
chapter 3

Yaz unlocked the door where her mom was waiting "oh yaz!" she smiled hugging her tightly. "I'm gonna make us a tea" she said to her mom and the doctor. As yaz walks over to the kitchen the doctor makes her way over to the sofa. The doctor got a strange look off of yaz's mum, "what?" the time lady asked. The mum shrugged "nothing dear" she left the room letting the doctors thoughts wander.

She cared for yaz. And the boys. She would always put their safety above her own. She thought about how yasmin had shot up from sleeping in the tardis, she looked scared, upset, like she had just seen something horrible. But she said she was fine. She didn't understand. Why would yaz say she was fine if she wasn't. And that much was clear. There was something going on and she would find it out if it cost her her life.

"here" was the one word that broke the silence, that pulled the doctor out of her trance. Away from the darkness and into the light. Yaz held a hot cup of tea in her hand. The doctor stands up immediately and rushed to her side when she saw her friend stagger into the wall looking rather pale. "yaz?" she questioned. She had a firm but worried tone. She held a grip on yaz's arm just in case. "I'm sorry... I don't... Feel..." was all she could manage before she collapsed into the doctors arms and age spilled the hot drink all over her torso. The doctor yelped and grabbed both of yaz's arms. With the help of her friends mum she was placed onto a bed and the doctor sat beside her. "I'll be right back" the mum said before disappearing.

The doctor held a cold rag in her hand and pressed it to yaz's forehead. She was so warm. So so warm. What was wrong with her. Why was she trying to apologise. An idea came to her and she checked her pulse , it was slow. And her body was so warm. Although it looked as if she was shivering from the cold. The doctor pulled up yaz's short slightly and gasped when she saw the perfect skin slightly burnt. She managed to quickly find a cloth and wet it. She pressed it to the stomach burn and to the burn she had also found on her chest. She didn't want.... Well... She didn't think she should look anywhere else as it could be invading her privacy... Its not that she didn't want to... But this wasn't the time or place. "come on yaz, please" she says in her usual tone.

Yaz woke up a few hours later to find a slight pressure on her thighs. She sits up slightly to see that the doctors head was resting in her lap. Her eyes closed and her body relaxed. She smiled as she knew. Just knew that the doctor was the one who had tended to her wounds.

Yaz smiled. She couldn't believe the doctor had stayed with her. Yaz wasn't in too much pain which she was happy about as she could reach the doctors lower back and rub in small circles. This earned a slight moan from the doctor. Yaz blushed slightly. She just wanted to help the doctor relax, she always seemed so on edge.

Yaz slowly worked her way down the doctors back until she was easily able to slip her hand under the doctors shirt and rub the doctors back once more, this time skin on skin. She really wanted to help her, yo help ease her. "sleep well doc" she whispered.  She kissed the top of her head gently, running a hand through her golden locks and then she slowly began to fall asleep again, hoping that when she woke up. The doctor would still be with her