so fast he could feel it pounding in his chest almost in sync with the rhythmic thumping that was growing louder and louder as sweat dripped from his brow and ran down his face, his mind was racing as fear filled his thoughts.


His heavy steps caused a bone beneath his feet to crumble as he ran, the beating was so loud it was almost like thunder as he closed in on it.


It only grew louder as he closed in, the second beat of three, he was close now. It was strange, his mind became increasingly clear despite his entire body beginning to tremble as he forced himself to keep running across the small hills of bones and corpses, but the clarity only let him realise how truly crazy he was.


He turned to look behind him to see the three tentacles were still chasing him in fact, they were beginning to close the small distance he had put between them.


Something hit his head and slammed him to the floor, blood filled his eyes but he could still see the shape of a smaller tentacle lingering above him, it was lowering itself to try and curl around him as he laid on the floor.

His entire body ached as if it was telling him to give up, it was useless to keep going.

'Your only wait out is death anyway, why are you still struggling? Just let it happen...'

More thoughts like these filled his mind in that small time-frame as the tentacle began to slide itself around him, first going around his lower body before slowly moving up to his torso.


'Why do I have to die here?'

Jackson gripped the knife in his hand so tightly that he accidentally cut himself on the blade as his hand had slid down from the hilt slightly towards the blade. The new pain seemingly forced him to come back to his senses, "Fuck you!" He shouted as he pulled up his bleeding hand and began to plunge the knife into the tentacle, it was much stronger than the tentacle he'd killed before with the knife barely being able to pierce through its skin enough to damage it, but the sudden pain it experienced was seemingly enough as it recoiled and shuddered as it tried to free itself from its grasp on him.

Jackson didn't give it a chance however and began to stab at its underside instead, he discovered that the under 'belly' was much softer than the skin on top which allowed him to slice through it with ease causing purple blood to spill over him as it bled out next to him.

He panted heavily as he forced himself to get up, the gigantic tentacles were big but it was a good thing they were slow, he turned behind them to discover them just a few meters away - if he'd spent just a minute longer killing the tentacle they would have caught him...

He had to force his aching body to keep moving as he gradually picked up the pace back to a run, his leg was injured and he was limping. His vision was filled with a mix of his own blood and the tentacles, it was lucky that the skin of the beast wasn't acidic or else he'd probably already be dead.

Finally, finally... he saw it.

There was no other way to describe it than a monstrous grotesque ball with seemingly hundreds of tentacles attached to it, fortunately most of those tentacles were being used to move it around and from the looks of it they were too short in length for them to be able to have reached him otherwise he would've already been caught long ago.

He saw four massive bulges from its sides from which three attached to the tentacles that were chasing him from behind, he couldn't see the fourth as it was intertwined with the masses of other tentacles making it impossible for him to distinguish it from the other masses of blue.

The creature had rows of teeth in a slit of its mouth, he could see blood covering every one of them as it continued to put corpses of different creatures into its mouth and grind away the meat before the bones were simply excreted from it.

At the same time that Jackson saw it, undoubtedly, it sensed him.


It screeched violently and caused him to collapse to one knee with both hands to his ears as he struggled to get back up, he stared at the thing despite his blurred vision as he steeled his resolve and forced himself up from the ground to face it with his back straight, "I... won't... die..." He said every word through a bloodied mouth, his words were forceful and short but there was a terrifying amount of power behind each word as he convinced himself of what he said.

His body stopped trembling and he grew calm, 'I'm not going to die.' He said to himself again and again as he continued to take steps forward, the creature seemingly found this amusing as it stopped and watched him; despite its lack of eyes Jackson could sense it looking at him, observing him... mocking him.

It didn't stop him as he approached its massive form and was simply a mere metre away from its massive ball-like existence, he looked up at it. He could see every individual tooth and the small chunks of flesh that hadn't been devoured by it.

"Screw... you."

He lunged with the knife towards it without hesitation... It broke.


The knife shattered into pieces that either flew back at him and sliced his skin causing him to flinch or they rained down on the floor, either way his only weapon had almost been completely turned into small pieces much like any bit of hope he'd still had left.


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